DEATHS Chemung County Mrs. Neoma Updike, 66, of 410 Dewitt Thursday, Sept. Survived husband ChesUpdike; daughter, Mrs. Leslie Holewinski Louisiana; brothFrank and Forrest Eggersdorf of Montour Falls. Body at Keister Funeral Home.
Calling hours: Friday 2 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Funeral arrangements incomplete. Funerals Arthur Shappee of Pine City. Funeral at Keister Funeral Home today at 2 p.m., the Rev.
Robert Greaves. Pallbearers: Franklin Tillinghast, Howard and Harland Gage, Robertey Masia, Florence Curren, Sheive. Woodlawn Cemetery. Mrs. Delia Bucholz Balcom of 902 Sullivan Funeral at Barrett Funeral Home today 2 p.
the Rev. Lullus D. Bell. Pallbearers: John Emanuel William, Eugene, and Frederick Bucholz Stephen Zawko, Carl Fowler, all grandsons. Woodlawn Cemetery.
Maude J. Monroe of 806 Ave. Body at Smith Funeral Home. Calling today 3 to 5 and 7 to Two Quit Civil War Commission CLINTON, N.Y. (AP) Two members of the federal Civil War Centennial Commission, including chairman, Ulysses S.
Grant III, have resigned amid reports of friction within the commission over the demotion of its executive director. Grant, grandson of the Union Army's Civil War commander, said Wednesday he had resigned because of the serious illness of his wife, the former Edith Root. Because of her illness, he said, he could not travel widely on commission business. In Washington, the White House confirmed that Grant and Vice Adm. Stuart H.
Ingersoll of the Naval War College had resigned from the commission. Pierre Salinger, press secretary, would neither make public their letters of resignation nor discuss their reasons. There were reports that Grant's resignation stemmed from a recommission action demoting Karl S. Betts from executive director to special consultant. Rep.
Fred Schwengel, R-Iowa, vice chairman of the commission, said in Washington Grant's action was not a direct result of Betts' removal at a committee meeting. Schwengel was elected vice chairman at that meeting and succeeded Rep. William Tuck, D- who resigned. The friction on the 25-member commission reportedly followed racial differences at a centennial observance in April at Charleston, S.C. Seaway Pioneers Honor Eisenhower GETTYSBURG, Pa.
-Former President Dwight D. Eisenbower, the now St. an Lawrence honorary Seaway memPioneers. Dr. N.
R. Danielian, president of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence. Association, presented Eisenhower with a membership to the pioneers group Wednesday in a brief ceremony at Gettysburg. The St.
Lawrence Seaway Pioneers are made up of prominent Americans who, prior to 1954, advocated and worked for construction of the seaway. 9 p.m. Funeral, there Friday at 11 a.m., Rev. Gerald Watkins. Woodlawn Cemetery.
Deaths Elsewhere Herbert F. Schoch, 67, of 26 Robie Bath, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1961. He was a retired employe of W. W.
Babco*ck Bath, and a member of First Presbyterian Church. Survived by wife, Mrs. Frances Barrett Schoch; sons, William of Slaterville Springs, N.Y., James of the Air Force Academy; sisters, Miss Elsie Schoch and Mrs. E. Walter Woodbury of Bath, Mrs.
George Arnold of Mt. Dora, Fla. Body at fa*gan Funeral Home. Bath. Calling hours: today 7 to 9 p.m., Friday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
Funeral there Saturday at 2 p.m., the Rev. George H. Allen Jr. Nondaga Cemetery, Bath. Arthur Wren, 77, of 330 Keuka Penn Yan, Tuesday, Sept.
5, 1961. Survived by daughter, Mrs. Leonard Casteel, with whom he resided; brother, William of Barrington; sister, Mrs. Ethel Whitehead of Ithaca. Body at the Thayer Funeral Chapel, Penn 4 and m.
Funeral there Yan. Calling, hours: today 2 to Friday at 2 p. the Rev. Sheldon Stephenson. Second Milo Cemetery.
Funerals Elsewhere Mrs. Harriet Giles of Blauvelt, N. formerly of Burdett. Body at Vedder Scott Funeral Home, Montour Falls. Calling hours: today 7 to 9 m.
Funeral, there Friday at 2 p. William J. Cartmell. Union Cemetery, Burdett. Mrs.
June Adoulf of Rushville. Body at Hobart Funeral Chapel, Penn Yan. Calling hours: today 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Funeral Friday at 2 p.
m. in Rushville Congregational Church, the Rev. Charles Alnatt, Woodlawn Cemetery, Canandaigua. Mrs. Sophia E.
Dick of 36 Mills Hornell, Body at Dagon Funeral Home, Hornell. Prayer service there Friday at 8:30 a.m., Requiem Mass at 9 in St. Ignatius Loyola Church, Hornell. Recitation of Rosary today at 8 p.m. Crash Injuries Kill Minister KANSAS CITY, Mo.
(A) The Rev. A. G. Wright of Detroit, died today of injuries suffered during an outburst of jostling and pushing Wednesday when two factions of the Negro National Baptist Convention, USA, sought control of the rostrum at Municipal Auditorium. He fell off the stage during the struggle.
