Wausau Daily Herald from Wausau, Wisconsin (2024)

THURSDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 10. 1959 WAUSAU DAILY RECORD HERALD, WAUSAU. WISCONSIN PAGE TrUHTY-TWO Booses for Sal Bargala Counter A i QUICKIES 66v snow sack, u. 4 vr! $: Bene ir.

75c; Rov-Poiy white Mer hunting, i so. 3839. Girls red winter coat, tub 10, 13. C't) tenore: typewriter, S3. Pn.

320. ElH Chair, $5: flower tid. TS. Lak aad Resort for Sal RESORT BIRCH LAKE Looge Bar 13 Bedroom 4 Coins Boats Compiele RESORT BIG BEARSKIN Caoin Tavern Garage Boats Complete RESTAURANT BAR LIV. OTS.

Hwy. SI Norm TamanawK 125400 Down 8. Tomahawk Real Estate Agency Wisconsin Wis. Ph. 544 Please Send Statement.

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADVERTISING ww zayw.t 111 1 OPEN FOR INSPECTION xtailatx-iieatMitei-xtexttx 'a 1 I 1 51 prices oil week! this Save JPS on b-aid new portabiel $2e on our complex lin of vacuum, CtKa! i EXAMPLE: Full rseocwer canister .14 reoucea in i chance lifetime vou have always Md. liberal Trede-kt Bud Ttrm has the Termtl Open every n.gbt Win wee til 10 m. See the man in the oerov tor or-ii at i saieatnon price! SINGER SEWING CENTER: 3- iniro vuu USED TV SETSt $4 UPI 1 a oaranteeo. Vary mitti new ecMr nes. i VAHOGANV DINING ROOA SET.

KS: Bart, 4 cne-ri. Good sMpe. cpec.AU AUTOVAT.C VW AShER US Coyen'wa' wasners as tow as SX. DAVENPORT SETS, '0 a UP! sets, gas a electric ranges, refrigerators, used desk, en'y WAUSAU FURNITURE a Wasn.ngton St. SEW -N SAVEI Buy Now 4nj save at SHORT'S hTe lo i S.

PoshBunon automatic conso t'l' arm Etna Z.fljaa demon. J1W50 SHORT'S Sewin'9 Machna Sales a erv. S. Third Ave. Phone S0o0; STILL THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN ON NEW MACHINES I New Round Bobbin Portaoies 19 SI Free Arm Necchi 1IM Plat) Portable SS 50 Uses Pelade S9 ii FASHIONETTE SALES a SERVICE Tn.rd St.

Phone 1-7224 VONITOB portable ash machine, with power wrlnoer, ideal for small apart- ment or trailer house; ideal tor diapers! Onlv 3.5. HOOK HARDWARE, PHONE 3527 ine a' orano cemcr. upen eves. vol 1 "libviE GAINS-inbeauty and! vakTS with good blinds or shades fromi 1... Household Good 1(B) jBI 'iBI (B) mi" 51 FRIDAY 6 to 9 p.m.

Mere Classified Advertising On Page 31 5L Business Opportunities VrW'UANCE ii RECORD BUSINESS -WELL ESTABLISHED LOCATED IN CENTRAL WSCON51N REASON R6I4.V PRICED. For oe'a ts Write Orj call Marsniea k't i Wisconsin FuUan sir2 Includes ice Cream a-- i acres i- Corset Ci.monvnie if Salesman, c*ntrmvuie. a a drive-in Located on I ad on.ng US. wv. rornDetition.

Gross.no over SJSA-) sea-, Vil to ill Pn. Money tc Loan fONloUDATithSrSnis Irto or con- Cin-eM monmlv payrners. Sea THORP FINANCE CORPORATION 157 Fourth St. pn- It Wanted to Borrow iufcTFOTO BORROW morrgaoe on oooo Business piaca. Write Bom D-5 Recordieraio.

a. Hearing Apparel $65 uo Custom tailored wits rwi rMtiv made wits S45 nui tvi. nmitile breated coat restvled to single tor lust St 50 Alter ation. Repairs, iipper repiacea. Don Firjgeraid, Tator-ABov NUttors wlNTFB COATS Ladv'S 12.

S5, Child's sz. 10 $5. Inquire 143 West Rois Ave. RUMMAGE SALE rMhinn S2. S.

BOVS St. 4. Ph. 7-1447 or Inq, 303 Or'oteSt. 44.

Business Equipment Business EauiDment u.imn refrioerated two deck open dis-i i. ru with compressor. Electric Seve i A 1 :823 120; ivje 6 1907 VOLKMAN ST. (About block behind th Little '5V Super Market) Two bedroom horn with everything in It and every bit at neat at pin. Furnace heat, attached garage, 4C 111' fnced In lot.

Taxet only 189.00. $8,500 take it, see It thit weekend! WM. O. ANKLAM, REALTY Phone 9-3159, if no answer call 5918 'Your shaving lotion smells exactly like the bug spray I got in the Record-Herald Want Ads today!" By Ken 66. Apartments for Rent Three bedroom apartment, first floor.

Your share of the rent $65. If you will agree to a lease, we can arrange that your rent will apply towards the pur-chase price. Schotield location. Security, Realtors Phone 2-2179. (P) Schofieid, lower 3 bedroom, $49 Call Mr.

Monk, Security, Realtors Phone 2-2179 3 Large Room Upper Apt. with heat, $55. At 714 Moreland Schotield; LOWER Apt. Kitchen, living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, and Garane, Heated, $70. Call Bluhm Auto 5592.

1 ALL MODERN 4 ROOM APTS. 1 upper, 1 lower both have 2 bedrooms; heat and hot water furnished. Both newly redecorated. Nice location, at 2405 Sixth St. Ph.48l7days, or 5480 eves.

UPPER 5 RM. MDRN APT. 2 bdrms. Garage. Close to bus a schools.

i'i blk. N. Marathon Elec. at 1416-1 No. Cherry St.

Inquire 609 So. 3rd Ave. SOUTHEAST. Comfortable 2 bedroom apt. with nice kitchen.

Heat and hot water. Appliances. $64. Adults. Security Inc.

Mr. Monk, 8-2269. All modern three room a bath furnished upper oil heated flat. Hot water. Phone 8-8108.

ONE bedroom partially furnishedi modern apartment. Call 7-4214. 5 ROOM a BATH DOWNSTAIRS APT. on Turner near St. Mary's Hospital.

jnq. Radandt's Grocery, 711 Prospect. Modern 3 room and bath. Heat furnished. Available October 1.

405 No. Fourth Ave. 4 room lower Apt, with garage. Uptown. Partly furnished if desired.

Ph. 5908 NEWLY REDECORATED mdrn. 4" room upper. Gas heat a hot water. Pref.

adults. Inq.915 So. Fifth IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 2 bedroom upper apartment. Garage. Next to school.

Phone 5060. ive room upper for rent. Lights and hot water furnished. Garage. Phone 6-2464.

