Greeley Daily Tribune from Greeley, Colorado (2024)

Tax law for aged clarified by CPAs (This is the fourth of a series of articles prepared by the Colorado Society of Certified Public Accountants offering advice on filing 1972 federal income tax returns.) Elderly taxpayers enjoy certain breaks under Federal tax laws, but some of the regulations affecting them are rather complicated. The Colorado Society of Certified Public Accountants has attempted to clarify the picture. Beginning with the most clearcut provisions of the Revenue Act, the CPAs point out that benefits under the Social Security and railroad Retirement programs are tax exempt. Also, pensioners are not taxed on that porlion of their pension benefits resulting from contributions they, themselves, made from previously taxed income. Most other pension benefits are taxable, but the tax rates for the elderly, because of their usually reduced incomes, are in most cases low.

Each person over 65 gets a double personal exemption, and since the exemption went up to $750 in 1972, that means $3,000 in exemptions for a couple above that age. Taken together with the low income allowance, which also went up from $1,050 to $1,300 this means the couple can have an income of $4,300 over and above their Social Security benefits without incurring any tax obligations. If a person has received pension or annuity benefits that are taxable, the CPAs recommend that he call or write the nearest IRS office to Stock market closing prices New York (AP) Krait Monday's closing Kresge 4B New York Stock I. McNL Exchange selected Lilian VA prices: Lkhd Close Chg L5G 4 Admiral 1412- LV0Cp 7 AlcanAl 1 Macke AlldCh 30 Macy 3932 AlldSt MadFd All sCh Mgnvx 231- 34 Alcoa 5374 Marath AmAirl MmM ABC ARC Abrads 34 MMM McDD Merck 35 AmHess 41 Marcor 16 AmCan Moboil 14 ACrySu 3642 Mnsnt A Cyan 28 9t 18 Mn1DU 371 18 Am LIP L'g MntPw 4 30 18 M1FI AmMot MSTT ASmell 1970 NCR 48 Am5ind 1119 NatDs1 NatGyp 16 1 AmpexCp 6 NatSti Anconda 18 NyMP Armcosil NWAir 31 '8 2 AtIRich 17 24 NWBnc AtlasCp 258 OlinCp 3 Avon 12918- Omark Beat Fds 29 OutbAs BeechA Owenill BelHow PacGE Bendix 4339- 5 PacPL Boeing PacT1 1731- BoisCas PAWAir Bris1My PanhEP 42 BritPel 14 Pasco Brnswck 273 5 PenCent 73. BuddCo Ju PenDx 34- Burlind Penney 9134-134 Burl Nor 14 Pepsi --21 Burght 776 3PA Plizer CastleCk PhipsD CalerT 6248- Phi Mor -5 Celanese Ph! Pel CerroCp 1598- Pird 11514 Ceri-1d 187 10914-2 Cessna 3134- SCol Chmpini 1958 PSPL 304578 ChesO Pimn 51 Chrysler RCA 338 CitiesS RepS1l CoCAC 34 Reynin 1 Cal Pal 79 MrenM 4 ColoGas 39 RoyID ComSolv 1658- Stwy 14 Comsal 5312 StIM 26 Con Edis StRegP 41 Con Fds 14 SCMCp 177- 14 ContAir 12 ScIP.

