Articles tor Sale 83 Wanted Merchandise 5 by Rcnaio Smytho Star-Gazette Mon-June 2g. ANDY CAPP -i- I cont kwow Tun nolt MINbNOU, ICOUL5CO WITH SCrVEONE COME IM AN1 HELP MF v-JITVI UKEVAETRYIKfTOl 3ET Rib of ORKj- 3 dsri AVW5GE ON MOUR OWN, PERCY COIN' A JOB 1 AN1 HASIN' A HOUSE TO TAKE CARE OFt yOU GET USED JACK. I iXJ A BlTOxCLEANIN' EVERY i that bloke Untcramete ttWM tour Jumble, on latter 10 each iquare. ID form tout ordinary words. ENCEP BYLUR 1 KERUBE I 1 1 I 1 DUQILI Prtntansworhw: pTME ROUGH TO IT, UTTLc "DP OF Help Wanted 120 Part time night auditor needed.
Some bookkeeping experience preferred. Must be willing to work 11 p.m. to a.m. Apply In person. Corning Hilton Inn.
Projectionist Wotkins Glen Theater. Apply 7 to 9 p.m. Tues. Sat. Registered Nurse, Willord Psychiatric Center, Evenings or nights.
Excellent benefits working conditions. Flexible work schedules. Liberal N.Y.S. Government vacations, sick leave, personal leave, 11 paid holidays. Inexpensive Health Insurance.
Qualifiecatlons R.N. License. Car pools available. Call Sarah Jurewicz ot 607-869-3111, Ext. 2302.
We ore on affirmative actionequal opportunity employer. reliable and experienced married mon on dairy form, 607-565-9217. Wanted Residential Program Worker positions. Live in positions in apartment program located in Emporium, Pa. working with mentally retarded adults.
Program sponsored by Potter Co. Commissioners. Degree preferred but not required. Experience working with mentally retarded or handicapped desirable. Submit resume to Potter Co.
CLA, 12 E. Second Couders-port. Pa. 16915. We an Eaual Opportunity Employer, Resumes Professionally prepared.
Consultotion, typing included. 734-3491. RN Opening full time opening exists in pediatrics unit on the 11 to 7 shift, full time and part time openings exist in ICU 11 to 7 shift. Every other weekend off. Competitive salary and attractive benefits.
Contact Pat Clark, Nursing Service, St. Joseph's Hospital, 555 Market Elmira, N.Y. 14902 EOE. RESPIRATORY CARE TECHNICIAN tin Mlfc fcWft cmlifod ar evbtt. Apply rnmm Det.
St. Francis Hospital 10 lax Main St. Part Mmfc. NY (914)856-5351 leual OpMrtimHy Imetoyef 1 LWYT KEEP ON Help Wanted Accountant: Immediate opening,) Rynone Industries, Waverly, NY. Degree or work experience accepted.
Supervise gen-eral ledger, accounts payable, payroll, and accounts receivable. Knowl edge of computer helpful. 565-8121. Ask for Rich. A 20 percent discount on all Permanent Waving Hair Coloring.
July 4th special July 7-8-9-10-11. Make your appt. early. Riti Carriage Salon 734-5186. Class III Drivers, clean license, minimum 2 years driving experience.
Steady work and fringe benefits. Call for appt. 732-9875. Data Processing Instructor, minimun 2 yrs. college necessary, experience in key punching, data entry sys tems, systems 3 and systems 34 computer operation required.
Start September. Contoct Max E. Thomas, Livingston, Wyoming BOCES, Mt. Morris, N.Y. 14510, 716-658-! 2253.
Director Food Service. Challenging opportunity for results-oriented individual to assume responsibility for the Food Service Department of a 177 bed JCAH Acute Care Hospital located in Central N.Y State. Responsibilities include planning, direction and coordination of food service for patients and employees. BA in Food Service Administration or equivalent on-the-job train ing with a minimum of 3 years institutional food man agement experience Excellent salary benefit I program. Send resume to: Vice President Personnel, Cortland Memorial it Hospi-Homer i tal, 134 Ho NY 13045.
AAeeo employer. Dungeons and Dragon play-: ers new to area are looking for other players call 7 Jumble: TRYST SOAPY INVERT HAIRDO Molds, Kiln, greenware supplies, everything you ned to start own cesomic shop. 814-628-2702, (ytX tires for motocross, 2 frbnt Knobbys, 3x19 and 1 rear Knobby 4x18, $3ff or best, new tube's, must sell 733-2040. Otice equipment, business ortke disposing of equipment thru sealed bids. Equipment may be inspected by Deadline for bids 9 a.m.