Vi mile north on old 51. 4 RM. HEATED APT. Hot water, gas stove, built-in cupboards. 311 Humboldt Ave Phon 7-3814 room a bath lower apt.

Garage. Gas water heater. Oil furnace. Phone 4362 or 8-8137. that add color and charm to a home! Cardinal Ave.

interior and exterior. Free Phon. 5375. 524 Scot, St. ISCHW.NH BICYCLES i Sate tional Cash Register.

Electric adding R0PER OAS STOVE, 4 yrs. old, 30" machine Desk a swivel cna.r. 3 drawer ovfn Perfect condition $125. GAS SER-tilmg cabinet, smeil safe, neon sign, dis-i VEL REFRIGERATOR, 7 yrs. old.

Duo-piav shelf units. REASONABLE! J325 Kenmor. WASHER a GAS 393, Can beseen at 2IO0 Grand Avenue. i DRER Mh tor $100. 802 W.

Ross Ave. 4sks, Files. Chairs. Safes. FireDreof RCA table model 21" TV set.

Completely Home Chests, Typewriters, Adding reconditioned. Delivered and guaranteed. Machines and Calculators. 95 J. DUSK.EY Ott.ce tau.prr.ent 209 Jackson St.

Ph. 3808 THE McCORMICK FARM STORE (INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALER) 1819 W. Stewart Ave. Phone 8,2270,. IS SPONSORING A BIG Tractor Driving Contest PARENTS! DRIVE OUT! Watch High School and Vocational School Agricultural Classes 4-H Club Members Compete It's All Free! SATURDAY, SEPT.

12 10 to 12 A.M.: 1 to 4 P.M. Right Across The Street From Our Store (Just Watt of th City Limit! on Highway 29) WHILE YOU'RE HERE COME IN See the latest In New IHC Farm Equipment and the Huge Selection of Oorta) Used Equipment All Marked Down in Price! Includes Tractort, Truck. and other Corn Equipment. International Harvester McCORMICK FARM STQRE 181 W. Stewart Av.

(West on Ph. I-H7t Direct Draw Tap Box for 2 kegs stor- n- 6( chairs, $75. Ph. 11270 age for 25 cases of beer. 8 ft.

long. 42' Inches fiigh a 28 Inches wide. Price $200. r( wibby'S bar, 403 Grand Bargain Counter Real Estate Services YOUR KAnlcm it finnnrinllv tur. lata you reduce youT loan Balance anead of acneduie-saying you interest dollar.

Investigate this and ettier money saving features our plan offers. LIBERAL DIVIDENDS Added to vow reouler savings will make your savings account grow and grow. Currently paving i dividends. FRANKLIN Savings Loan Association 32 Fourth St. Phone 4837 YOU PICK THE HOUSE WE'LL FINANCE IT! Monthly rent like payment includes: internet.

1 jknei iniur.ni You need only a reasonable start and the best way to get that is to open a PROFITABLE SAVINGS ACCOUNT MARATHON COUNTY SAVINGS LOAN ASS'N 401 Fourth S.t. Phon 5523 REAL ESTATE SERVICE ERV POPPE, Real Estate 929 Washington St. Phone 1-1117 76. Houses for Sale STOP! Before you buy ny 3 bedroom home, take a look at this beauty In Town of Rib Mtn. on Oak Ridge Drive.

Ail modern 3 bedroom rambler with extra r9 garage. All bock front and brick planters. Quality features throughout and the price is very rea sonable. For appointment Ph. 6-5191 Rib Mtn.

Realty Art Schneck, Realtor North East Side 3 bedrooms, large carpeted living room, separate dining room, kitchen with beautiful natural cupboards. New hot water heater a furnace. Close to school, church and bus. Large lot. Financing easily arranged.

$9,650. Rundhammer Real Estate 1942 Grand Ave. Ph. 2-2461 or 4777 After hours please call Orville J. Obey Phone 6-3445 CENTRAL EAST LOCATION Fine low cost home offering comfortable living witn bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room and den.

Full basem*nt furnace heat. NORTHEAST LOCATION Newly re modeled 3 bedroom home with 2 car attached garage. All rooms are on one floor. Kitchen, dining room, living room, bath, oil furnace. Less than 1 year old.

A good home for less than $10,000. SCHUETZ REAL ESTATE a Ins. Rt. 3 Evergreen Road Ph. 6-1084 BEFOR YOU BUY check "the many fine features in this brand new home ready for occupancy in 30 days.

You'll agree it's value packed. Three goodi sized bedrooms. 1 with Mr. and Mrs closet, kitchen with built-in range, oven and disposal, roomy dining area. Living room with fireplace and guest closet.

Two car attached garage. Make an appointment to see It in Riverview. SCHUETZ REAL ESTATE a INS. Rt. 3 Evergreen Road Ph.

6-1084 LOOKINO FOR A HOME We Have 'Em! Any Kind in all parts of trie city or suburban. trim tVL 41, rh. O- I I Klb Mtn. Realty Anytime I PRIDE OF POSSESSION Sura you've always longed for the day when you would find iust the right sized home In the right location. Billby has that practical, easy to work in kitchen.

Beau tifully landscaped level lot. $17,850. BILLBY REALTY Ph. 4215 FOREST PARK HOME Two story, 4 bdrm. 25' living rm.

with fireplace a beamed ceiling, 25x15 oak paneled family rm. with fireplace. First quality custom-built with all extras. Disposal, fan, built-ins, tiling, carpeting, etc. Price reduced to below cost for quick sale by transferred owner.

$28,000. Ph. 4-5421. Rothschild Everest Drive New 3 bedroom Home on wooded lol with 2 car garage. Vanity bath, kitchen with built-ins, living room dining room combination with fireplace, large closets.

Hardwood floors throughout. Large base ment with oil furnace. Phone 9-2014. SOUTHEAST Modern 1V story, 3 bedroom horn. Full basem*nt, oil heat, alec, hot water heater.

Garage. 2518 Mt. View Blvd. FlVe ROOM TWO" BEDROOM HOME For Sale or For Rent Only I yrs. old.

1 floor. Corner lot, on bus line near Grand Ave. Shopping Center. No childrenl Phone 4-8275 after 4 p.m. COMPLETELY MODERN HOME 1 block from city limits.

Tn. Weston. Full basem*nt. Built-in cupboards. 2 nniw tVwm! ii Dh T.Rbu.

tnr annrtirtT "near st. therese'S school bdrm. mdrn. home. Carpeted living room, drapes, oil heat.

Attached gar- age. Large lot. Phone 9-3375 FOR DESIRABLE New Three Bedrooms See BILL GRAUNKE, Real Estate 31 Brown St. Phone 8-417 Three bdrm. home.

Carpeted living rm. a dining drapes, fireplace, beautifully lanscaped yard Southeast tide. 2 car garage. Ph. 8-7136 tor appt.

COUNTRY LIVINGI Wa have several home near the city, woller Realty, Clarence Cramer, Rep. Ph. 8-7124 after 5 P.M. Small hum. In moved or batioht wlthi i acre woooeo lot.