1576- ConiCan Sears 113 ContOil 42 1 ShiQil Cntrl Dat 5319- 1 SCalEd Cowics SouCo CrwnZel SouPac 3834 Crilswri 28 14 SouRy Dartind SpryRd Deere 'a SI Brds 53 Del Mnte 203 SOCal Dillon Disney 1073- SOOh SOlnd 951 1 DowCh Stauf Dresind 4948 38 StIDg 33 duPont -214 StudWr EastAir Jo Swifl EasKod Tktnx Eainn 148 Tidn 171 EIP5NG 181- 18 UALInC 243 58 EvanPd 21 UMCind Exxon 14 UnCbd FairchC Un El 161 Fireston UnQICal FMC Cp UP 607- FdFair Unryl FordM 14 Taco FrMcKS Txco FrecpM 264-14e TxGlI 207- .1 Frueht 3048-- Tx Inst 186 GAC Co 402 Txt Gam Sko 32 70 Thki 14 Gannel Tmkn Gen Dyn 224- TdShp Gen Elec 6934- TWA 3724-114 Gen Food 3 Txmr Va Gen 73 TriCon Gen Mot TRW 321- PulUI 7141- Tuncen 1014- Gn TelEI 281- 34 VAL Gen Tire 36 UMC 1724 Ga Paci! 3244- UnCbd 47 Giliclt 6124-14 UnEl 18 Goodrh UnOI Cal 384- Gaodyr UP 607- Grace Unryt 1331- 1 G1WnUnil 611- UAL 4115 GnGianl 7235 Greyhd 1654- UniCa 1 UnIMM HeclaM U5GYP 33 HowPac Usind 1739--1 HollySu 1434 1 USSI 3011- Homestk Unvail 14 Honywl 175 -2 UnvCmtg 14 Ida Pw 1219 varlan IdealBns WrLm IBM WAL 1 06 wBnc Int Nicki Wu 36 Int Pap 39. 5418 -136 Wes1p Wyrh5r 41984 3 Jewel Th WhiMo1 1234 JonLBu Xerox 155 KalsAl Zenilh 443- Kncl 25 Sales 14,680,000 New York (AP) FedRes Monday's selected PirAir 6434 American Stock HskyCl 214 Exchange prices: Kalser Close Chg MdwFin 174-- ArkLG 1 ScryRn 184 Asom 131- 14 Sola 73 ConJav 741- Technl Corms NEW YORK IAP) Dow Jones Stock Averages Open High Law Close N.C. Inda. 1004.89 1008,80 968.18 995.46 7.08 208.76 204.39 206.67 1.04 114.7D 115.08 113.72 114.42 44Stks316.90 310.46 312.29 314.94 1.79 Transactions in stocks used in verges Industrials 1,084,100 Transportation .525,200 ..198,900 AS Stocks 1,808.700 Chicago Grain Market CHICAGO (AP)-Old crop soybean futures advanced cents on the Chicago Board of Trade today but new crop soybeans were down 6 cents. Wheat futures fell 5 cents but corn prices were mixed.

Soybeans came under early liquidating pressure, falling 7 cents in the May oplion. The loss was halved within the first hour and then prices improved sleadily with the March option rising to 4.98, more than 6 cents above the previous close. At the close, new crop soybeans were down 6 cents with the old crop up cents with March at 4.94; wheat was 5 cents lower, March 2.44¼; corn was mixed, March 1.62 and oats were 1 higher, March cents. Closing Board of Trade Table CHICAGO (AP)-Tuesday: High Low Close WHEAT Mar 4.48¼ 2.42½ 2.44¾ May .2.39 2.33¼ 2.34 Jul 2.23 2.23 Sep 2.21½ 2.22 Dec 2.21½ CORN Mar 1.62144 1.60 1.62 May 1.51¼ Jul 1.44% 1.45¼ Sep 1.38½ 1.39¼ Dec 1.33% OATS Mar May .8634 Jul SOYBEANS Mar .....4.98 4.88 4.94 May .....4.69 4.60½ 4.65 Jul 4.44½ 4.46½ Aug ......4.37 4.31¾ 4.33¼ Sep 4.05¼ 3.99½ 4.00½ Nov ......3.68 3.61 3.61 Jan 3.67 3.60½ 3.60¼ Local Interest Stocks Aff. Bank Shares Bayly Mig.