July 15, 1981. Old Golf clubs made before 16, calf Rafter Ijpm, 734-9212. Seoler, Driveways -'i and Parking lots seated and repaired, Set Torches (nq lopks), new gauges. 607-524-6504, Singer tewing machine, pedal machine, excellent condition. $60.
739-4720. Steocil Duplicator, Gestet-ner, Model 310, auto feed, like new. $600. 607-962-5119. Storage Sheds will -be available for sole from the Carpentry Department at B.OC.E.S., 431 Philo Road, pefmore informatidhxCon-tpcfc Sandra P.
Stanton, Occupational ByuSbtion Qfjice, 739-3581, eji, Sfoijent lift top hardwood dek, couch, reclinerr 739-oip. Twin Mattress, box springs S'tcame $90, 2 girts. tikes power $50, refrigerator $350. w3-500. Tw.
keyboard Wufjitzer orean. Singer rhefhine, BlackWtiitej TV, 7)lg43 after JrUer Heaters 4vaallon gas $131.95, 40 oaltomelec-1 tr $117.50, 717-537-66. M'M mm Rummage Sales 86 Attic Sale. 476 South Thurs. 10 to 4.
-Beds, bikes, speaker cabinet, sew-ing machine, more. Rummage, all sizes Nothing, 5 speed bike, paneling, Wed. 9- 4, 577 Thompson. St. Rummage 585 S.
Main St. Elmira. Sat. Mon. 9-5.
I Rummage Sale, children, sizes. 421 Vj Mon. 9-4. Rummage Sale, Man Jn. 29, 10-5pm, small appliances, skiis, i much more.
549 Westlake i Rummage Sale Household items, knick-knacks, Mon-Wed, 9-5 109 Willys St. Rummage Sale, fireplace screen and equipment, clock and Sconce set, misc. clothing, Tuesday, 9-3, 100 Scenic Drive. Hhds, Sale- Everything furniture, appliances, 410 Maxwell June 27,28,29, 9-6. Sofa bed, couch, pool table toaster oven, tables, jet rig-1 eYotor, drapes, dinette set.
Suto Mon. 12 to -5. Olcott Big Flats. Good Things to tiat! 89 A-l StrawberrieC- fresh oicked 65 cents Ibrbv the HnL.M.iKhnrH'e Uni-lrtl Pt I I I i i Hetp Wanted 120 Doiry Farm help with milking, prefer femole. Call 717-537-2810.
Salesperson tar wall to wall carpet department. Experience necessary. Must have ability to sell and enioy the challenge of commission sale. Excellent income opportunity, outstanding company benefits. Send resume to 917 Star-Gazette.
EOE. Secretary Receptionist industrial tool sales office. General office work. Must want full time work steady employment. Shorthand, typing filing experience preferred.
Our employees know of this ad. Send resume to 918 Star-Gazette. TEACHING VACANCIES: Teachers of Special Education for Early Intervention Program and Resource Rooms, Resource Room and Kindergarten combination. Physical Education, Social Studies, Psychologist, Psychome-trist ond port-time Health and Spanish. Contact Corn-1 Ing School District, 291 E.
First Corning, NY 936- 3704. An Affirmative i Action Equal Opportunity i Employer. TV Broadcast Technicians. 2 new positions tor FCC first class licensed persons with 2 year minimum hands-on maintenance of studio andor transmitter equipment. Write: Mr.
Egolf, WENY, P.O. Box 208, Elmira, N.Y. 14902. Wanted: Man on dairy farm, trailer and utilities furnished, 717-596-2807. WANTFD Persons 55 Years of age and older for employment with the Senior Community Service Employment Progrom located at 204 N.
Franklin Watklns Glen, NY (607)535-6502. We ore now taking applications for immediate employment. Couple interested in mairv tenonc work in fin apartment house with pleasant conditions. Must be responsible, neat ond have a working knowledge of plumbing and electric plus carpentry and mechanical abilities. Must live in.
Stat axperience and write to Bon 9 1 5 Stor-Gozette. i Experienced full time win-jdow display person; AH Sflnric trrnn aluminum, batteries, newspapers. Kaplan's, 104 E. Woodlawn 733-4531 WE BUY AT T. GUNS; NO COLLECTION HESSELSON'S 163 14th St ELMIRA HEIGHTS 733-4665 J.
