The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)


By -AILEEN LAMONT, (Special Correspondent of The Times.) (Copyright, 1928.) New York, Oct. pleat has changed, not its spots but its direction. On some of the new fall coats It is used in place of flounces, end runs horizontally around the skirt of the garment. The pleats, however, are closely stitched down. One euch cont is of gray Morrocan crepe and has a series of six wide flat pleats on the skirt.

The coat is finished with a silver fox collar and cuffs. On afternoon frocks of black crepe de chine the horizontal pleats give a left hand turns." The turns pp r- ently in vogue at present are all left to right. The drapers are arranged in that way. The coats and wrap over skirts are designed in that tashion and so are the blouses. The scarts and even the fur neck pieces are draped so.

Fur Handkerchiefs The fur handkerchief mode is maintaining both its pace and its prestige. It has even reached the furs. The writer has recently been shown large fur handkerchiefs of mole and shaved lamb, which are worn about the shoulders like the silk scarfs and passed through an ornamental clasp at the ends made of ivory, wood or celophant. Sometimes two furs such as shaved lamb and rabbit are combined in one scarf, one forming the border. Cubists Hand Bags The handbag is an absolute essential of modern dress and at the moment the cubist influence is plainly in evidence in these accessories.

This has brought back long envelope shape. The long narrow bag in black antelope or. black suede with a jeweled frame and fastening is very smart for wear with afternoon frocks, however. bolero effect. Left To Right Fashion now has a sign up "no As a special offering, Madame C.

Fass is off on her entire stock of the newest and smartest of Fall gowns. Lincoln Trust Building. Adv-08-18 MARRIAGE LICENSES John C. Atkinson, Scranton; Bessie C. Stewart, Scranton.

Clarence Molinaro, Allentown; Helen C. Dornblaser, Allentown. John Tasber, Binghamton; Josephine Lukasik, Binghamton. Stephen Figula, Scranton; Anna Nostick, Scranton. Anthony P.

Cegelka, Ransom; Anastacia P. Frecinski, Duryea. Harold Teete. Scranton; Eleanor M. Mitchell, Shamokin.

Charles Mooney, Dunmore: Irene Fitzpatrick, Dunmore. Jesse A. Helker, Weatherly, Florence M. Montz, Weatherly. Michael Dragon, Mayfield; Anna Naholnik.

Mayfield, Fred A. Luning. Philadelphia; Florence G. Burne, Frederickstown, Raymond Miner. Walton, N.

Alba France, Walton, N. Y. Arthur Bemenuti, Dunmore; Claire Chiovo, Dunmore, George Rowe, Luzerne; Eliza Porter, Walter Yarrich, Jermyn; Anna Kopa, Mayfeld Morris Weintrob, Fairmont, W. Priscilla Glickfeld, Scranton. TWO DIVORCE LIBELS Cruel and barbarous treatment is alleged in two divorce actions filled this morning.

They are: Beatrice Shager, vs. Floyd Shager. The libellant is represented by P. E. Boyle; Alice Kelly, vs.

Charles. P. E. KIlcullen represents Mrs. Kelly.

Carrie L. De Wilde Successor To F. L. CRANE Raccoon Coats $285:00 to $410-00 324 Lackawanna Ave. Second Floor Elevator Service SKIPPY- -IT MIGHT HELP OH, DEAR ADVERTISIN' CIGARETTES PLANE ARE AGAIN! Copyright, 1984, Party Central From SOCIAL NEWS Miss Lenore Davies, daughter of Mr.

and Mos. Walter Davies, of Capouse avenue, will be married next Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock to W. Edgar Duncklee, of 730 Jefferson avenue, at the Davies residence. Rev. Peter K.

Emmons, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church, will be the officiating clergyman. A reception will follow. Miss Davies will have her sister. Miss Arleen Davies, for maid of honor, and Miss Verna Friable will be the maid. Harold Hoffman, of Hagerstown, will be the best man, and the ushers will Include: Benjamin Meyers, of Syracuse, N.

Y. and Norman Hettinger, of Bethlehem. This evening Miss Marjorie Albertson will entertain for Miss Lenore Davies, Mrs. Clinton Weiss, recent bride; Miss Helen Schank, of Sunset street, will entertain for Miss Davies tomorrow evening; Miss. Olive Hendrickson, of Sanderson avenue, will be hostess Friday evening at party for Miss Davies; Miss Catherine Muller, of Madison avenue, will give a bridge luncheon Saturday afternoon for the bride-elect, and in the evening Miss Reba Bridgeman and Miss Dorothy Gray will give a party at the former's home on Harrison avenue.

