The Times from Streator, Illinois (2024)

STREATOR DA7LY FREE PRESS. )AY, JUNE 23, 1924. Page 3 mocrats Will Hold Their Convention 4 Where For Fuel -in Jne ARMY WORMS III FIELDS Slf OTTAWA LIGHT CO. ESTIMATES STOOM LOSS OF $25,000 NATIONAL COMM ITTEE. TURNER TO PRINCETON Odd Fellows Arrange For Big Thine Next Thursday.

The Odd Fel)gpra and their families of county plan their second annual picnic for next Thursday, June 28, at Alexander Park at Princeton. There will be registration and a rough neck ball game before the basket dinner. Jn the afternoon addresses will be made by Attorney Josef Skinner of Princeton, Jacob Cantlan of Ster-ligg and George Turner, G. of Streator. Sports, races and contests w01 also be held.

The east and west side county baseball teams will, play and a banket supper and dancing in the evening will close th program. NORTH PLATTE, Lieut. Russell dawrt to dusk cross country flyer, going strong left here at 1 p. (mountain time) for Cheyenne. Maughan landed here unexpectedly and re on the ground while bis plane was refueled.

He said he waB feting fine and the machine Was in perfect order. He continued optimistic over the success of his remarkable trip and raid he would be in San Francisco before sundown. ALTERNATES AMPLIF tR a Cities North Of Streator Fared Worse Yesterday Afternoon Damaging Insects Raise Havoc Southwest of Streator ments in his leg when he fell from a step ladder foitowing the storm while he was attempting to saw off a broken tree limb in his yard. Not many details coUhf be learned from LaSalle which could not be reached thiis morning by telephone. It is stAted that damage in Peru was most extensive.

Farm Insurance dealer in Ottawa reported over 100 complaints from farmers in. the Vicinity early this morning. The damage was done to crops and buildings. BOOZE CASES OP SPEAKERS STAND Alternates i BAND IS JURY FINOS MOONSHINER GUILTY NEW TRIAL IS SOUGHT IS EXPECTED SOON automobiles parked along the bluff near the Rock Island depot" at LaSalle were blown ovr the embankment where they were crashed to pieces. All of the above towns were without electric light last evening.

In Ottawrf, by using an auxiliary electricity was provided for the ATTORNEY OCONNER OF OTTAWA HAS BEEN RETAINED FOR BONDSMEN. Auditor Johnson who was called away from his work on the books of the late M. A- Bronson by in the family was expected here today, and it is thought that a Ottawa, Marseille, LaSalle end Peru fared worse than Streator In the storm yesterday afternoon. These cities, located a number of miles north of Streator are today getting back into condition. Miles of high tension wires, telephone lines and other connections are out id.trpes and small buildings were damaged severely.

The Illinois Power and Light Co of Ottawa estimates their loss at $25,000. That company and the Ottawa Telephone which re ports 1500 telephones out of order, state they will not be back to normal for another week. Box Cato Blown Over Box ears on a side track at Ottawa acre blown over and two unoccupied Army worms which have been raising havoc on many farms southeast of Streator are meeting with stiff resistance, but are making some headway. Several gangs of men have been working to kill off the pest. One of the first things to dc In the fighting of the pest is to realise their presence in a field.

Joe Hinkey. one of the prominent farmers neat Manvllle in an interview with a Free Press reporter this afternoon says that on Friday he eras plowing, com in one of his fields and next to a wheat field. He turned in the wheat field several times At that time, ht had not the slightest idea that army worms were headed hla way. though today he believes the Insects were present at that time. Over Sunday, eight acres of wheat and five acres of corn literally disappeared.

the feast of the army worms. Mr. Hinkey states that is possible that other farmers have their fields infected likewise but are not aware of it. He states that the worm doesnt take the head of the wheat, hut strips the? plant of its leaves. In the com, it is necessary to spread open the stalk and in the heart will "be found two or three of the worms.

Among the other farmers who have suffered astbe result of the army worm are Thomas Holland and Ferdinand Welge. Needless to say that the other farmers in that locality are giving close watch to their fields and are ready at a moments notice to feed the insects with poison that will kill them. Recipe For Killing. An accepted recipe for" the killing of the army worm, suggested "ley County Advisor Allison is; 25 pounds dry bran, to 1 pound of white arsenic or parts green. Mix dry ingredients.