1600 CEDAR ST. SOUTHPORT 734-4195 MUSICAL MERCHANDISE 1 02-105 Instruments 102 Akai GX-4000DB RT.R $375, MXR Compander $60, Pioneer Equilizer $175, DBX Model 110 $175, Shure V-15 IV (Needs Stylus) $40, All In excellent condition, 733-1246 9am-2pm. Pianos Organs 103 Everett 1934 Orgotron, Reed, Tube amplified, 2 manuals, 32 pedals, $500, 562-8853. Sanyo Receiver and Turntable, Fisher speakers, lieke nw new, 732-4986. Upright player piano, $1000.
Excellent condition. Corning 937-5618. TV Radio Recording 104 rAj LIVESTOCK 110-113 Cats Dogs Pets 110 AKC Afghon hound pup- pies, 2 males, $200 excellent breeding, 9647. AKC Apricot and Black toy and minature poodle puppies, shots, paper trained, 739-7691. AKC Pug.
Quality male puppy. $150 negotiable. 734-6823. AKC Registered Apricot Miniature Poodle Puppies, shots. $150.
734-0591. AKC Registered Toy Poodle Puppies, $125 to $150. 607-324-0908. AKC Registered co*cker Spaniel Puppy, male, buff, AKC Registered Pomeranian puppies, 8 wks. old, call 717-662-2910.
AKC Registered Miniature Schnauzers, male. Gray black 562-3726 after 2 pm. pies, Chamoionshio bloodlines, $175, 734-8871 nfter 5nm Beautiful Curly Pood Pup 734-6337. Brittany Spaniel Pups, AKC registered, mother and father excellent hunters, have puppy shots. $175 ea.
607-776-2600. Chihuahua puppies, rare rhnrnlntA rnlnreri. rendv 2 weeks, reasonable, shots and wormed, health guarantee, 739-9466. Doberman puppies, black and rust, $125, 734-0777. Free kittens to a Loving Home, call 733-8462.
Golden Retriever pup, 12 weeks old, pedigree included. $150. 607-523-893 evenings. Golden Retrievers AKC, 9 weeks, shots, housebroken. 607-387-9645 eves weekends.
Himilayan cat, male, declowed, Neutered. $100. 739-2463. Lhasa Apso, male, very friendly, $125. negotiable.
607 292-6549. Sealpoint Siamese, male and female, litter trained, $35, 733-4525. Tropical fish, buy one, get one FREE. 10 gallon acaua-rium, light and hood. $24.
Wild Kingdom, Diven Plaza, Elmira. Two red male Dobermans, 2 mos. old, AKC $100 eoch. 732-4241. Two Sealpoint Siamese kittens, 8 wks old, male, female.
$25. 936-8189 after 4. Horses-Cattle-Access. Ill Leopard Appaloosa filly, 2 years old, sired by Joker Burtons; 2 Vi year old Morgan Gelding pony. 607-546-4791.
Registered Quarter Horse mare, green broke, must sell, going to college. 607-936-8049 after 5. wan i I 796- i I 1 93 187" (Ford 1978, Van, 6 cyl, many extras, must sell. 607 535-" T064, Automobiles 18. Always Buying and Selling -J Fine selection of used cars' Kauffman Auto Soles, 1145 Penna.
732 2187. Audi 1974, 100 Is. $1400. 732 9022. 417 Grove St.
Elmiro. Buick LeSabre 1978, Cos torn, 2 door, power steerlng-i brakes. Excellent. cl*tlord Chevrolet-Buick, Walking 535-2754. Buick Skylark 1971, V8.
new exhaust system ft. OatterV. $1000. 739 8451. Cadillac 1972, Coupe de, ville, fully eauipoed, 1, owner $1000.
607-292-6549. Chevrolet Caprice Cassia; 1974, Convertible, Sharo! Call Robert' Dodge, 7JK 9108, 562 8908. Chevrolet 1VSS 8, 4, speed, 21 rnoap new tires, mag rims, 5000 rebuilt, excellent 13000. Evenings 607-458, 5534 -j- Chevy Citation, 1980. excellent condition, low mileage, 1969 Comoro con-: vertible.
partially excellent condition, 607-594-' Chevy Impola 1973, air conditioned, runs good, some, rust. 734-5422 after Chevy Monte Carlo, 19777?" door, V8, outomotlc, blartf asking S2200, 732-1982. Chrysler Newport, 1974, 8" cvL, good condition. Phone 733-7816. Corvette 1962, 16,000 or best otter.