His head hit the floor. He died at 3 a.m. without regaining consciousness, attendants said. He was about 50 years old. Delegates to the annual meeting are scheduled to elect officers today under a court-approved plan designed to prevent further violence.
About 6,000 delegates are here for the meeting. Titan Firing Success CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP)- An intercontinental range Titan missile blazed 6,100 miles Wednesday night and ejected an experiment-filled capsule which was picked up by a recovery vessel. The successful flight matched the longest previous distance covered by Titan and edged the ocean-spanning rocket closer to operational readiness. Within a few weeks, Air Force troops are scheduled to launch a Titan from Vandenberg Air Force Base, to signal that the big ICBM ready for deployment. Data From U.S.
WEATHER BUREAU 40 HIGH 50 50 30.06 COLD60 LOW 70 60- COLD 29.53 HIGH $30.09 LOW 70 129.56 I FORECAST LOW Until Friday Morning CARLA Figures Show Low Temperatures Expected LITTLE TEMPERATURE change is expected in the nation tonight except for some cooling in the Ohio valley, the central Rockies and northwestern Washington state. Scattered showers with snow flurries in the higher elevations are forecast for the northern Rockies. Showers are expected in the central Plains, the central Ohio valley and southern Florida. THE WEATHER REPORT More of the Same Elmira and Vicinity: Changeable sky, quite warm and humid tonight and Friday; chance of thundershowers. Outlook for Saturday, no significant change.
LOCAL WEATHER Expected low tonight, 62-67. Expected high Friday, 85-90. Winds variable, 5-15 miles an hour. LOCAL TEMPERATURES High Wednesday, 84. Overnight low, 63.
ALBANY IN U. S. Weather Bureau temperatures to 7 a. High Low Albany 83 Rock Praises Post Girl for Prize Exhibit SYRACUSE (GNS) Prize winning high school scientists captured Governor Rockefeller's attention Wednesday. the Pausing State on Fair, his rapid, tour of Ithaca High School sellertioned Mayer on his oscilloscope wave device, It won first prize in statecompetition.
Governor termed the exhibit "very interesting," and questioned Mayer about it, but it wasn't clear whether he was awed because derstood it or because he didn't. The Governor congratulated Thelma Miller and questioned her on her illustrated study of life cycle the shrimp and the effects of environmental change it. With the the pretty graduate of Painted Post High School won a fifthplace gold medal. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Billy Miller, Painted Post RD 1, she will enter St. Lawrence University on a scholarship this fall. Barbara Burns Termed Critical LOS ANGELES (AP)- Barbara Burns, 22, daughter of the late comedian Bob Burns, was reported ed in critical condition today from what police said was an overdose of sleeping pills. Miss Burns was treated at Hollywood Receiving Hospital 1 on Wednesday night and then transferred to General Hospital where attendants said she was put on the critical list. She was found unconscious by a friend in her Hollywood apartment.
Conspiracy Charged In Tax Case BOSTON -Henry Grillo, 42, Internal Revenue executive assistant to regional Service, commissioner of intelligence, stands accused today conspiring to fix a $360,000 tax evasion case. Grillo, of Andover, was orderarraigned today' with three others before U. S. District Judge Francis J. W.
Ford. He has been on leave for time but has not been suspended. A federal grand jury Wednesday indicted Grillo for conspiracy. If convicted, he would be liable to five years imprisonment and a $10,000 fine. Indicted with him, also on conspiracy charges, were three lawyers Nathaniel Bergman, 53, SHOP SEARS TONIGHT 'TILL SEARS coat and ski styled ROEBUCK AND CO COTTON FLANNEL PJ'S Jubilee Priced 198 5 Come see our big selection for girls and boys everything from Football to Norwegian prints.
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8. sole. Sizes 2 to 8. SEARS OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND MONDAY NIGHTS 'til 9 Stereodo Parking Hartford, Glassman, Paul' A. 45, Gorin, Brookline, Boston." Baptist Women Schedule Meet 15 ELMIRA STAR GAZETTE Thursday, September 7, 1961 and cf conspiring pay $10,000 sell Brown will have charge of The grand jury accused Schedule Meet Charles J.
McCaffrey, 47, assist- devotions and Mrs. Lula Graham ant IRS regional counsel in Bos- MIDDLEBURY The Baptist will lead in the program. ton, to recommend no prosecu- Women's Missionary Society will Special music will be provided tion for Bergman for alleged tax meet Monday night at 8 at the by Miss Nancy Smith. evasion. church annex.
The National Park Service and the National Geographic Society have completed excavation of Long House, a major cave city in Colorado's Wetherill Mesa. SEARS 75 Mrs. Olive Whitney and Mrs. Clifford Sechrist will be hostesses. Mrs.
James Brown will preside. Mrs. Gordon Abrams of Wellsboro will be speaker. Mrs. Rus- DIAMOND JUBILEE PLAN FIREMEN'S OUTING MONTOUR FALLS The nual outing of the Montour Falls Fire Department will be held Saturday noon at the Firemen's Training Grounds.
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