CNB Geriatrics Hewlett-Packard Home Light, Pwr Monfort of Colo. Skaggs United Banks Vipont Chemical Mining Woodmore Corp. FOUND BODY FOUND Bid Asked 17 26 27 8 331 SPALDING, England (AP) Lincolnshire police were in for a pleasant surprise when they halted a car reported to be carrying a body in the trunk. The body, they discovered, was the driver's wife, sitting in the trunk tapping a faulty gas pump to keep it working. Report of special dividend on Gl insurance is hoax The Veterans Administration is receiving a deluge of telephone calls and applications from World War 11 velerans who the administration says have been cruelly deceived by an erroneous rumor of a special dividend on their World War 11 Gl insurance.

Leaflets and pamphlets detailing the rumor, some with application blanks to be filled out and mailed lo VA officer, are being distributed in many parts of the country. Ray E. Smith, director of the VA regional office in Denver, said that many World War 11 veterans now have false hope they are in for an insurance special dividend windfall. They are not. The hoax thal has swepl the nation usually involves accumulated dividends that are supposed to have piled up on World War I1 National Service Life Insurance policies even if no premiums have been paid on the policies since the end of that war.

The stories may stem from an action taken in 1948 when payment of a special dividend OIl these same policies was authorized, Smilh explained. These dividends were derived from premium overpayments because of lower than an1icipated casualty rate durng the war. However, all payment of these special dividends ended years ago. A regular dividend is now paid annually. only to those veterans who have World War I or World War IT Gl policies in force.

No application for this dividend is necessary, since it is being paid aulomatically. TRENTON, N.J. Now Jer. sey taxes cigarettes al 19 cents a pack, the highest rate in the country. Jan.

30, 1973 GREELEY (Colo.) TRIBUNE 1. Wall Street NEW YORK (AP) The stock market turned in a flat performance today after six straight sessions of declining prices. Trading activity became sluggish after a moderate slart. Price changes were mainly fractional, and block trading was slow. The 2 p.m.

Dow Jones aver-' age of 30 industrials was off .82 to 995.64, and on the New York Stock Exchange declining issues pulled into a slim lead over advancing stocks. The continuing uncertainly over inflation and the weakness of the dollar in foreign CXchange declining issues pulled into a slim lead over advancing stocks. The continuing uncertainty over inflation and the weukness of the dollar in foreign exchange markets bothers some investors, brokers said. On the Big Board, Data Processing, which dropped points in the two preceding sessions, regained 7 to On a percentage basis it was the Big Board's biggest winner, with a boost of 10.1 per cent. The company said today it expected fewer amorlized cost of systems development after the current fiscal year.

International Harvester was active and off to A block of 85,500 shares moved al 33. Also active were General Motors, up to 79, and Ford, ahead to On the American Stock Exchange, the volume leader was National General new warrants, off 1 to The issue bas been traded briskly in recent sessions aller a tender offer from Rapid American. Inexco Oil was ahead 3 to The company said it had received a favorable report on a new well. At 2 p.m. the New York Stock Exchange index was up .05 lo 62.82.

The Amex's price-change index was off .02 to 25.84. Real Estate Transfers Document fees listed are at the rate of one cent per the selling price. Property selling for less than $100 of $100 is exempt. January 22 Thomas W. Inman to Timothy J.

and Donna J. Sharp, Lol 94, Unit 1, Glens of Dacono, DF $.35. Eugene C. and Romona F. Glover to Daniel A.

and Joyce E. Glover, the S1, of Tot 22, and ull of lots 23 and 24, Block 35, Town of Hudson, DF $1.40. Samuel R. and Rulh E. Spencer to Spencer Feedlots part of the of Sec.

18, 7 65 DF $10. Reuben and Frieda Kerbs to Lynn Larry Jacob Roland L. and Robert R. Kerbs, part of the SW', of Sec. 2, GN, 67 DF $15.30.

Lynn Larry Jacob Roland L. and Robert R. Kerbs to Tom F. Mosier, part of the SWig of Sec. 2, 6 67 W.