Miss Elizabeth James, of Arthur avenue, gave a dinner party last evening, honoring Miss Davies. Covers were laid for sixteen guests. Monday evening Mrs. W. C.

Duncklee and Mrs. Everett P. Jones gave a party at the Duncklee home on Jefferson avenue for the bride-elect. Covers were laid for sixteen. 0-0 Miss Harriet B.

Andrews, of 1007 Grandview street, who has chosen Nov. 10, as the date of her marriage to Charles Daniels, of Capouse avenue, will be honor guest at the bridge tea to be given Saturday afternoon by her mother, Mrs. Hugh B. drews, at home. 0-0 Miss Esther Walsh, daughter of Mrs.

J. J. Walsh, of Pittston avenue, whose marriage to Attorney Henry, C. McGrath, of Jefferson avenue, is to take place the morning of Nov. 27, in St.

John's church, South Scranton, has chosen her sister, Miss Betty Walsh for her only attendant. William Dower, of Hartford, will be Attorney McGrath's best man, and the ushers will be: Dr. Emmet S. Burke, Leo J. Rafferty, Attorney Frank Butler, of Scranton, and Leonard Corgan, of Wilkes- Barre.

A wedding breakfast for the immediate families will follow the ceremony at the Walsh home. P. Honoring the bride-elect, Mrs. J. O'Malley and Miss Alice Manley, of Pittston avenue, gave a Co delightful bridge supper party at the O'Malley home on North Washington avenue, last evening.

The guests numbered twenty-five, Mrs. Eugene Curtin, of Monroe ave- nue, will give a bridge party Saturday at home for Miss Walsh. 0-0 Mrs. Ralph Robinson and Mrs. R.

C. Jones, of Richmont street, gave an enjoyable luncheon party today. Pink and yellow was color scheme used effectively in decorating the individual tables at which covers were laid for forty guests. 0-0 Mr. and Mrs.

William S. Jermyn, of Clarks Summit, entertained at a buffet luncheon party this afternoon in compliment to Miss Eleanor Wallace and John Franklyn Broadbent, who are to be married this evening. The guests were members of the flies and the bridal party. 0-0 Saturday, held evening their members annual of wein- the er roast at Lake Winola. The guests numbered forty.

During the evening dancing and games were enjoyed and a luncheon was served. THE SINAI HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF NURSING Baltimore, Maryland Offers 8 splendid and thorough threeyear course to students over eighteen (18) years age with not lees than two years of High School work Maintenance, text books and uniforms furnished. Monthly allowance of ten dollars after preliminary period. The school Non -Sectarian. Classes begin In September, February and July.

State age and educational qualifications. For further information write Superintendent Nurses. SINAI HOSPITAL. BALTIMORE. MD.

SIDONIA'S French Beauty Service Permanent Wave $5.00 Results That Speak Louder Than Words. Finger, Wave .75 Marcel Wave .50 Water Wave .50 Shampoo Manicure .50 Eyebrow Arch .50 Hairdress Hair Thinning Hair Bobbing 50 Face Massage .50 Specialists in Hair Tinting and Scalp Treatments. SIDONIA'S 115 Wyoming Ave. Over Kennedy's. Phone 6992.

By PERCY CROSBY CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW, GOD. Interest To Women The Scranton Delphian chapter met Monday evening at the Chamber of Commerce bullding and began study of "Modern Poets" with an teresting program on Rey," under the leadership of Gretchen Houser. following part: "Vachel Lindsey, Poet." Gretchen Houser; "Gen. William Booth Enters Heaven," Mrs. 8.

Schooley; "Araham Lincoln Walks Midnight," Miss Wilhelmina Harms; "Simon Legree." Mrs. A. Chapman; "Aladdin and the Genie," Miss Mabel Van Campen; Moon's the North Wind's Coohy, Yet Gentle Will the Griffin Be," Tripp; "The Chinese Nightingale," Mrs. M. I.

Pentecost. The Woman's Home Missionary society of Asbury M. E. church meet at the church tomorrow afternoon 2:30 o'clock. Mrs.