Call 936 8400 p.m. Datsun B210, 1976, Hatchback, 4 speed, no rust, runs good, $2000. 562 8603 after Dotsun 1973. excellent running condition. Very rusted.
-Good for parts. S150. 733-', 7853. Datsun 1974, 260Z, good condition, been stored. Manyi 'extras.
New brakes, no rust. 13600. 734 9357. Dodge Omni, 1979, 4 door, front wheel drive, rust proofing, new radial tiret, V4.550, 607-594-2462. Dodge wagon 1972, runs good.
Body fair. 1400. or best offer. 739 2713. Fiesta Sport, 1978.
Sun roof, sharp. Croft Ford 205, S. Main St. Athens, PA 7IJ- 888 2366. Firebird Formula 1971, 350,, built from crank up within, 1,000 miles.
Muncle Rod--crusher transmission, brand new zoom clutch and pressure plate. Hurst com-' petition plus 4-speed Trons-Am handling, suspension package. 410 controlled posi-trac rear end. Lake wood traction bars. Super' wide polished mognesiurri rims.
Needs good paint job. Nice mile car. S1400. CalL. 733 6963 after 4 p.m.
Ford Fiesta 1979, 25,000 miles, good condition. S32O0. 739-5931. Hertj Sells Cars Too. Phone, Larry Wischoff 739-3803.
port Rd. Horseheods, NY. Karman Ghlo runs 1300 or best offer. 796-9619. Lincoln 1968, 4 door, hard- top, extras Included.
Stored winters. 607-292-6549. $1500. firm. Maida GLC 1978, 3 door, sports hatchback, 5 speed, radio.
Excellent 13200. 739-8480. Mustang 1976, new rebuilt engine, asking 12500. 734-2549. Must Sell.
'66 Mustang, Hardtop, automatic on -floor, V-8 289, runs good, excellent Interior, some rust, $1100. Call Pom 732-7825. Oldsmoblle 1976 Custom Cruiser, Southern car, nany extras. $2,000 or best ofter 732-3425. 2 Olds Cutlass Limited EdlTJ tion, HurstOlds.
T-toeW 455, automatic, new tires.A 739 2549. -J2 Pinto Station wagon, 1976, door, 4 cyl, 4 speed, no Good tires. Good $1995. 733-3563. Plymouth Volart 1977 Ve.1 wagon.
Completed excellent condition, starter, brakes, recent tuneuo. 1 nice $2700. 962 8640. Pontioc Lemons. 1975, na rust.
21moa. air, AMfmJ clean, low mileage, $17Slw 739 0678. Pontioc 1949, $250; Moto-i! dor, wogon, 1975. $450. 73 3133.
739-1952. Pontioc 1977 Sunbird Hatch-bock, 4 cylinder, 4 speedj AI 11,1 HOI wsmnsj tw. Pontioc 1970 Convertible, very tow mileage, new rur ber. Collector item. Need" cosmetics exhaust.
962JJ 5327. Volkswooen, 1974 Supe( Beetle, block, red Interior showroom condition Immaculate $1950. 734-3794. Volvo 1970 144 sedan, run" good. $325.
607-243-7285. VW Conper 1971, work. $35. 607-243 7285. VW 199 tor parts.
BesC otter. 733-3504 or VW 197J Super Beetle newl point, rust proofed, good-condition, offers, 733-3312 after 6. issi NOTICE OF VACANCIES THteu Guidance Counselor- Special Needs, Teacher of Special Needs Metols (IA), Teacher of Agriculture-Conservation, Teacher of Agriculture Production, half tim, TXE ACHER Of Wilding. Accepting applications thru July 10, 1981. Title: Teacher of Cosmetology, Teacher of Plumbing, Teacher of Technical Electronics.
Candidates with Teacher Certification only. Accepting applications thru July 24, 1981. Send application resume to; Raymond i. Schoeberlein, Dir. of Occupational Education, Pauline G.
tush Area Education Center, 431 Philo Elmira, NY 14903. The Board of Cooperative Educational Services is committed to Equal Opportunity in Employment and Educotion. DONATIONS REQUESTED: V-8 Automo-! UIIC3 Willi UI3t DIQKCS, nnrcc. Tlfi ItBI Elm Chevrolet needs used cars, we will pay top dollar 1 for good clean used cars. Phone 734-4141.
Automotive Parts 181 Door tar 1971 Comoro, brand new. $100 or best offer. Holley intake 720 carb for chevy, $300. 732-5345. Automotive Service 182 Pro.