DF $15.30. James It. Jr. and Patricia Ann Rucker to Joseph and Ann M. Strovas, Lol 19, Black 15, Rolling Hills Addition to the Cily of Greeley, DF $2.60.

Marie W. Dumler to Willard D. and Donna Gaines, the N12 of Lot 10, 11 and 12, Block Town of Pierce, DF $1.20. Lyle and Montrie Kinnison to Willard D. and Donna Gaines, Lols 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 6, Town of Pierce, DF $1.20.

Floyd and Estelle Complon lu Carl J. and Vicki J. Yost, Lots 16 and 17, Block 8, Callahan Heights Addition, Town of Johnstown, DF $1.80. Robert K. and Cecilia V.

Langerak to William D. and Jean G. Hudak, the north 308.84 f1. of the east 80 ft. of Lot 3, and all of Lot 4, Block 1, Ranch Eggs Inc.

Subdivision, Filing No. 2, DF $6.63. Emco Develupment Co. Inc. to American Recreation and Mobile Home Corporation of Monday stock market takes lumps By MILES A.

SMITH AP Business Writer NEW YORK (AP) -n The stock market took its lumps again Monday, but trading was less hectic than last week. Dow Jones average of 30 "The industrials, closing at 996.46 for a day's loss of 7.08 points, was under the 1,000 closing mark for the first time since it cracked that barrier last Nov. 14. Last week's four sessions had resulted in a loss of 22.65 points. Advancing issues took 3 small edge over declining stocks in carly trading at the New York Stock Exchange, but the losers took over from there on, and at the close they led gainers 927 1o 512.

Total sales were 14.68 million shares, down considerably from Friday's heavy turnover of 21.13 million. Block trading was slow. As on Friday, a good many glamour stocks were under pressure, and Monday some of the blue chips also were unlucky. Inflation and rising interest rates continued to be the bane Exercise, proper eating can retard aging people were in their prime. Society persuades people they are finished al a certain point and they are psyched into believing il, a tremendous waste of brain power and creative thinking.

Young people cannot replace them because a great benefit of age is 0X- perience and the ability to opply what has been learned to new things. "Nursing homes concentrate nn distracting patients from the fact they are slowly dying. It is sad because it isn't necessary that our memories deteriorate. Recent memories suffer when new things aren't being learned. The normal thing.

should be to look forward to new activity at retirement and to consider ourselves functional to the end." The whole: system needs changing. he comments. bul where do you start? In addition to having their lifelines ent. the indigent can bankrupt young people. Then, Ion, millions are spent by governments generate the elderly: whereas the money might be spell 011 preventive medicine.

It should begin in one's prime. preferably by age 30, but it is never ton late to begin. Here are some ideas you might put into practice in your own life, he advises: living foods yeasl. fruits, vegetables, inval. tish, poultry, cheese.

Eal young forms of life that are still de. veloping and have growth stances in them. As soon as you sever the source of life, the food hegins to die. Fish can he eaten fresher than meal, which is eaten long after it has begun to deteriorate. If one can't get fresh vegetables one should grow some al home in pots radishes.

onions. ole. Choose whole foods rather than segments. Whole wheat is preferable to white four, which discards the wheat germ. "11 is conceit in feel we can extract out ni a plant or anything else what nature provided Edward E.

and Beulah B. McElwain to Margaret M. obtain simple forms for reporting them and computing the tax due. To avoid having to pay one large tax on pension earnings. at the end of the year, it is often possible to arrange with the company making the payments to withhold income tax fro the monthly pension check.

Retired people who receive little or nothing from Social Security can sometimes save up a few hundred dollars on the taxes owed on investment income by use of a device called the retirement income credit. For this, qualified guidance is almost indispensible. For the children of retired people, the CPAs have a reminder than an unmarried person may qualify for special tax treatment as a "head of household" if he provides more than half the support of dependent relatives. Relatives other than parents have to live in the taxpayer's home, but parents can live elsewhere. If more than one child: supports an elderly parent, yet none provides more than half the support, one of them can still take the parent as a dependent.