O. Odell the president, will preside Mrs. R. D. Richardson will be charge of the program.

The Independent Republican Womclub will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home Stella Maynard, Chinchilla. Following the business meeting during which Mrs. W. B. Christine, president, will preside, refreshments be served by Miss Mary Clarke Mrs.

R. W. Glaser. The Woman's Home Missionary society of the Elm Park church will in the assembly room of church house on Friday afternoon o'clock with Mrs. H.

H. Bushnell, president, in charge. Mrs. E. Steinle will lead the devotions.

and J. E. Heckel is in charge of special musical program during Mrs. Edward Rayner will sing, accompanied by Mrs. Frank H.

Jones. Reports will be given of the young people's summer camp and at the of the meeting refreshments be served in the clubroom. Hoswill be: Mrs. Charles chairman; Mrs. H.

H. Bushthe president, and the vice presiMrs. J. J. Sampson, Mrs.

J. Nickey, Mrs. George E. Nash, Mrs. William S.

Gould and Miss May Emory, All women of the church invited to attend. Officers of the society will be entertained by Mrs. R. H. Jadwin home, 622 Jefferson avenue, tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.

The Electric Delphian chapter will Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Chamber of Commerce buildThe subject of the program will "Europe at the End of the RenaisThose who will take part inMesdames Henrietta Wright, Simpson, Fred Edwards and T. Dunn. There will also be on "Nathaniel Hawthorne." The regular monthly meeting of Berean Bible class of the Asbury E. church will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the church An interesting program is planned. The Mothers club of the Y.

W. C. will meet at the association buildtomorrow afternoon at 2:30 Home and Foreign Missionary society of the Dunmore E. church will meet in the church on Friday afternoon at 2:30 Mrs. Frank Bingham will be for the affair.

Reports will given of Camp Inspiration. 1 luncheon meeting of the Missociety of the North Main Baptist church has been from Oct. 11 to Oct. 18. It be held at the home of Mrs.

BenSimpson, 511 Dean street. Ladies' Auxiliary of Temple will hold the first meeting of season tomorrow afternoon at o'clock in the ladies' auxiliary All members asked to make special effort to attend. Mrs. Albert Silverman, the president, will pre- Daughters of America will hold covered dish supper at their Pall Depot street tomorrow evening. first class in arts and crafts the Christmas clubs of Girl Scouts held last evening in the headon Washington committee women Land captains An Old Recipe to Darken Hair By JANICE RANDALL Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray.

Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make at mussy and trouble- home, which is some. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You will get a large PO bottle of this old-time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients, for only 75 cents. Everybody uses this preparation now, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it 80 naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair. taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years I BEN ALI HAGGIN'S BRIDE FORMER MT.

CARMEL GIRL Mt. Carmel, Oct. has been learned bere that Miss Mary Colahan, twenty-one, recently married to Ben All Haggin, wealthy artist was formerly resident of this town. Her father was a painter who recently moved to Philadelphia. Miss Colahan was graduated from a dancing school in New York city after finishing at Catholic school here.

The riage of the actress and the producer took place in Italy. Mr. Haggin, who Inherited $10,000,000 was recently divorced in Mexico, ENTERTAIN FOR DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. F.

C. Blesecker, 349 Mill street, Dunmore, delightfully entertained last Saturday evening honor of their daughter, Miss Helen J. Biesecker, the occasion being her birthday. Gamse and dancing were enjoyed during the evening refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr.

and Mrs. F. Blesecker, Mr. a and Mrs. Charles Stewart, Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Stipp, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Evans, Misses Marian Williamson, Virginia 'Boyle, Francis Wombacker, Ann Shirley Stewart; also Messrs. Richard Owens, Byron Gregory and Clinton Blesecker.

of troops in attendance. These persons will in turn instruct the troop members 80 that they may make many kinds of Christmas their troop meetings and at home. Miss Ruth Cahoon, of the 'North Scranton Junior High, school, spoke last evening on "Block Printing." Miss Ethel Swartz will be in charge of the lesson next week. Among things that will be taught in the ries of lessons are: Leather work, needle work, beading, paper articles, hooked rugs and other subjects. The clam chowder sale which was to have been held tomorrow at the Adams Avenue M.

E. church, the auspices of the Young Women's Guild, has been, postponed to Thursday, Oct. 18. The Council of Jewish Women will open the 1929 season with a luncheon Hotel Jermyn on Thursday, Oct. 18, at 1 o'clock.