Stir 2 quarts of cheap mol lasses into 3 gallons of water and add to the dry ingredients two pounds of calcium chloride. That will add to the attractiveness of the bait. Sow 8 or 10 per acre. Convention opening, shoeing hor sections have been allotted for speak sit the various leaders who will dic tate maneuvers of the delegates- i In the case of the people Vs. Renry Thomas of Bureau, charged with violation of Illinois prohibition law, which has been on trial since last Monday, the Jury returned a verdiot of guilty, finding the defendant guilty on thtoe counts in the information.

Onf tor Illegal selling of intoxicating liquor and the other two for illegal possession of Intoxicating liquor. The defendants attorneys entered a motion for a new trial and the court set the motion down for argument today at 1 o'clock p. m. The penalty in such cases is not less than $100 nor more $1000 on each count, or the court may sentence the defendant to jail for not less than sixty day, nor more than six months on each count, or may fine the defendant on each count and also give him a jail sentence on each count. Second Casa Up-The second case in the county court being the people vs.

Mike Knezwieh, charged with violation of the Illinois prohibition law was commenced and a jury is now being There are seven or eight counts in the information, all except orte charge, the Illegal selling of intoxicating liquor. Motion to quash the information, a challenge to the array of jurors were each overruled. The defendant then entered plea of not gilty. From th questions asked the prospective jurors by the slates attorney it appears! that the evidence will consist of testimony of persons who were ANTI-TUN PUNK 1 The Purple Athletic Club which was to be held in the ifjJ Stephen's hall, Monday June 2 will be held at the Good Will ha The stork brought a new oaf penter to Streator early yesterday morning and dropped hlm -at th4 home of and Mrs. John JMerp at 107 Bronson street.

The new af rival Is to be known ns John WiliJ Irani. Mrs. Piercy was former! Miss Ann Oyes Mother and child; 1 downtown business houses a short time. A string of 35 high tension wires near Ottawa connecting it with Joliet are down. Interurban service out of Ottawa has been suspended until repairs can be made.

It was reported at noon that cars had started running between Morris and Ottawa. Practically Isolated 1 The county seat was nearly without telephone connection by long distance this morning. Streator, Seneca and Marseilles store the only towns which could be reached. Starved Rock suffered along with th other nearby places. A number -of fine trees on the rock were blown off and the cortTfort station in the park was demolished when a falling tree crashed through its roof.

i 1 Few Accident Reports full report will be had In a short time. Members of the board of auditors have' heard no more concerning the shortage in the Bruce township fcupervisorq records. According to one of the bondsmen. Attorney Connor has been retained to represent the group of local men who were on Mr. Bronson's bond, and it was said that Mrs.

Bronson had been approached to arrange settlement but had refused. At this, the lawyer is said to have announced his intention tying up the estate. SMITH STILL CONFIDENT. NEW YORK, June 23.3 Governpr A1 Smith of New York asked today if he was as confident today as ever he would be nominated he VYes, I am more confident than Madison Square Garden, New Yt ors, convention officials, etc. In the eV of the Democratic qpder the speaker's stand will frsity Summer school.

Ir. and Mrs. John Black, iter' Louise and Frances Koen-mqtared to Bloomington yeater-lay where they visited during the ly with fri nds. --Dont forget the place and the ite-t-Oison Merc. Co.

Wednesdky morning. All makes and sizes of irugs must go. Misn Edith (Baker left yesterday UthrBa tot Chicago business trip. --Wilfred Calle, who Is a Kellogg Corn Flake salesman In the jL. of Aurora and Elgin visited ie last week end.

SOUTHERNER SAYS DEMOCRATS MUST COME OUT SQUARELY. LITTLE CHILDREN III JOINT SOCIAL TINY TOTr OF METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENT PLEASING PROGRAM' The Lightbcarer and Mothers Jewel composed of the little people In tfie Methodist church Sunday school, held their annual jcint social meeting Saturday in the Epworth Iraague room of ths i Mothers of the children were present and a most delightful program was given. Mrs. C. W.

Kent had In the devotionals and Miss Margaret McCallum told hy the little children of the church had classes. The' rest of the program was made up of recitations and songs by the chuldren. Mrs. J. fe.

Conner and Mrs. John Houltram are sponsors for the two classes. Ice cream cones were served as refreshments. are doing nicely. .100 rugs will be closed out at? Olson's big rug sale beginning' Wednesday morning.

employ'd by D. Spaulding as special investigators, and tht as such they purchase intoxicating liquor of the defendant. There have been no reports of serious accident as yet. Harry Miller of Ottawa tore several liga- ever, if that is possibte. and I think I will be nominated on" an earlier ballot than I had expected.