The others must agree not to claim the exemption this year. In some families the children alternate In taking the exemption, says the CPA' Society. MARKETS Denver Licestock DENVER (AP)-Tuesday quotations: Hogs 400; barrows and gills 75 cents low. er; U.S. 1-2, 200-230 1-3, 200.

240, 33.00-34.00; 2-4, 240-260, 32.00-33.25; sows steady, 1-3, 300-600, 25.00-26.50. Few near 785, 27.50. Brush Hogs BRUSH. Colo. (AP)- -Tuesday tions: Hogs 800; barrows and gilts 50 10 75 cents a lower: U.5.

1.2. 200-230 few 34.25; 2-3, 200-240, 32.40- 33.50: 2-4, 240-279, 31.50:32.50; sows steady, 1-3, 300-600, 24.50-27.50. st. joseph, mo. (AP) -Caitle steers and heiters lower; COWS steady to strong; lecders 50.1.00 tower: steers choice and prime 42.00; choice 40.50-41.50; mostly choice muddy 40.00-50: mixed good and choice 39.00- 40.00; pood 35.50-39.00: heifers choice 39.00-40.50; prime al 40.50; mixed and choice 38.00 39.00; chuice and prime 41.35; culter and utility cows teeder sicers choice fleshy 900.1050 1b 39.00-50; choice fleshy 775 lb feeder helt ers 38.00.

Sheep 300; lambs mostly sicady; ewes fully steady; feeder lambs scarce; lambs choice, tew prime No. 2 pelts to full wooled 35.00-50: choice-and prime No. 1 and fail shorn pelts 34.50; ewes utility and good 8.00-9.00. Hogs 6.500: barrows and gills 50-75 lower, Instances 1.00-1.25 a lower on weights over 270 lb; 1-3 190-250 lb 33.75-34.25; 2-3 250-270 lb 33.00-75: 270-285 lb 32.25-33.00: 2. 205-300 lb 31.75-32.25; sows steady to 2 50 lower; 1-3 300-600 15 27.75-29.00.

Estimates tor Wednesday: cattle hogs sheep 300. OMAHA. Neb. (AP) (USDA) Hogs barrows and gills 25.75 tower; 50 head 1-2, 215-225 (b 34.50; 1-3 200-250 Ib 34.00-34.25; 2-3 250-270 lb 33.25-34.00; 270. 295 It 32.50-33.75; 2-4 290-320 1h 31.00-32.00; sOw's steady to strong 300-450 1b 28.00.

30.50. Cattle and calves steers and heifers 25.50 lower: COWS mostly steady; Scattered sales feeders weak; several loads high-choice and prime 1.000-1,300 lb steers 42.00-42.25; cholce lb 40.50- 41.75; good and low-choice 35.25-40.50; two loads choice and prime 950.1,000 lb heif. ers 40.85-41.00; choice lb 39.50. 40.75: good and low -choice utility and con commercial cows 27.00-29.50; utility dairybreds 29.75-30.00: culler 24.00-27.00; two loads choice 1025 sleers 41.00. Sncep: 250: too few to establish trade; lew slaughter lambs about steady: choice shorn lambs No.

1-2 and fall pells 35.00-35.50; choice wooled lambs 35.00. 35.25. Estimated receipts Wednesday: Catile hogs sheep 500. KANSAS CITY (API Cattle steers and heifers A rather slow, about steady with last Monday. Cattle steers and heifers scarce, about steady; cows 50 to fully 1.00 high.