All paid up members are invited to attend. Queen Esther circle, No. 1, will meet this evening in Tall Cedar hall. Mrs. Anna Raynor, the vice president, will be in charge and refreshments will be served at the close the business meeting.

The Women's Missionary society of the Memorial Baptist church meet at the home of Mrs. Albert Simms, of 1827 Church avenue, morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. A "Travel, Talk" entertainment unthe auspices of the Women's Missionary society of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church will be held in church parlors on Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Dr. and Mrs.

S. Gardner, Miss Elizabeth Wade Miss Adelaide Hunt, the Bigelow brothers and C. A. Battenberg vill provide the program. will also a fine musical program.

An instructive and interesting evening is planned and the public is invited. A regular meeting of the Loyal Workers of the Dunmore M. E. church be held in the church parlors tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs.

Cradoc Thomas will be in charge of devotions and the entertainment be arranged by Mrs. Charles Wiland Mrs. William Newman. Memare asked to bring the aprons the coming apron shower. Mrs.

Thomas Kelly, chairman of the hoscommittee, will be assisted by Mesdames John Griffiths, Evan RobW. J. Major, Harry Ottinger and Ethel Seigel. "My Hair Is a Fright" Edna Wallace Hopper, the stage favorite, in her sixties still graces the footlights with the vivacious charm of a flapper. She knows the art of a lovely appearance.

Miss Hopper in an interview. remarks that women always apologize when trying on a new dress or hat. How many of them say, "Of course, it will look better when my hair is in decent shape." So it is well to know that you can always keep your hair looking its best. Even the trying heat-record days of summer need not dismay you. Miss Hopper with some forty years of stage work behind her, knows the tricks of attracting.

Among the most important she rates a fresh, lovely ware. She has found the perfect curling fluid to keep your hair alluring regardless of circ*mstances. Wave and Sheen, she calls it. A liquid dressing which is a godsend, especially during the summertime. It not only preserves the wave but gives.

your hair a soft, fascinating sheen. Try It on your freshly shampooed hair. Money back if you are not delighted. At all toilet counters, 75 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF INDUSTRIAL GIRLS IN FIRST MEET OF SEASON PLANS FOR WINTER PROGRAM DISCUSSED DURING SESSION. CLASSES WILL START OCT.

22. The executive council of the trial Girls of the Y. W. C. A.

held their opening meeting for the season at the association building last evening and elected the following offcers: President, Mabel Banks: vice president, Mae Jerocho; secretary, Stella Sanyter; treasurer, Elsie Tinker; chairman of the world fellowship committee for Nephawin region, Carrie Brown. Plans for the winter program were discussed and it was announced that the Monday evening classes will start on Oct. 22. Next Monday evening the girls will register for the courses in which they are interested. The subjects will Include dressmaking, millinery, arts and crafts, which will cover hooked rugs, Italian boxes and plaques, needlework and other gift making; cookery, beauty culture, home nursing, gymnasium, special swimming classes and group singing.

The industrial department quet will be held at the building on Thursday evening, Oct. 25. The first meeting of the industrial committee. of which Helen Bray Jones is chairman, will be held following luncheon at the building tomorrow. FORMER EMPRESS OF RUSSIA NEAR DEATH MOTHER OF LATE CZAR LAS, BIDS PATHETIC FAREWELL TO HER FAITHFUL COSSACK GUARD.

Copenhagen, Oct. 10 The former Empress Marie of Russia; who has been ill at her home near here, has kept to her bed the past' few The dowager empress, whose long life has witnessed much personal tragedy, has recently been feel ing weaker. Yesterday she summoned the commander of her famous Cossack guard into her presence and took leave of him, thanking him for his life-long devotion. The giant Cossack, had guarded his mistress for many years, sleeping outside her bedroom, DERSONAL MENTION Miss Eleanor Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Harvey Wallace, of Clay avenue, and John F. Broadbent. son of Mr. and Mrs. J.

F. Broadbent, of Elmhurst boulevard, will be married this evening at 8:30 o'clock at the Wallace residence. The attendants will be: Mra. Willam 8. Jermyn, matron of honor: Miss Jean Wallace, Miss Laura Green, Miss Elizabeth Fell, Miss ter Dunham, of this city; Mrs.