Near u. i. tverest School. Phone 9-2238. HOME WITH 10 ACRES LAND Barn a garage.

Within 2 miles of Wausau. Phone 7-0236. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 1 bdrm. ranch styl home carpeting, builHns amany extras. Ph 7-H55.

HOME FOR SALE ideal location on West tide of town. Inquir 715 Maple St. 3 BEDROOM MODERN HOME at 530 Nina Ave. Large lot. Reasonably priced.

Phone 8-1116 after 5 p.m. 7 RM." OLDER HOME IN SCHOFIELD Full basem*nt. Furnace. Garage. Good condition.

Phone 9-3347. 3 BDRM. MDRN.h6mE Brand new oil furnace. Garage. Lot 60 120.

1221 So. 8 Ave. Ph. 4-4165. 1 I I MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE BEST REAL ESTATE BUYS Contact any REALTOR below to tea photo listing of these and other hornet 7 room flat for rent.

Furnace, bath, 3 laroe bedrooms: very 75. Basiiiesa Property for Sal TAVERN: Good selection; S5.J00 and ve, BfcR BARS witn BATHING oeacli, ana of them selling at ONLY S3 400 dews) or TRADE. FREE list. Romoerg Seiea. Embarrass, or Pit.

etSS Wausau, 80. Farms and Land for Sal 120 acre farm. 1 mil from Edgar. A good lira of personal. Very good taf buildings.

Land in good fertility. Johnson Realty Fred Cendt, Rep. 1001 Chellis St. Ph.417J READ BEC0RD4IERAID WANT AOS SATURDAY 1 to 6 p.m. Lannon Stone Ranch Style Home This 3 -bedroom Lannon Stone ranch home it located close to St.

Anne' and Newman High Schools on a fully Improved street. Large living room with picture window with on of th best planned kitchens and dinette have seen in a long time, full bath, larger than average tlz bedrooms, all heat, full basem*nt, fully insulated, VKr garage are lust a few of the many fine features of which thit home boasts. Why not see thit one today? Price only $17,500. (1794). Southwest 3-bedroom home located near Holy Name and Jonet Schools.

Everyone In the family will appreciate this exceptionally large living room and the convenience of having two bedrooms down with a full bath on the first floor, one extra large bedroom up. This home hat mora than ample closet space throughout. Full basem*nt, oil heat, garage. Reason for selling owner has been transferred. Sale price $12,000.

(1772). West Side Is the location for this 3-bedroom home that is only 4 year old and in excellent condition. Breezeway and attached garage. Oil heat. Let us show you this one today.

Sale price $12,500. (1800). Income Property Near D. J. Murray's.

In good condition. Owners Apartment 3 bedrooms. Rental Apartment $50.00 income. $5900 (1808). Five Bedrooms In a recently built home near th Jonet School.

112.500. (M). Home Near Town 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, IV. baths. $8900.

(A). "YES, WE'LL TRADE" SECURITY, Realtors 105 Weston Ave. Phon 2-21 79 OPEN EVENINGS After 8:00 p.m. tonight call: W. L.

Drumm, 2-1223, 3-2289 THIS Lannon itone trimmed noma It for you. Newly decorated inside and out. New Inlaid In kitchen, Lannon iron fireplace, living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms, full bath, furl basem*nt, oil heat, electric hot water heater, double garage. Draperies In living room, dining room, and throughout, (WRE) IS a house coming your way. Living room, 3 bedrooms, basem*nt, bath, garage, oil furnace.

Washer, dryer, range built-in oven, dishwasher, disposal. A real home for $21,900. IT th cutest horn and you should really tee it to believe It. Living room, dining room, den, kitchen, bath, 3 2 car garage. Nice size lot.

All this packed Into th low prlc of 14,900.00 (1830) SPECIAL It right when mentioning thit cut and neat at pin home. Living room, 2 bedrooms, bath, full basem*nt, ell heat. We can't tell all. Call ut and make an appointment. (1839) HERE'S A new listing that lust cam In.

Don't make any mistakes by nesting this up. Living room, I bedroom, shower, down. 2 bedrooms up. Garage, basem*nt, oil furnace. $5,200.

(1854) WE TRADE, TOO! WENDORF REAL ESTATE "The Friendliest Agency In Town" 205 Grand Ave. Ph. 8-72M After 5:30 Henry Wendorf-Ph. 4923 Marcy Wendorf-Ph. Peter Mosher Ph.

9-3828 Jamet F. Wendorf, Realtor SEE OUR LISTINGS THIS WEEKEND! HOLUB REAL ESTATE Jll Clarke St. Office 3245 or 3801 Marvin a Delia Holub, Ph. 4135 Robert Bowen 2-1475-Harlan Wolf 7-291 HOMES THREE MILES FROM CITY: Reason aBie living hi this ena floor three Bed 'oad. Ideal for hand, man, ome finishing to oa done, Se.000.Ou NORTHWEST: Lovely two bedroom home, nice living room.

beautiful barn. 'lr9'1 NORTHWEST: LIKE NEW three bed room and bath home. Oil furnace, good sized kitchen. Garage. Newly seeded lawn.

Near Parochial and public schools. $11,800 00 FARM 140 acre farm with personal and Machin ery. 17 milch cows, some young stock Fin stock of baled hay and straw, plus 750 bushels of Oats. Seven room home with furnace, only 5'i mile from City. $11400.00 BUSINESS OPPORTUN TY i ci -ur, "ne Dusineu.

iioi k-w fmir rtwnt for roomers IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE DAVIS REALTORS J14'-j Scott Street R. B. A. G. Davis Jos.

1. Graebel Ph. 2-177 Ph.8-1170 After Office Hours Call 1-177 or 5997 FOUR BEDROOM with two bedrooms downstairs and 1 bedrooms up. This house is like new, lovely oak floors, large dining area in the kitchen, dandy basem*nt, oil heat, concrete drive to the I stall garage. Mostly new homes in the neighborhood.

Only $13,000. NEAR G. D. JONES School and Holy Name School. Three bedroom nearly new one Automatic gas heat full basem*nt, 1 car garage, blacktop drive.

Selling for less sthan no.ouo. NEAR DOWNTOWN This large home can be used either as a on family or a i family, full basem*nt, 2 stall garaae, clean property throughout. Only 17,900. $11,400 is the full price for this 3 bed room ranch style nome in excellent condition. Has a 70 19 lot, lots of room for the children to play.

Call for more details. Let us help you with your financing problems. BEN STERNBERG CO. 207 Sixth St. Phone 3283 Ben Sternberg Res.

3957 Mrs. Florence Schoenfeld 9-3770 Ted Will Jr. 8-311 To serve you better we arc open any evening by appointment. Open every Friday evening 74:30 REDUCED! Jones School a Holy Name area. Owner is in Alaska a wants to dispose of a 3 bedroom home on So.