er: feeders about steady: steers good and low 39.00-41.50; heiters good and choice 38.00-40.00: cows high cutter, ulitity and commercial 27.00-30.20; feeder steers and steer calves calves good and choice 300- 500 lb 49.00-56.50; high good and choice 600-825 tb choice 1leshy 830-925 lb 41.00-43.00; good fleshy 950-1150 lb 38.50 40.50: fecder hellers and heifer calves high good and choice heifer calves 45.00-50.00; yearlings 39.00-43,50. Hogs 3.500; barrows and gills opened slow, closed moderately active; unevenly steady to 50 lower with most decline on weights under 240 lb; 1-2 215-200 lb 34.50; 1.3 190-240 lb 2-4 240-285 1b 33.00- 34.00; sows weak to 50 lower: 1.3 330-600 lb 27.50-28.75. Sheep 200; lambs and cwcs steady; wooled lambs choice, Icw prime 34.50- 35.50; ewes cull, ulility and good Estimates for Wednesday: callle hogs sheep 200. POTATOES DENVER sicady. Total 9.5.

rail shipments 110. Trucking: Colorada 17, idaho 1. Colorado round reds 6.25; 217 inch, 6.50 6.75, some 2.00; 50 b. sacks inch, 3.75-4.00: flim bag 5-10 lb. master container 3.60-3.75, tew 4.00; 20 lb.

101m bags utility 1.15-1.25; russets 6.25; 6-14 02. 7.00-7.50; 10 oz. minimum 6.75 7.00. one lot 6.25; 50 lb. carions 80.100, 5.00-5.50, few 5.75; film bags 5.10 lb.

mas. conlalner 3.75, some 20 Him fur bags utility 1.00-1.15; Idaho russets 50 lb. 80.100, 5.50-5.75, some 5.00; 110. car Ions 5.50-5.75, some 5.00; new Florida 50 lb. round reds one lo1 7.00.

BEANS DENVER (AP)--General bids lo grow. 1972 crops: Pintos: U.S. No. 1, 7.50. er's No.

2, 7.00, FOB Denver rate basis. Great Norlherns: V.S. No. 1, 12.25, No, 11.95, FOB Nebraska rate basis. EGGS DENVER (AP)--Market steady.

De. mand 1alr 10 good, offerings ample. Large AA 52.53; medium AA 49.50; small AA 39.40: large 51-52: mcdlum A 48.49, large 30-31. USDA Butter and Eggs CHICAGO (AP) (USDA) Butter stoady; wholesale selling prices Tuosday 93 scora AA 67.7087 92 A unchanned: 67.705; 90 65.700. Epps ur prices paid delivered to Chicago unchanged 10 2 lower: 50 per cent or bolter Arada A whites 47.49: dium white oxicas standards 47.

Cash Grain CITICAGO (AP) Wheat No 2 soft red 2.50¾n; No 2 hard red 2.483n. Corn No 2 yellow 1.5844n. Oats No 2 extra heavy white Soybeans No 1 yellow 4.85½2n. Soybean oil 10.14n. Colorado, Lol 141, Unit 2, Glens of Dacono, DF $.53.

Emco Development Co. Inc. to American Recreation and Mobile Home Corporation of Colorado, Lol 111, Unit 2, Glens of Dacono, DF7 $.53. Donald Breuggeman 10 Donald J. and Lida Anne Grubb, Lol 1, Block 1, Firsl Addition to Belair Park, City of Greeley, DF $3.20.

Dorsey Glenn to Robert Walker and Helen Louise Stone, part of the S'2 of the of Sec. 34, 3N, 66 W. DE $1.60. Dwaine C. and Cleonice C.

Hendricks to Wallace R. Noel, the SEMi and part of the SW', of Sec. 36, T6 67 W. DF S28. January 2:3 Marlba Ruth Daniels to Joseph W.

and Dolores F. Bailey, Lot 1, and the cast 8 ft. of Lol 2, Block 10, Town of Forl Lupton, DF $.50. Danny E. and Shirley Ann Hager to Ernest E.

and Lura E. Hager, Lot 15, Block 1, First Addition to Broadview Acres, City of Greeley, DF $1.65. James Leroy Johnson to Julia Helen Spafford, James Howard Johnson and Linda Jo Zalamin, all of Sec. 27, 1 It 67 DF $5.61. David E.

and Carol C. Iloward to John Edward and Marla Sue floward, the N12 or the of Sec. 26, TIN, 67 all of Sec. 27, 1 67 W. the of Sec.