Louis H. Healy, of New Brunswick, N. J. and Mrs. Roland Edgar Bell, of New York, bridesmaids; Ira Tripp Broadbent, beat man; Edward L.

Fuller, Thomas W. Archbald, Harvey C. Wallace, William L. Connell, Jr. Arthur Reynolds, of this city; Robert Layco*ck, of Philadelphia, ushers.

0-0 Mrs. Joseph Conrad, of Quincy avenue, will entertain at bridge Wednesday evening of next week in compliment to Miss Margaret Williams, who is to be a bride this month. 0-0 Mr. and Mrs. Richard.

Larkin, of Railroad avenue, were tendered a theater party last evening by twenty friends, the occasion being their fifth wedding anniversary. 0-0 Cards have been received in this city announcing the engagement of Miss Thelma M. De Beauchamp, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry De Beauchamp, of Valley Stream, Long Island, to J.

Thomas Henwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Henwood, of Elmhurst, former residents of Dunmore. No date has been set for the wedding which will probably take place in the spring.

0-0 Charles Weisberger, of 429 North Irving avenue, announces the engagement of his daughter, Helen, to torney David Schwartz, of Throop. Miss Weisberger and her fiance will be at home between 3 and 6 o'clock the afternoon of Oct. 21. 0--0 Miss Mary Ruane, of Eynon street, and Edward McGovern were married this morning at 9 o'clock at St. Peter's cathedral by Rev.

Paul Kelly, who also celebrated the nuptial mass. The attendants were Miss Winifred Ruane and Edward Coyne, The bride was becomingly dressed in brown parent velvet with hat to match nd her maid wore blue transparent velvet. Both carried colonial bouquets of fall flowers in contrasting shades. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at Hotel Casey, after which the couple left for a motor wedding trip. They will reside in New York.

0-0 The Catholio Charity Guild will have a card party and luncheon Saturday afternoon at the Hotel Casey Mrs. Mary Shields McDonough is chairman of the hostess committee. Assisting are: Mrs. Frank Martin, Mrs. M.

J. Dempsey, Mrs. Ed. Hoffman, Mrs. Frank Gilroy, Mrs.

Leo Lynott, Mrs. Michael Clarke, Mrs. Mary McGee, Mrs. Thomas Rafter, Mrs. Peter Lully, Mrs.

Albert Brecht, Mrs. Catherone Burns Decker, Mrs. James J. O'Malley, of Olyphant; Miss Sarah Mullin, of Dickson City; Miss Frances McGee, Mrs. Leo B.

Gagion, Mrs. Leigh Frantz, Miss Irene Gaffney, Mrs. John Lynott, Mrs. Stella Saul, Mrs. Gerald Harrington, Mrs.

Louis Renard, Mrs. W. G. Payt Mrs. Anna C.

Malia, Mrs. P. J. Hes- Carl Carlacel, of Madison a venue, had returned to Ithaca, N. Y.

Mr. and Mra. Martin Kramer, of this city, are in New York. Dr. and Mra.

M. M. Williame and Mra. Kari of this city, are taking motor trip through the New England states, Mrs. Lulu Harbach, of 916 Harrison nue, has returned from Harrisburg, where she the guest of her daughter, Mrs.

R. E. Iffland. Misses Mary Knight, of North Main nue, and Eileen of North Washington avenue, will spend the coming weekend in New York. Misa Mary Keegan, of East Scott street, Olyphant, has returned home after spendIng the past weeks in Hornell and Rochester, N.

the guest of Mire Mary Buckley. Mr. and Mra. George W. Butler, of Die mond avenue.

announce the birth of in the Scranton Woman's hospital, Oct. The baby has been named George W. Butler. IV. Nettie J.

Manley. 67 1610 ClAy avenue, and Mra. John Joseph, of 608 Pittaton avenue, are in New York for tew daya, I NANCY PAGE) Nancy's Rice Cream Roll Scores a Triumph. By Florence La All that Peter Page had to say was, "Id like to have you men come to the house for dinner next week" and acceptances came as fast as the men could frame the words. Nancy's dinners had become famous.

After she had entertained for Peter she had learned to expect telephone calls the next day. "Is this Mrs. Page? Well. this 18 Mrs. Rogers.