Ninth Avenue. Full basem*nt, oil heat, large kitchen a living room, one car garage. Immediate occupancy! Make us an offer. JOHN MARSHALL AREA Lovely 3 bedroom home on Lakeview Drive. Carpeted living room with fire-, place.

Oil heat, one car garage. Beauti fully landscaped. RIB MOUNTAIN Not 2, not 3, but 4 bedrooms. Close to school. Oil heat.

Lots of cupboards. Carpeted living rm. $9,500. Rundhammer Real Estate 1942 Grand Ave. Ph.

2-2441 or 4777 After hours pleas call Orville J. Obey Phon 4-3465. COZY COLONIAL STYLE 1 bedroom horn with room for expansion. Ideal for a young or retired couple. Kitchen, liv ing room combination.

Natural fireplace. bath with vanity. Spacious wardrobe closets. Full basem*nt, gas furnace, about Vh acres of land. 4Vj miles east of Wausau.

Just $7,950. SOUTHEAST SIDE Neat 1 bedroom home, full basem*nt, oil heat, attached garage. $500 down. RIB MOUNTAIN 2 bedroom ranch home with attached garage. A real buy at Full basem*nt, gas heat.

Just $500 down. OPEN EVENINGS TIL 8:00 SPATZ REAL ESTATE 1327 S. Eleventh Ave. Phone 8-3141 Bernard Loraine Spatz Mrs. Jane Fochs Ph.

9-3037 Drastically Reduced: Two bedroom home with expansion upstairs. Completely modern. Year round home on Lake Wausau. Buy now while the price it right, Southwest: Three bedroom all modern home. Two car oaraqe and extra build- ina for tools and work shoo.

Bio lot. Take a look at this on. No obligation. Northeast: New well built three bedroom home wth all modern conveniences This It a better than average home and we know you will like it. It't not cheap but It priced at the ngnt price.

WM. 0. ANKLAM, Realty Phone 9-3159 If no antwer Ph. 5918 ALL MODRN. 3 BDRM.

HOME, GARAGE Full basem*nt, aluminum siding never needs painting. Landscaped lot 85 265 Close to school. Tn. of Rib Mt. at 508 r.

A. Dalr. to inn r-nm. nut Mi inniuii i i w. 77.

Lots for Sale 72' 134' lot. Central East the last lot in this block of all new homes. Blacktop street, concrete curb a gutter, city water a sewer. Can be bought on land contract terms. Also lots in Forest pane and all sections of the city.

5.CHIFLD a SMITH. Inc. Hwy. 52at 13th St. Ph.

2-1417 orM423 LARGE LOTS with road. Only three miles from Minocque. Access to two beautiful lakes. Excellent fishing a hunting area. Heavily wooded.

$295 $5 down, $5 month. Write P.O. Box 134, Wausau. Nirp. LARGE home building lot, 80x120' iust 1 blks.

from Newman High, blkt. to new Jr. High, 8 blkt to University extension, rlqht In the midst of fine new homes. Ph 4127 or 4682. TWO LOTS very cheap.

Jefferson and Wth Sts. Write P. o. box t. motine, Ph.

Collect Ox 3-2222. One acre lot In city. For further information Please Phone 9-3397 One acre on E. Wausau Ave. Nina blocks from Sixth Street.

Phone 4-7471 after 5:30 P.M. Lg. lot, 111 264 on Franklin Road. Fin Wall. Phone 6-2612.

Two lots on Fourteenth Ave. and Cedar St. Sewer and water. Phone 4-7013. Cleaned! Call 3162 Free Estimate All stone Ext.

2'i car garage Landscaped Oil heat and hot water Fireplace Lot 53 by 129 6-0164 oor lamp. stand tar urge tern. 4408. .5 Mens tan wort shirt. U.

Lhi oress, tt SOc chair briooe lamp $1. 7-482 Me't wott shoes, sz. rstxt'i ears, iv riiwi. trot. $5, insioe door.

$3. Pn. 3i4. nook table. Benches.

It Wilt sell separately. La. binfe $4. Fall wit, dresses, 1 hen, $5. 4-4823 oirl-s school dresses a 2 skirts, 8- 10 I II.

I X. fnone i Sporting Goods. Bicycles, Etc bhotqun bheil ipeciai $2.93 Box svnile tney Ust limited ajuaMity BUILER'S SPORT CYCLE SHOP Third St. Phone 4115 End-of-Season CLEARANCE On all lvS model Boats From 12 to la feet A BOAT FOR-CVERV BUDGET RIB MOUNTAIN MARINE Next to the Rib Mountain Bridge Open Evenings ft oa. Rem'inatonautomatic shot gun, Model 11-48 with poly choke a recoil pad.

tac Cvulinn. 03 'Third St. Phone 5912 utt, 1 Foot Runabout with 15 Scott Motor. Complete with trailer and steering wheel. Phone i'.

Expert OUTBOARD Motot Repair -all I maes. Boat REFINISHING a Specialty! NORTHLAND Marine ease, scnotieio. "SHOT GUN Shot Bolt Action. i Phone 7-4411. ly wood Tioat or" Sale lift oars.

In good condition. Pnone 2-1645 "MUST SELL 18 ft. inboard cruiser with trailer. 100 p. V-8 engine.

Loaded. $500Ph. 9-2805 afterj p.m 14Thompson "outboard, will with al accessories. Reasonable. Must sell.

Phone 9 2263 Dogs Cats. Pets Red Dachshund, 10 mo. female $65. Boston, female, 9 mo. perfect mark.

Part trained cattle dogs. Whit German Shepherd male pups. Paul Muenchow, 10 ml. N. on 51, 1 ml.

E. Beagle Hound For further Information Please Phone 4-47Jj FOX HOUND 14 mo. old. Started. Write Music.

Radio and TV free demonstration on th Conn or "Triumph In Holton, Selmer, LeBianc band instruments. Amplifiers, nl.u.ra. rfrnm. anrl rernrris. Reduce(j prices on Fonder elec.

guitars. IRenl any Instrument rent applies on purchase price. Used organs, two 41 not! manuals, and 39 ft pedals, priced low i rnnir 41 cir ci mn Lrsrs Y1U.JIV- Jurrui N. Third Ave. Phon M477 All 1959 HiFi Sets Reduced up to $100 WRIGHT'S MUSIC STORE 529-531 Third St, Ph.

5461 Used Grand Pino 8 00 Used Spinet Piano $250 00 Used Spinet Organ Rent new piano for $10 per month with full credit toward purchase. NORMAN HESS PIANOS a ORGANS 1110 Sixth St. Tel. 8-3113 Baldwin Wurlltzer Used Lowrty Organo attachment for piano. Rent any Instrument at low rates rent applies to purchase.

Band Instrument accessories In stock at all times. Lessons given to anyone on all Instruments. WAUSAU PIANO a MUSIC CENTRE 1407JThird St, Phone 4995 Phllco 17" table modejTV. Mahogany finish. Good condition.