28, 1 N. 67 and the NEW and the 100 acres of the NW of Sec. 32, T1 67 DF $12.60. Maude James to Elmer E. Lundvall, the NW14 of Sec.

12, and the of the and the SWig of the NWw, of Sec. 1, T'3 61 W. DF $1.92. Richard L. and Barbara L.

Good to Rudy and Dolores S. Marich, Lot 6, Block 3, Farr's Addition, City of Greelcy, DF $1.70. Roy W. and Bernice L. Elliston to Harold and Mildred L.

Schmidt, Lot 15, Block 2, Glen Fair Park, City of Greeley, DF $3.60. Willard D. and Lottie E. King to South Platte National Bank, the of Lot 13, and all of Lol 14, Block 1, Town of La Salle, DF $3.20. United Bank of Greeley to Marselino and Anita L.

Aragon, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 62, Lots 1 to 7, aud Lots 9 to 21, and Lots 26 to 32, Block 63, and Lots 1 to 32, Block 64, Milliken, DF $1.08. Roche Constructors Inc. to Francis J. and Alice M. Fitz.

patrick, Lot 30, Block 3, Rolling Hills Second Addition, City of Greeley, DF $3.14, Henneck, Lot 15, Block Third, Addition to Westview, City of Greeley, DF $2.15, Adam Geisick, et all Charles M. and Ruby for Trembath, the west 73 ft. of the; north 4712 ft. of the west 130 of the NW1: of Block 131, City of, Greeley, DF $.90. American Recreation and Mobile Home Corporation Colorado, to William A.

and Velda E. Campbell, Lot 141,: Unit 2, Glens of Dacono, $.65. Joseph J. and Geraldine McGuire to William E. Lols 15 and 16i, Block Boukers Subdividion.

City of Greeley, DF $1.65. John I. and Jerri D. Porter (o The Galeway Development Co Lot 4, Silvrants DF $1.30. Emco Development Co.

Lu. American Recreation and. Mobile Home Corporation of Colorado, Lot 271, Unit 2, of Dacono, DF Emen Development (n. Lo American Recreation and Mobile Home Corporation of Colorado, Lot 30, Block 1, Unit 3. Glens of Dacono, DF $.53.

Emen Development to American Recreation and Mobile Home Corporation Colorado, Lots 8 and 9. Block Glens of Dacono, DF 5.53. John H. and Alice A. man to Stanley E.

Christman, Lots 36 and 37. Block 5, Town of Kersey, DF S.12. IRS to probe oil companies raising prices of the market, and Monday another depressant was addedpressure in foreign markets on the dollar. The Big Board's volume leader was Automatic Data Processing. Alter a delayed opening it closed at 6912, down on top of Friday's lass of points.

Brokers said it was one of the stocks investors had been avoiding lately because of high price-earnings ratios. On the American Stock Exchange Inexco Oil was the most-active stock, up to 18. but he commented "we are using the bare minimum of our capacities." He has seen great physical disabilily overcome "hy plain people" who have ascribed the healing to God. He believes they have called upon El capacity within themselves that everybody has. "Doctors are trying to tape it electronically.

leaching people how to control inner functions heart rate. intestinal activity, blood pressure. Almost anybody can do this, but we don't even know bow to train people to lind the answers." each day to keep your body from delorioraling. Walking is the simplest form. Vigorous exercise is al tranquilizer people who relax best "have the most control of their muscles." "Exercise carries waste materials oul of the body with waler it improves the quality of skin.

a fantastic organ which is always perspiring. by Irtting il function as 41 waste disposer along with the kidneys. "The trick is In make every part of your body function at its peak all the time. You don't single ont 0210 segment In treat," he adrises. Al Renaissance many biological methods are used for therapontic effects.