My husband says he had such a delicious dish at your house last night, but he can't tell me how you fixed it. Would you mind telling me?" And so on, until all the wives had been heard from. Therefore she was always on the lookout for different dishes to serve to the men. This time she had a "different" dessert. Here is the menu she planned for the October dinner: Philadelphia Pepper Pot, Baked Ham Cider Apple Sauce Baked Sweet Potatoes Perfection Salad Tiny Cream Puff Shells with Snappy Cheese Filling Rice Cream Roll Sliced Peaches Coffee The rice cream roll was a sponge cake baked in a thin sheet, spread with whipped cream mixed with sweetened cooked rice and a little gelatine dissolved in hot water.

The cake rolled, cut in slices and served with sliced canned peaches. It had a topping of whipped cream. The men called it "the real thing." you want to serve a dinner and are in doubts as to the best way to set the table, write to Nancy Page, care of this paper, enclosing stamped, self- addressed envelope, asking for her leaflet on "Table Etiquette," (Copyright, 1928, Publishers' Syndicate.) Dance Tonight- Fleischer's TO HOLD PARTY IN HOME Mrs. E. L.

Kiesel, of 309 Arthur avenue, will open her home Oct. 23 for a card party and tea to be given by the Woman's auxiliary to the Lackawanna County Medical society, Reservations for tables must be made with Mrs. J. 0. McLean or Mrs.

Frank Ginley before the evening of Oct. 22. Looking after the arrangements are: Mrs. J. O.

MacLean, Mrs. E. L. Kiesel, Mrs. M.

J. Noone, Mrs. M. L. Pentecost, Mrs.

I. W. Severson, Mrs. F. Tone Cavill, Mrs.

W. R. Davies, Mrs. M. A.

Gibbons, Mrs. Harry Goodfriend, Mrs. J. A. McIntosh, Mrs.

James Toole, Mrs. Frank Gin- Looking Always Young Science perfected way to duplicate ture's method of coloring the hair. When your to graying and you beto look older, have A PARAGON TREATMENT restored the color naturally. will be The Safe -Certain Sold and Applied MISE Hairdressing DOYLE Parlor Hair Coloring, Traders SHADES Rank Bldr. Bell 6387 Chandler Orchards Lake Winola Big Supply Peaches Apples meet 2:30 the Mrs.

which close will tesses Miller, nell, dents, are her meet at ing. be sance." clude: Arthur John talk the M. parlors. being A. ing o'clock.

The M. parlors o'clock. hostess be The sionary avenue changed will Jamin The Israel the 2:30 room. a side. The a on The for was quarters, with All This Week Including Sunday.

Extra Large Elbertas $1.75 Bu. Medium Elbertas $1.25 Bu. Georgia Bells $1.25 Bu. Wealthy apples also Lady Sweet, McIntosh and several other varieties. Prices right.

Peaches never better. Season about over for peaches. broke down after the farewell scene, protesting that he would not survive his beloved mistress. The dowager empress, who elghty-one years old, was formerly Princess Dagmar, of Denmark. She is the widow of Alexander IlI and the mother of the late Czar Nicholas, Joncaire's Vivette Face Powder It you have not yet tried this derful powder, you have a pleasant surprise awaiting you Get a package today.

and see the Improvement in your complesion. No other powder quite so fine, nor gives the same velvety appearance- to sour skin. Stage on until gos take it off. Matthew' Drug Stores, Scranten Kelly Drug Store, Carbondale, SPECIAL For Thursday, Friday and Saturday $7.50, $10.00 and $12.50 HATS For $2:00 and $2.95 Jeane-Helene Shoppe Room 28, Davidow Building, Spruce Street (Continued on Page 31) Fall means NEINZ ketchup Cold cuts are a royal dish when there's Heinz Tomato Ketchup to help bring out FROM SODA the flavor. LOATE Co.

Steak, too and chops. And fish BE Indeed, its rich flavory goodness gives savor to a hundred different things to eat. And now is the time to stock up. Heinz Tomato Ketchup is good ketchup: slow pouring- thick -full 57 HEINZIL of picked undiluted flavor. tomatoes, Just essence the of seasoned ripe simmered juicy with -down, fresh- rare KETCHUP spices sonally which select in Heinz the Orient.

representatives perWithout question, Heinz is the MADE RITES NONE largest selling ketchup in the world regardless of price. Have several bottles ready on your pantry shelf this fall Get them at your grocer's. HEINZ Tomato Ketchup RICH WITH JOYOUS FLAVOR.

The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.