Auto Body. Quality Repair. 725 Herrick St. Elmira. 732-0165.
Motorcycles-Mopeds 184 A Buy) If we can't beat the best deal you con get on a 1981 Yamaha by at least $50, we will buy the gasoline it takes to come to our shop and deal! Shop around first. Yamaha of Wellsboro, Pa. 717-724-5099. A Buy! If we can't beat the best deal you can get on a 1981 Honda by at least $50, we will buy the gasoline it takes to cone to our shop and deal. Shop around first.
Honda of Wellsboro, Pa. 717-724-5099. Horley Davidson Sportster, excellent condition. $2295. 732-3332.
Honda Moped, excellent condition. Less than 350 miles. Asking $400. 734-8952. 732 5850.
Honda 1973, $47S. 734-2549. 350, asking Honda 174, XL175, excellent condition, $495, coll 717-888-3771. Honda 1978, 400 Hawk. excellent shape, many extras, $950, 717-638 3108.
Honda, 1979, CB750K. low mileage, many extras. 562- 8508; Honda 1980 Interstate, bur-gandy, only 978 miles, In showroom condition. $4,250 firm. Serious buyers please.
717-673-5678. Honda 1980, miles, $1100, 8543. XR200, 7969454, 200 733- Kawasaki, 1980 750. excellent condition, $2400, coll alter 5pm, 733-4753. Kawasaki 1975, 900 Zl, mint condition.
733-7939. 732 8060. Triumph 1977, 750cc, low miles, good condition. Ask-ing $1900. 607 529-3522.
Yamaha RD250 1975 like new, 1500 miles. 796 9619. Yamaha 1975 YZ250 Moto-cross $600. 734-9202. Yamaha 1977, 650, good condition, no reasonable otter refused, 535-7259.
lob' Cvclo Shop, Inc. Sayre, ra. i-ooo-ro. Honda Cycles. Rototiert.
generators, lownmowers. H. T. iorgh Automotive. Inc.
380 S. Mom. 734-2205. Solex, Motobecone. Davit Cycle 1 Salvage, Montesa Corobek).
Wellsboro, Pa. 717724-4291. 724-4974. 3021 lake Rd. 732-3171.
Ports. Service. Accessoriet for all brands. Financing. Fitch' Sport Cantor, Rt.
14, Conton Po. 717-673-B75J. Yomoho Specials. Jom Marino Sayre, Pa. 717 888 2255.
In Season, Discounts on all Yomohot. Glider City Cycle, Kawasoki-Con-Am, N.Y.S. Insp. 10 8 doily. 734-1223.
Harding Harley-Dovld-on, 32 Bridge St. Corning. V36-3778. Cycles 4 Mopeds. Lane Yamaha, Rt.
14. Wotkins Glen, NY. 607-535 7574. Olo' Cycle Shop, Rt. 49.
Westfield. Po 8 14-367 2396. Kawasaki Cycles. Smith AMF Hurley Davidson, Doggeft, Pa. 717-537 6155.
large selectionl For advertising In this directory call Mix UShuro 734-J15I, Ixt. 225. Truckt-TroilervBuscs 185 Albee Truck inc. GMC-Internatlonal trucks. Baldwin-Washington 733-5562.
Follow 5th St. Exit. Oatsun 1974 Pickup, GMC 1975 6000 cabin chassise, Millerton Truck Soles, 717-537-6545. Ford 1941 '1 ton pickup show truck. Immaculate and ready to go.
Serious phone calls only. 717-549-6021. Ford 71 Pickup, 250, camper special with rock, $700, 733 9661. Largest Selection Used Pickups between Rochester and Harrisburg. Truck Cen-ter, Sayre 717 888 7242.
Pick Up Ford, 1969, step-side, 6 cylinder, standard transmission, inspected, 56.000 miles, some rust, ask-ing $375, 733-0)68. Toyota 4x4 truck, 1980, with air conditioning and bed-liner, plus mony extras. 717-724-4935. Jeepf 4-Wh Drives186 Bronco Ranger 1976, 17,000 miles. The nicest, best cared for 4 wheeler you will ever see.
734-0832 morn- ings. Chevy 1974 Blazer K5, 4 wheel drive, some rust. 80,000 miles. $2000. After 6, 739-0683.
Lincoln 198, 4 door, hard-. too, extras included. Stored I winters. 607-292-6549. S1500 1 tirm.