Sleep therapy helps hreak the tranquilizer habit: sea therapy plasma has the same relative cOmposition as sea water is cOmbined with underwater massage. They make external use of sea mud taken from helov: sea level "where waste materials have accumulated for thousands of years becoming compressed," he explains. "We are not trying to create young people out of old people. We are trying to keep them Innetional to the end of their lives. I'd like to go further, crealing; a diagnostic center with treatment that can be done in one's home." he explained.

Meanwhile, one can put some of his ideas into effect in the CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) The Internal Revenue Service. has launched an of oil companies which hiked prices during the national: fuel shortage, a Cost of Living; Council official said today. James W. the coun-: cil's deputy director, said the IRS will complete its probe Friday and hearings with the ma-4 jor oil companies will beginnext week.

Melane addressed about 300 business and labor leaders at a meeting intended to explain: Phase 3 of the federal economic stabilization program. 'The probes, MeLane be -cause tions." He said investigators will? ask, "Why Eli these price increases consistent" with Phase 3 voluntary restraints? It is an example, he said, of the government's ability to make things difficult for panies that allegedly violate. voluntary controls. By VIVIAN BROWN AP Newsfeature Writer Senility can't be reversed, but people can be helped to avoid the traps nf aging. That's the message from Dr.

William Goldwag, who is working on the problem. Goldwag gave up a 17-year family medical practice in Ossining, N.Y., where his elderly patients provided him with the impetus 10 pursue his interest in aging. He has done research in Europe and for 18 months has been associated with the revitalization therapies of Dr. Ivan Popov, medical director of Renaissance al Nassau, who is well-known abroad. There is a big difference between chronological science and physiological genctics, Goldwag observed.

The psychology of aging also is importani because how you visualize yourself determines many things in a society that regards aging as horrible. Eighty-year. olds who ignore the calendar can function like 40-year-olds. but he has observed 40-year. olds who act like octogenarians.

Many aspects of aging are elusive to medical science, including the big one what really causes aging but great inronds are being made and you can stay younger far beyond your chronological years with knowledge elicited in recent years. What are the things that can keep us from nging pre malurely? Eating living foods, exercising 10 stress muscles, learning new things to sharpen our memories, avoiding stresses and rays of the sun, and developing an inneI' something (they can't pin it down) that involves oplimism, hope and faith puts one in control of his body, Dr. Goldwng says: "In observing the elderly in nursing homes, 1 saw brilliant minds of engineers, lawyers, others, vegelating within short lime, even though the in the entirely." Goldwag commented. Medical science has even gone back to using the whole plant rather than the extract for digitalis. Natural foods should be preTerred 10 vitamin pills unless They are medically prescribed, he observed.

Present the body with natural substances and il will throw what it doesn't waal. Load it with vitamin pills and if may be forced to accept what it doesn't need. If 0110 were to vat the large amount of food represented by the concentration in the pill. one might be warned by becoming ill. The cheapest yeast food is bread, he pointed out.

A cake of yeast the kind used for baking: is the best natural source of vitamins. in his opinion. (For palatability Renaissance puts it Keep it in the; refrigorator and chip oll a piece a couple ol limes a nook. Vitamin and F. foods are thought to he antistross and antitoxicant and may play a delinite role in slowing the aging process.

he explained. foods include citrus fruits. peppers. tornip greens, broccoli. kale.

Rau fruit is it god source because cooking destroys som of the vitamin. "E' is in green lettuce, other Arron loaves. wheal gorm. the ails el seeds 'rorn, ete. 1 our aim should he to improve The body's ability 1: resist stress that I' arr esposed to physically.

mentally, bacterial. ly. Smoke pollution. radiation. food additives merease tho rate BI oxidation reactions creating stress on 011' bodies.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.