Delivery and guaranteed. $49.95 FAIR APPLIANCE 204 Third St. fh. 4055 CORONADO PORTABLE TV SETS 17" Screen $109.95 a $144 95 1 year warranty on all parts. GAMBLE'S 221 Third St.

Ph. 11752 21" console TV, blond cabinet. Completely reconditioned. Delivery and guaranteed $59 95. FAIR APPLIANCE 204 Third St.

ph 55 Rebuilt AlHance Tenna rotors, $20. For all your TV needs, contact Bill Johns at Eggen Mobile Home Sales. 771 Grand Schofieid. PIANO TUNING Donald Waterman 2317 Zimmerman St. Ph.

8 4135 SO' T.V. TOWER COMPLETE Will Install. Phone 6 3202 or 7-3703 Self player piano, very good, condition. 163. 931 S.

7thAve1 CrucianelTl pancordlon, 120 bass, jui size. Reynold Empror eornt. Ph unlor hone 6 5811. FLUTE Excellent condition. Almost new.

Phone 7-O022. Very Shortly now you too will NOTICE MUSICAL NOTES On the South side of Clinton St 21" TELEVISION Mahogany consol good condition. Reasonable. 2316 Stewart Av.7-5132 55. Seeds.

Plants, Supplies IMPORTEO DUTCH BULBS Tulips, Narcissus, Hyclnths, Crocus. Many new varieties, our shipment has iust arrived tor fall planting. Start your beautiful prlng garden now. ROE SEED a PET STORE 218 Second St. We Deliver PICK OUT YOUR SHADE OR BOULEVARD TREES for later planting.


Bridge St. "BOLENS" Ph. 3354 Fv.rnrMn. fnr fall frAn.nl.ntlnn frnm 1230 uo. car tveroreent.

vi Mile of Drlv.ln Theater, i mil. F. Ph. -2143 Specials at the Stores BACK TO SCHOOL LUOOAOI SALI Save 20 to 50 Factory Seconds and Closeouts 30 14 II Foot Locker 1495 95 3 Pc Tapered Ladles Set $16.95 -s Cammnlf. Tr.u.l te es w.

i lew 17.93 Men's 1 Suiters 10.951 Leather Brief Bags 59 '5 1 Pc- Mn' Vltaton Set 39.93i 34- Ladiet 3 Pc. Pullman Set 24,95 45.00 3 Pc. Ladles Molded Set 39 95 3.95 5.95 Sturdy 3 Ring Ring Binder! Above are all seconds and closeoutt. All prices Include tax. MARATHON LUOOAGC CO.

Schofieid, Wis. Ph. 9320J TWO DAYS ONLY FRI. a SAT. "Choice of the House" on Living Room Sets PC.

tultes, end 3 pc. Indl and more. values $2i, $749, S299, $349 YOUR CHOICE $179 MIRMAN'S Second 4 Washington Easy Term Hearing Aids. $50 and up. COLBY'S RADIO, 518 Scott St.

Phone 4440. I RLS INDERGART DP SSE 67 each, 2 for $3 Ohland'i Ben Franklin, th new Grand Av. Center. I s.i. i i Specials at the Stores Progress Range Hoods AND VENT FANS TOP QUALITY AT LOWER PRICES speed tan or blower, and attractive range lamp.

Available in and 42" sizes, in Copper. Stainless, Pink, Turquoise and Yellow. Low as $39.95 Complete (S guarantee on atl motors!) GREBE'S 703 N. Third Ave. Phone 3325 John Wood Glass Lined or Galvanized GAS WATER HEATERS Prices start as low as $49.50.

Wis. LP Gas Company, Phone 8 7200 57. Miscellaneous for Sale 4 5.25 5.50 18 new tires. 2 cylinder Maytag gas engine. G.

E. automatic dishwasher with sink cabinet com bination. All items reasonably priced. none 8 5142. Steel clothesline posts as low as $10.00 per set Eimer Plauti, open evenings and Sundays 1 oioc west of Restlawn Cemetery on North Sixtn St.

Balex 8MM Movie Camera. A Neat one for only $45 00. Also A Westinghouse Transistor Radio in perfect condition. Only $20.00. Call 2 2155 after 5:00 BED a SPRING, full size.

$15. STROLLER, twin, $10. All In good condition. Ph. 7-3310.

BABY BUGGY Good condition. Space Heater $5. Phone 9-2769. Wanted to Buy We Pay More for PAPER ic Rags, Hides, Wool if Scrap Iron, Batteries Body Tin, Etc. LIBMAN CO.

1 Block S. of Ford Garag In Flat Phone 5638 TOP PRICES PAID FOR IRON RAGS METAL BATTERIES Wausau Steel Corp. Wausau Scrap Division SHERMAN ST. at TWENTY-SIXTH Phon 8-1182 or 4810 Wanted. Overhead Garage Door 1x7.

Phone 7-8483. Highest prices paid for heaters, ranges and furniture of all sorts. Phone 5178. ETZKIN Furniture Store. 208 2nd St.

German World War II uniforms, caps, helmets, dagqers and pistols. Ph. 8-8126 days. (ROOMS end BOARD 62. Rooms for Rent ROOM FOR GENTLEMEN.

Modern home. Private bath. Reasonable. Phone 6 1426. STUDENTS ROOM a BOARD.

Phone 7-2604 Rooms, Gems $4 50 $6. 714 Wash. St. Mod. rm.

for gents. $7 Pkg. Ph. 3687 Rm. twin beds $4 easlngle $6.50.

725 Jef. Room for $5. Gents. 511 Washington St Breakfast extra." Ph. 5908 Mdrn.

furn. room. $5. 417 Jefferson. 63.

Rooms for Housekeeping Lt. Hskpg. rmt. N. W.

side $25 mo. 8-4116 Hskpg. rm. Gent. Util.

$8. Ph. 7-8791. Hskpg. rm.

for 1 $6. Ph. 4 6512. REAL ESTATE -RENT 66. Apartments for Rent 4 room apartment, completely redecorat ed throughout.

outhwest side. $30. HOLUB REAL ESTATE Phone3245 MDRN. UPPER APT. closets, bath, Idry, heat, hot water and garage.

310 So. 4th Ave ONE 2-bedrOom upper Apt. Heat a hot. waier inciuaea, innoren welcome, Rothschild, Phone 9-3313, Attractive, roomy lower rm. a bath.

Heat. Laundry facilities. Gar, Adults. Inq. at 309'i So.

Fifth Ave. Furn? 3 a 4 rm. apis." Alfutllltles a laundry fac. Inq. at apt.

7, 724 Franklin or Ph. 8 8243 for appointment. MOOERN furnished heated 3 room apt Hot water, utilities, garage. Near high an c.V WANTFrv Store. 3915 before 5 or 7-7693.

At I rr, nAni, munn "Ulinn lirrcn nrj with garage at 323" So. 7th Av. Adults, Inq. 1012 Stewart Ave, Upper 3 rm. a bath with bu l55- So.

tl mLin Itv C. I Near schools In Schofieid. Jhon 9 3081 0r 9-3949 3 Room upper apt. rent. $30or 4 rooms $35.