-O-Jobn' Patterson and Leighton iith of Mount Carroll, 111., visited it Jhe Ieuter home on West First Street yesterday. William Ryan, of Peoria, visited pounds Nome over the week end. --All members pf Edina Lodge No 391, I. O. O.


NEW YORK, June 23. Senator Oscar Underwood of Alabama, one of the. chief aspirants for the democratic presidential nomination, today assured vigorous leadership of the fight to have the democratic party in its platform denounce the Ku Klux Klaq by name. "And I think the fight ris said Senator Underwood. There is no grayer issue before this convention or before the American people than this klan issue, and It has to be settled here so Ar as the deoc ratio party is concerp-ed.

Senator Underwood made public a copy of his anti-Klan plank, which will be introduced in the convention at Madison Square garden as soon as the convention gets down to receiving resolutions. Senator Underwood made public a copy of his anti-Klan plank which will be introduced in the convention at Madison SqilSre Garden as soon as tha convention gets down to receiving resolutions. If the platform committee attempts to straddle the issue It will be carried tb the floor in a fight that may make democratic history, for behind this anti-Klan movement lies the combined strength of the most northern democartlc and a few western states. There is no use of drawing a picture of a horse, said Underwood, without labelling It a horse. Of course, we could describe the KJan and then not name it, but why? Why not have the courage to com out and condemn this thing.

And unless I my guess, this conventioif jwlll approve an anti-Klan plank if not mine then some-, body else's. Im not paVticular whether my resolution is adopted or not. Ill take anyone's that- is vigorous enough and call a spade a spade. If this convention apiyoves the Ku Klux Klan an unthinkable thing then it follows logically that I am not hn 'available candidate, for I could stand On no such SHOWER LILAB WEBER FUNCTION IS HELD AT HOME WEDDING THIS WEEK. The first of a aeries of six articles, each by an authority, on beauty and hygiene BY ELOISE CHARLOTTE afternoon.

June 21. Shower was given at the Mrs. John H. Weber, east in honor of her who is to wed Henry of Mr. and Mrs.

George time in June. hundred guests were the afternoon was spent contests and music. Miss was awarded a aalt shaker for making the out of the word Harve Rainsburg was with a vial of perfume. were presented to Miss Miss Edna Kates received the puxale contest. lunch of chicken pickles, assorted cakes, and lemonade was Weber was presented with beautiful and useful gifts, of silverware, ahimnium, china, money, 'and cut HE startling statement that the use of colored soaps tends to lower moral standards among American women was recently 'made in a bulletin circulated by an ill advised publication.

In Oils bulletin were solemnly quoted the opinions of 35 women club feeders and one doctor, to the effect that such aoaps are making our women immoral. Although this unexpected attack beautiful music: they delight eras based on Ignorance rand sen- I the olfactory organs as colors and rationalism, it will serve to raise musk: delight the eye and ear. As Ihe whole question of what three a Gothic cathedral to the eye, or things are that we women use as a Schubert serenade to the ear. so trustingly on our faces and hands cs if each product were guaranteed to be safe aad effective. All our frpgrant essences, rouges, creams, and beauty aids, are they healthful or ruinous? We ought to know, for we have only one skin and we should cherish it.

What is perfume? Why is It so desirable? Are French products better than American? Consider, first, perfumes. They are as old as humanity. Probably Eve wai delighted to discover frankincense and myrrh in the Garden of Eden. Ancient Arabia used them, and Greece, and Cleopatra's Egypt, and Elisabeth's England, and de Maintenon's France. Their basic sppesl is th name as that of beautiful flne perfume lure the sense of smell with ail its subtle charm of intricate blend and harmony.

But better than either the cathedral or the serenade, the perfume is personal, and personally becoming. The first is am expression of some one else's personality; the perfume Is an expression of your "own personality. This la perhaps the most essential rule observed hy all renowned beauties In the selection of this moat subtle ally. What Is a perfume? Simply an essential oil. of violets lilacs, jasmine or of any Now, (he qualities of an rsssntlsl Ml are first, that it has a chsr-eJ act eristic odor, and second, that it is a remarkable preservative.

ar During the war, the Untied State Government had interesting to learn this. It had ehoi quantities of Carrel-Dakii solution, that highly valuabl fluid used in healing open wound! atjx Mf and Mrs. and daughter tpmh regular meeting tomorro; Magnolia shopped in night. Business of importance I. Lunch will be sort ed.