Close in. Garage. Phone 7-1515. 4 room upper after Oct. 1st.

Adults Preferred. Inq, 320 S. 4th Ave, Ph. 7 5834. 4 room upper apt.

Inq." at Kraft Food Shop. 1512 Grand 7 A M. to 4 PM orphone 7-9465 after 4 P.M. Upper apartment for adult! only. Available October 1.

Inquire at 1511 Seventh Street, three room upper near St. Mary't Church Adults only. Phone 7 2675 after P.M. room all modern upper apartment. Also qarage.

Call 6-5485 or 6 0107 GRAND APTS. Permanent or transient very clean. Newly furn. Automatic laundry. Parking.

202 Grand Ave. 4 rm. mdrn. Iwr. apt.

$40. Ph. 3687," J5 rm. heated apt. $50.

329 No. 5th Ave. 5 rm. apt. Garage.

$40. Ph. 6-1172. 3 sm. furn.

rms. $45. 720 Prospect Av. READ RECORD-HERALD WANT ADS I Frigidare. e.ceilent ro'i.

itnr-i yr. CnBS. mattress $31 urawer uniinisnea crtebis ii.t?.u WAUSAU FREIGHT SALES Smth St. Phone 1818 APPLIANCE 204 Third St. Ph.

40551 Bargain Counter Rules Noncommercial Classified Aos wtti oe inserted in ttiis classification or any item valued at $5 or leu -without charge. reserve the ngnf to edit or re act any ad. Offer subiect to cancellation without notice. NOTICE Bargain Counter User. es price wis or otherwise to the Record-Herald Classified Dept.

Where prices are higher than quoted or there are other misuses the ad will removed, advertiser charged tor trie numDer of insertions at the regular 'unurf rat. mnrt .11 nt tfM pre Bargain Counter will be refused to the advertiser RULES Each restricted to 1 "net, 15 words, and on item valued 15 1 or less. i. Price of trie article must stated in the ad and each article ino.v.d tally priced. Ads will run 4 day without charge One ad per family at on time.

4. Ads must canceled a soon at results are obtained. 5. Noncommercial advertiser only. (B) Round lace table cloth.

$1.50. Oc casional table, $1.50. Smoking stand, 75c Phone 4-8542. (B) 4 girl's dresses, 10, 50c a 75c. Rain 'n Shin coat, summer iacket, 10, $1.50 $2.

Ph. 7-7131. (B) Girl's coat a legging set, sz 2, $5. Girl's brown tweed coat, zip lining, sz 8. $5.

Ph. 9 3874. (C) Ladv shoes' 1 or." $1, 1 or. sz 8, $1, 1 pr. wh.

slippers sz. 4 $1.25. Ph. 7-4792. (C) 5 maternity dresses, sz.

14 a 16, 75c and $2. Shorty coat, iz. 12, $3.50. Ph. 7-9731 C) Girl's winter coat sz.

14, girl's iacket sr. 14, sj; ooy a wimer laiH.ei SZ. 10, $4. Ph. 4-0933.

(C) Bathroom rug a seat cover $1.25. outside grill, child's bathrobe sz. 4. JSC. fh.

J06Z (C) 3 girl's blue gym suits sz. 16 a 18. 75c ea. sz. 14.

25c. Ph. 7-4535 alter 2 p.m. (C) Girl's coat sz. 12.

child's coat a bonnet sz. 3, bike basket 25c. 3012. (01 Ladies bowling shoes, sz. 6, Ladies cotton dress, sz.

IS, Call 6-2441. (D) 3 fuel oil drums with long pipe to connect all thre, $5. Ph. 7-9564 or 1027 S. 3rd.

Ave. (D) 5pr. school trousers, 32 waist, 30 length, $1.50 2 pr. dress trousers, same size. $1.75 pr.

Ph. 8 9142. (D) Ladv's navy blue suit, sz. 11-12, $5 i Lady's gray tweed wit, sz. 12-13, $2.

Ph. 9 5252. (Dl Ladv's wine coat with zip-In lining, sz. 12, 15 1 boy's baseball game, $3 50. Ph.

9-3955. ID) 4 blouses, 32 34, 50c a $1. 4 dresses. 5oc a $1. 2 coats, 14, 50c a II.

Inq. 3U Llncpln Ave (D)Piaid corduroy slacks, it. CifsSl Aqua nylon snowsuit. 18 months, $1.50. Pn' 7 ,773 ID) Baby Kale (Detecto beam type) $3 SO.

Ph. 7 4051. To be given away, tour 5 week old pup. (D 'Girl's winter coat sz. 10 subteen $5.

Wardrobe case, $5. 10 girl's blouses sz. 10 12, 25c ea. Ph. 7-6051.

(D) Boy's reversible Iacket a matching cap, Si; suburban coat a cap, $5. Both size J2. Ph. 7-031 7, (D) "Girl's" tap shoes, $2, $3, Box- "tally glasses, 75c. Ph.

6 8272. (Dl 5 gai. jar," 2 gal. larftif jrinegar lugs, 50c a 75c. 507 N.

3rd Av. (6) Bed davenport a mattress, 15. 715 Jackson St. Davenport a Chair, 5 ea. May be sold separately.

Ph. 3256 (D) Kraut cutter, Cabinet vlctrola, 55. Ph. 7-2483. Curved windows 36" 33' V.

.11 fhr 15; Bundle of mop board trim, $1.50 Ph. 3994. (D) Puppies to give away. Corner 21st Avenue A Nehring Street. (Dl Bays gvm shoes, Sl'ii black sz.

II, 50c Ph, 7-9481. (D) Lady's dress, sz. 16' dress sz. IB, $1. Ph.

6 5373. (D) Brown suede heels, sz. 7, 50c Piv 7-1384. iui wt. 01 4 qt.

rrutf art, sue doz. Ph. 9-2049. 1 In. 1 1 ..11 ui 1 iya.

1 .111. Ilia. Baby Butler $3, Ph. 4-4415. (D) 2 pr, lady's "shoes it.

7 $2 50 pr. Ph. 8-9256, i Tb) Gregg book $2. Ph. 8 7208.

(D) Boy's brown cherVered coat, SZ. 14, $4.50. Ph. 4-4135. Cf TV rabbit ears.

$150; "iady't bowling shoe beg, $1. 701 Burek Avenue. (C) Box of Indian arrow heads 50 for $4. Ph. 7-9552.

CI 7 Puppies7e wks. old. Shepherd Clll. .1 BU imiwia, ai en, ni, i.itj. (f' 44 5: 'i pr.

tap thoes, -75. Ph. 6-5524. (C) Bathtub, $5. Lavatory, (CI Child's Insulated tnow boots, tr, 7, o.

rn, v-zws5. (C) Red car coats, never worn, $3, 12, S4 50. Ph. 6 5714. (C) One box of 49-38-40 rjfl shells.

$3.50. Ph. 8-3203. 1(C) 3 full blooded beaqle puppies $5. ea.

rn. -4diz. (C) 11 12 rug, door 79" 32' $5. Ph. 4144.

(C) 2 men's blark overcoats, iaroe tz. I2 each, Plv 9-3347. (C) Pr. tap thoes, ti. 1, $3.

Ph. 63281 (C) 1 green Qym.sulf, 'tit. 1f a rial. (B) 1 ne. nvtoni.r.-a i Ph airine (B) 1 box giri't clothino sz! 7.

il iB rn. -JM. (B) Bagie puP1 for tale? 3 month! old $5 each. Phone 6-5767. (C) 5 mo.

old farm dog $1. fKfjm. (C) Gas lantern $3, PtO-7501. (C) Space heater $5." Ph 9-2769. (C) Studio couch $5.

(D) Girl's Ph." 7-5103. "(D) "Bassinetta, $4. Phon -5B88. S3. 54.

Get gan iAA 720 i 2 IJI i I I1 St Used typewriter In excellent Can be seen at i 31 S. Ninth Avenue I 45. Building Materials PREWAY BUILT-INS! REFRIGERATORS DISHWASH hH 5 Free Service tor one year! Free demon stratkm and instruction in the use or your new ovens and surface units. DeLisIe Company 424 Moreland Av Schafield. Ph.

2634- 1x6" KNOTTY PINE $15 PER HUNDRED FEETI Double Hung Gliding Casem*nt Windows Save up to 30 Schuette Builders Co. OPEN EVENINGS TIL 8 00 1330 S. Uth Ave. Pnone l-i94 WINDOW sTsf 6 EENS Mad to order. Any siz and stykt.

New combination door. Special prices: 2 1" 1-9" $14,751 '9" $1 73. Window repaired. Free pick-up a delivtry, Phon 7-4904 Cool, Graceful Zephyr awnings breath on hot day and cool Interiors up to 12 degrees. Choice of Redwood, Fiberglass or elumlnum Wide range of coiors.

MARCELL'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS 1110 Sixth St, Phone $-5194 MONOGRAM WALL OIL FURNACE used 2 seasons. 8150. Ideal for cottage or 4-5 room home. Very efficient heating. on old Can be seen In home ml.

N. on oio Hwy. 51, 1st farm on left past city limits. Ph. 4-4045.

Weyehauser Economy 2x4's, $90 1x12 Good Pine Shiplap, $110 Good 2x10 Joist Material. Call Texas Lumber Hardware Ml. North on Sixth St, Ph. 5733 When you tile, be wre of lasting beauty with STARFIRE Ceramic on Steel Wall Tile Beautiful array of colors. WAUSAU PAINT a WALLPAPER 113 Second St.

Mautz Paints Ph. 3414; EAVE TROUGHS a SPOUTS! Fr Estimates, KNUDSON Sheet Metal 1107 Cleveland Ave, Ph, 2-1277 STONE Lannon, "Retaining Wall, a Basem*nt. Ha been Ston Co. Ph. 93730--35097-0404.

ESSER'S PAINT Interior t. Exterior Color Decorationl ARO-MAR Color Center, 1942 Grand Ave. Ph. 3693. 46.

Machinery and Tools 1951 Bulldozer, ebout 6 ton TH Platform Ford Truck. Both tor $2150. Phone 7-2422. WalTec "JOINTER with base 'motor. Vi H.P 300 rpm.

A-l Condition. $120. Phone 9-2398. Save on farm eauipment by checking offers in the Classified section every day. Start today I 48.

Food RED OWL BETTER BUYS ALWAYS Brooks Tomato Soup, 10' oz. cans, 3 for 29c; Harvest Queen Tomato Juice, 46 oz. tin, 4 tor 5 kinds of beans, 11 15 oz. cans, $1. CHRIS HOLZEM'S RED OWL Holzemville, 3 mi.

North on 6th it HOME MADE BRATWURST I HOME MADE SAUSAGE! LOPPNOW'S FOOD MARKET. Ph. 5865 431 Stark St. Open Sunday 9 to 12. Home Grown Chippewa potatoes.

Bring your own container. CARTER'S Grocery. I Mile E. of Schotield on 29 DRESSED PORK Whole or Half. Phone 7-0116 or 4724 APPie cioer, aoc gal.

Apples Ji bu. 4-2106 au. Fuel Oil Ice Fill your coal bin now with genuine POCAHONTAS BRIQUETS BILL GUMZ FUEL CO. River Road Phon 3104 EGDAHL'S Coal Phone 4403 Fuel Oil Phone 4430 Building Materials Phon 9-3434 For Your COAL Supplies See Leonard Reiche. Call 4528 Marathon.

51. Household Goods Rebuilt wash machines guaranteed. All popular makes. Alto wash machine repairing of all makes. Speedway Sei vie.

423 Thomas St. Ph. 8-4215. Atl the Remaining stock of Kelvlnator Dehumiditiers going tor $89.50 a up. SEIM APPLIANCE CO.

Phon 3797 411 S. Third Av. MOVING TO CALIF. must sell furniture. household appliances, misc.

including TV. refrio. oarrien tnni. inj TV, stove, garden tools Emter Street. Phone 6-8545.

1 pc. living set; walnut dining: room set; platform rocker; coffee Ph. 2937. Electrolux with all ettch. Ex.

Strong suction. Sacrifice, $24. cond Filter Queen Co. Ph. 4-3428.

Draperies, traverse rods, and Venetian blinds. Phone J-l 169. Monarch Electric Stov. Ideal for a Cottage. Phone 8-8288 Hamilton Beach Food Mixer.

Excellent condition. REASONABLE! Phone 9-3012. DOUBLE BED, coil spring and Inner spring mattress, dresser, $40. Phone 8-4262. Brand new Frigidaire 13 cu.

ft. refriger ator still In crate. Won in contest. Ph. after P.M.

Used 3 X. Bathroom i fittings, very good $59 95 com plete. Schofieid Gamble Store, Ph. 9-3757 COLORS and softness are renewed in carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre foam. Winkeiman's Notions Dept.

OIL SPACE" HEATER Good condition. $25. Phone 7-9231 Crape. Wh. i Befs.

$40. Ph, 2-255V jbe I i Out Where the Living Is Easy TOWN OF TEXAS 3 bedroom rambler on an extra big lot for very special tuburban living. Carpeted living room, carpeted entrance hall, 2 of the bedrooms are carpeted. Kitchen with din ing area. Tiled bath with shower, Drapes Included.

Comb, aluminum storms and screens. Built-in oven, range and grill. Oil heat. Double garage. A delightful setting for your family.

816,500. (load) TOWN OF WESTON with room Inside and out for a big family. 4 bedrooms, living room, kitchen with dinette, tiled bath. Pull basem*nt with gas neat, Aluminum siding means practically carefree and cost free upkeep. Alumi num storms and screens.