T. S. Cotto SatUrday secretary. Mr. and Mrs, A.

B. Scott and children left today for Ypsilanti; where this summer Mrt Scott will attend the Ypsilant); Normal summer school. Mr. Scot!) aad the children will visit radtl). friends during the summer.

Senator Thurlow Essingte went to Chicago this morning oril business. 2 A Owen Welch, of' Ottawa, vlsitef. in Streator yesterday afternodn. Hfif Was formerly employed, In this -Miss Alice Bruner went to Chi-, cage this morning. jj Stanton Foster, son of Mr.

and Mrs. W. G. Foster, left this morning! for Hobart. where he has ac'il cep ted a position with the National Fireproof Company for the summed Mrs.

J. R. Mertes of Mitchel 8. who has been visiting tl past week at the R. A.

Helm 50T West Bridge street, will retui to Peoria tomorrow. ni in Vincent Banker, widow trim and display man at the Purcel store left yesterday for Buffalo, where the coming week he attend the National Display convention. John B. Milburn returned toda from Indlariapolis where he attqpd ed a conference of officials of th. national postgl supervisors organ Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Martin, of ora. 111., visited yesterday at Stotler home In Highland Park the Broaddus residence on N. Vermillion street. Mrs.

H. D. Graham and Mrs. S. Hennessey returned to Chicago y.

They have been in Streator past few days attending the fuser vice of their cousin, Lloyd who was drowned last week the Vermillion river. Pearl Rice and WllUam Borsch is have been visiting with rela-Ives here returned to Chicago toil'. C. C. Bowman left last evening Springfield, 111., on a business rip.

Miss Hester CadilFaqd Gladys Lewis of this city accompanied by. 'i trio Me Klure of Clinton Iowa motored to Pontiac and. Chicago esterday. LOCAL MEN ESCAPE INJURY 4 BEIMER AND H. TREMPER MOVE FROM TREE AS IT SPLIT8 IN STORM.

0n Saturday a variety home of of this city, daughter, Lilah. Smith, son H. Smith, About one present and in games, Ida Gebeber and pepper mom words "matrimony. Mrs. consoled Both prises Weber.

tbe prise in A delicious sandwiches, lc ham. served. Miss many consisting pyrex. linen, glafes. LA SALLE.

June 33. (SpeclaJ) Two-Thirds of the roof on the MUn-dle foundry here was blown off Is yesterdays storm. The damage at the factory ie considerable, i The wall of the La Salle Y. W. C.

A. cl broom was crushed In when two trees fell against it. Fred Goss who was nearby received a bad gash in his head from another falling tree. Five automobiles driving between Spring Valley and Peru during the storm were blown Intb the embankment. The occupants were unhurt.

keep. Ization. turned rancid. So the Govern men called in the chief chemist of Col gate A Company, a house whos Walter 22. Ddnv was -knocked from the top Fred Beimer and Harry Tremper ind a narrow escape from at least hundred and eighteen years of ex a Santa Fe passenger train at street viaduct at Galesburg yesb Jkerlojus Injury yesterday when they PEORIA SCHOOL SAVINGS.

Pupils of the 1eoMa. schools deposited $17,229.48 more in school savings fund during the school year recently closed then ie the. previous year it ie shown hy th last figures complied from the reports The balance on deposit at the close of the present school year was 79, $7.4. 11 while the balance a year ago was The amount deposited for the last seven day period of the year was $809.44 Lindsay home On a in hope. The chemist pimply addet day and before he could be rescu 11 country near the river where STREATOR MAN CHARGES WIFE WITH DESERTION essential oil to the Carrel-Dakii solution.

Not only did the delicatt fluid keep thereafter, but it wai was run over by a freight train, was foynd dead a few minutes by Joseph R. Gentry, 20. also hey had been fishing, just in tin.e avert being struck as the big DETAINED IN CITY Father Parker Did Not Go "With Others to St. Boros Retreat. Rev.

Father Parker of the Church of Immaculate Conception was unable to go with the other local Catholic priests to the retreat to be held next week at St. college in Peru. Masses will therefore be held at the church every morning. Among thooe priests who went from Streator, were Fathers Causey, Biskupski Wozniak. Bede's rendered more attractive for um.

Denver, with whom he bad beef ottonwood was snapped in two in Charles Sweet Given Diveree When He Telle Hie Story in 1 Court, since essential oil Is perfume. -Perfumed products, you see. In beating his way to "the Kansal wheat fields, after having worked The men had spent some time in fSnoved from' under large tree jhb storm. gath-: stead of being adulterated by theb perfume. are improved and glvel lasting -qualities.