Paved street. Attached garage. A lifetime buy in the buy of a lifetime. Call tonight! $13,800. (IS5aJ SOUTHWEST SIDE with at cute a Cape Cod-er at you'll find.

4 bedrooms, kitchen with dining area. Bath. 2 bedrooms down and 1 uo. Full base ment with oil heat. Cement drive and 2 car garage.

Ideal family home. (1838) Table Turner Instead of paying rent you collect Itl How does that sound? It't perfectly practical and a lot mora possible than you might think. This 2 family. East side home is going for only Each apartment has 2 bedrooms and bath plus adequate closet space. One also has a dining room.

There's no better way to build equity In your home than to start with one that helpt with it't own Payments. (1851) V-LEE REALTY, Inc. 126 Grand Ave. Phon 2-2011 Clair Held 5132 John O'Brien 6-2343 Fred Galoff 9-3534 G. R.

"Bob" Vlela OPEN EVENINGS 7 to I P.M. A HAPPY FUTURE It predicted for you In thit attractive bungalow just two blocks from John Marshall School. There's an enclosed front porch which leads Into a large carpeted living room, th big kitchen provides plenty of eating space or if preferred the family room could be turned into a separate dining room. There's a half bath and laundry room downstairs. And, three nice bedrooms and full bath uo.

Exterior and interior lust recently painted. Oil heat. Two car garage, priced at lust ONE OF THE NICEST Things about thit lovely story pink frame home It the enormous bedroom upstairs which will hold 2 double beds without having that crowded feeling. Also upstairs is a huge walk-In closet and a cedar closet. The lower floor Is very comfortable with 2 bedrooms and bath carpeted living room and attractive kitchen.

Oil heat, laundry tubs and automatic hot water heater in the full basem*nt. Garage. $11,900. MID-STATE, Realtors 902 Third St. Ph.

3-1134 or 5285 Grace Carpenter Ph. 8-2137 Carroll Sorenson Ph. 7-9232 NEW LISTING Very special 2 bedroom newer home near St. Anne's, Newman high and Grant Schools. Oil heat, electric water heater.

Neat fenced landscaped lot. 1''3 car garage. Immediate occupancy. Priced for quick tale. (TRE) LOOKING For a 4 bedroom home on the North-west side that has everyth ng? We have It.

Call ut to thit one soon. (TRE) 40 ACRE Town of Stettin. 40 ACRE Town of Wetton. 78 ACRES SOLD Town of Sttttln. THURN REAL ESTATE 111 Grand Av.

Mr. A. J. Dix Phone 2-1383 7-4837 or 49741 Ph. SEE OUR LISTINGS TRESTER REAL ESTATE 251S Grand Ave.

or M. J. Murtaugh, 77 am cold water. mile to city limits, Ph. 7-4551 Duplex for couple or child family.

Heated a hot water. $65. Central. Inq. 506 Adams Street.

Ph. 4561. 4 Room a Bath All Modern Heated Apartment. 3 blks. from Memorial Hospital Adults.

Ph. 3511 or 5040, Modern heated apartment with garage In Rib Mt. Adults. Call 7-5751 after 5 P.M. three room upper apartment for rent with garage, Phone 6-9465.

THREE ROOM FURNISHED Upper Apt. Heated. Private Bath. Inq. 1310 6th St.

Evenings. MODERN 5 RM. APT. Garage. Inqulrejll Grand Av FOUR ROOM APT.

Full bath. Hot water. Garag. Adults. Phone 6-7704 MODERN 4 RM.

a BATH UPPER Heat a not water. Garage. Adults. Inquire at 926 Jackson St. 3 rm.

furn. heated apt.Ph.6-9482 3 rm. furn. $45. 709' Prospect after 5:30 68.

Houses DOWNTOWN 2 FLOOR DUPLEX, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room a bath. Oil heat, laundry room. Yard maintained by owner. Garage. By appointment.

Ph. 4041 or 5629. All modern 4 room and bath home, sun- porcn, large kitchen, Insulated, oil furnace, available Oct. 1st. Inq.

202 S. Fourth St. Partly modern furnished two room house. Phone 5416 or Inquir at 1500 Stewart Avenue. ONE BEDROOM HOUSE 1 blocks from Schofieid Industrial Center.

1513 Depot Schofieid. 5 ROOM' HOVE a BATH, garage. 229 Grand Schotield. Will rent reasonable. Avail.

Oct. 1st. Ph. J-1450 3 room house In the country. Garage.

Prefer couple. Ph. 7-891 Home for rent 3 rms. downstairs, up stairs unfinished. Garage.

$40 month. Inquire at 819 So. Tenth Avenue. 2 bdrm. ranch type.

Southeast tide. Newly decorated. Full basem*nt. Oil gar. Adults.

Inq. 309' So. 5th Ave 4 room modern house with bath. Auto furnace. Garaqe.

Wired for electric stove or gas. Inq. at 806 Young Street. FOUR ROOM HOME with full attic stor age, full basem*nt, oil heat. Vi ml.

W. of city. Ph. 7-3391. Two bedroom home.

Centrally located, Available immediately. Phone 3702 after 5 P.M. THREE ROOM HOME. Full bath. Oil heat.

ISO month. Phone 4 4675 4 ROOM ALL MOOERN HOME mi mo Phone 3389 71. Business Places OFFICI IPACI FOR RENT I Slngie offlc with desk, Phon an swerlng service available. Off ttreet parking Heated. Janitor service.

7 ev.iiaoie. strategic location, newly remodeled, air cond it on. 7 J'' mmv' "ruing. ne.ieo. janitor service, ur 194 Rriwl f.

Di a wi. ROOM OFFICE SUITE Newly remodeled. Parking. Call at 205 Grand Ave, WfcNUORF REAL ESTATE Ph. 1-7220 Suitable for doc.

ro or rent, tor, dentist, etc. Completely remodeled. Phone 4958. n. Wanted to Rent WANTED 3 BEDROOM HOME with garage, by responsible couple.

City or suburban. Near public school. Phone Mr, Peterson 3377 before 3 p.m. MODERN 3 BDRM. HOME by respon slble couple.

Best of references. Write box i 23 Record-Herald. Responslbl couple with baby desire 1 or 3 bdrm. well kept home In good residential area. Phone 4-7772.

"mai ia.iaa.aa KcAL tSTATc-SALc 75. Real Estate) Services FOR QUICK" SALE ON ALL REAL ESTATE CALL MAYME J. MURTAUGH, Realtor First Amer. Slate Bank Bldg. Ph.

5077 If you want to sell call KURTM REAL ESTATE Jit Kent it. phon 14120 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADVERTISING Have Your Furnace Sani Vac F7Z tGTZ. fV Gas, Oil, Coal or Wood It costs less than you think! HOUSE FOR SALE Vacant 118 Eau Claire Blvd. 6 room, oil on one floor 3 Bedrooms Recreation room Laundry room Basem*nt shower toilet PHONE.

Wausau Daily Herald from Wausau, Wisconsin (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.