The question of French Jhe lost yqar in Chicago. The bid rug sale at the Olsoji Mterc. Co. starts Wednesday moral ishing, and when the clouds sred decided to hurry to town. When hey were some distance the storm Dco*ke in its fullest fury, and they vfi American scents is becoming lee! EE look refuge for a time under the a matter of popular interest leaders of the fashionable worll Mr.

and Mrs. 'Charles OToote cottonwood tree. After stand some time, and as the The solution would not 1 perience Justified the Government CHAIRMAN HULL PAINTED. NEW YORK, June 33. Cordell Hull, chairman of the democratla national committee, suffered a near collapse in the Waldorf hotel here today, the result qf the excessive heat and several weeks unceasing work In -connection with convention arrangements.

The chairman fainted iirihis room. He. was revived and. his condition was said to be not although the physicians cautioned him against over exertion. and take more and more to the domes, family.

of Joliet visited at tbd La Salh itrom had abated a little, Mr. Charles Sweet of this city was given a divorce by Judge Eldredge in Ottawa this morning after he id entered charges against his wife for desertion. He stated his wife. Ethel Sweet, left him November 25, 1921. They had'been married October 8, 191 1.

The complainant was given the custody of two of the three clhihlren. er child. Beulah has lived with her Clifton, 7 and Dorothy, 2. The oth-mbther since she left home. tic fragrances.

All the best peri yesterday. Mr. O'Toole Beimer. who drove, decided to "ruq for ft and started awiy. Looking DISCUSS AQUEDUCT CASE.

City Attorney Lloyd Painter, Senator Thurlow G. Essington Mayor S. J. Myer met Saturday afternoon in a conference concerning the Aqueduct rates case, and according to reports, came to a conclusion regarding the next move to be taken. A report of je meeting will be given in tomorrow's issue.

Senator Essington is in Chicago today. umea, Whether made in France oj America, whether Ira France roof or Dactylic. Cashmere Bouquet Cha Ming, Florlent, or any of tbi quality makes, contain the iuni Ingredients. The chief difference! are the language on the label and ployed on the Joliet-Herald- S. 1 A assumpsit suit hie started IS the Circuit Court tl I Johnson, who resides east Ridge against Ernest.

Pan-1 xl ek from a little distafiqp they saw be big tree struck and spiff In tb heavy trunk falling directly where their car had been. RECEPTION FOR FLYER8. RURAL CARRIERS PICNIC. Several rural carriers of the Streator Ptet Office were at Starved Rock yesterday where they attended the annual state picnic of the carriers. There were a number from all over the northern pert of Illinois, but the majority of those present were from La Salle County.

The picnickers were among those caught in the heavy storm which swept this region. the price, but are American women being deceived by the language into paying the price? Very Interesting tests were recently made in New York, involving hundreds of women the smart world, aad many per tomes, and extending over many weeks. Asked to select their preference of scores of unidentified Perth women vqted simply on the basis of pi Marie Pancake of community. Attorney um Cvqway represents the plaintiff action was started to collect ut te( that Is alleged to have be-sr by the plaintiff. W.

Smith of Streator, Who errested by' the police of this Uj when he was alleged to have be ir. an intoxicated condition. hi bees turned over to Sheriff Welti and taken to Ottawa, where he wqi CALCUTTA. India, June 28. The.

nail Calcutta AmeQcan colony is planning big-ovation when the Uhited State army round the world ftyera arrive here. They are expected to leSve Rangoon tomorrow-, weather permitting, arriving here Thursday. Stops will be made at Baasein and Akyab. HERE IS NEWS. If you want to test our efficiency end us a pair of your fine shoes, and see how aplendMfiy we can renew them.

j. We Save You Money On Your Shoe Bills Crouch Shoe Repair Shop Phone 647-K. 14 S. Bleemington Eh NOTICE. To My Customers: Am quitting the elevator business on June 30, 1924, and bn asking all who have account to call and settle on or before the 30th inst.

Will you kindly show me the same courtesy that has been extended 3w- J. McCoy. Uhi The ON MOTOR TRIP. Mr. and Mra.

Orville Braden (amity motored to Curbowdale to day. quality. Identified of. the and of It was found that piaoed in the county jail. Mira Mildred thJd morning for WU1 $9 office room Murrey build-arts a pew tenant.

Glenn of Kankakee, insurance, la vpry well pleased to locate la ths.

The Times from Streator, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.