Scout 1974, with or without 1978 Meyers plow. Call 733-7370. Vans 187 Chevy 1972 Van, excellent condition. $2350 or best otter. 732-3721.
Ford Von 1973. Good condition. 108 Bennett Circle Elmira Heights. 1 i I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1.9 to 7 days. ''AKC Springer Spaniel pup- THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by Hnn Arnold and Bob Lm WHAT THE INVENTOR OF THAT AUTOMATIC MACHINE MAPE.y Now rrnot the circled letter to form the urpne entwer.
tug-gnted by in above cartoon. A (IIIXIl midget Mid when someone akd toan-SORRY, I'M SHORT Boots Marine Equip.161 Hobie Cats, 14, 16 and 18, Finger Lakes Hobie, 607-243 8444. Hobie 14, $2200, Finger Lakes Hobie, 607-243-8444. Mercury Outboards Boats. A.J.
Sports, Covington, Pa. 717-659-5245. OB 1800 electric boat lift, with roof ond sides. Asking $1000. 607-535-6543 evenings.
535-4512 5-10 a.m. SALE Coleman Canoes -17' $319, 15' $289. Phantom Sail Boats, Sail Boards. Four Seasons, 17, Big Flats, 562-8731. SeaRay 22' cruiser with camper back and trailer, 562 3196.
Summer Sale New 1981, 17', lo's. $6557. Jim's Marine Travel, Inc. 302 S. Keystone Ave.
Sayre, Pa. 717 888 2353. Trojan 23' Cruiser, tondem trailer mounted, clean 185 hp Interceptor. 717-835-5405 or 5222. Windsurfer, Catch the soort ot the 80s.
Finger Lakes Hobie 607-243 8444. Wooden 14' boat, 28 hp motor and trailer. $400. Phone 732-5679. 10 foot aluminum John Boat with 10 speed electric motor battery, $275, call 739-5058.
Camping Trailers 163 Chevy Camper Van, 1974, must see to appreciate, $2800, or trade for car of eaual value, after 5pm, 733-2970 or 739-4993. Coachman-Shosta-Wilderness Motor Homes 8, Travel Trailers. 5th Wheels. Trailer, Vans, Wilkins Recreational Vehicles, Rt. 21, Hornell.
607-324-1313. Coleman Folddowns on inside display, Liteweight Sunline Travel Trailers. Complete camping RV accessories store. Four Seasons, Rt. 17, Big Flats.
562-8731. Coleman Valley Forge, 1980, like new, will sacrifice S19S0, mony extras, evenings 4-6pm 962 6091. RHONE'S TRAVEL TRAILERS Coachman Holiday Rambler RV's. Inventory Reduction Sole, Best Prices Ever. RT.
15, 7 miles north of 717-494-1364. Save Money! New 1981 Camp Trailers with kitchen ond spare, S1995. New 1981, 29' travel trailer, loaded. S8995. Rentals.
Jims Marine Travel, Inc. 302 S. Keystone Av. Sayre, Pa. 717 888 2353.
Truck Camper 8', monv extras, need money. S550. 733-2962, 609 Mt. Zoar. Swimming.
Pools US Swimming Pools Repossessed: Complete with sundeck, fence, and filter. S995. Installation nntlnnnl Trrilt arranaed. Coll this Distributor collect 315-4630701. Where to Go lie Aviation 167 Hana Glidina instructions.
12 hour course. Eauipment provided. 732-7846 evenings, AUTOMOTIVE 180-188 Automotive Wanted 180; Absolutely the highest cosh tor clean cars. Gerard Motors, E. Woter at Madison 734-666.
All Junk Cars, iunk bought, free estimates, also parts sold. 734 6548. Always Buying Selling, good clean cars trucks. College Ave. Motor Sales, 1897 College Ave 732-9052.
AUTOS PURCHASED outright. Will pay top dollar or trode down tor your newer vehicle. Hortmon 8, Lynch. 201 S. Walnut, Elmira, i 1 1 QUALITY CONTROL SPECIALIST To work in Quality Control Dept.
ot Pointed Post Foundry. Prefer individuol with technical background, familiarity with blueprint reading ond experience in grey iron foundry, excellent benefits. Send resume and salary requirement to: Margaret B. Johnson Manager Salaried Employment INGERSOLL-RAND CO. Painted Pott, NY.
14870 VV ar an Equal Opportunity Employer Saturday What th him for a Help Wanted 120 Waitress Full or part time. Fvnerienred onlv need1 apply. Apply In person, Los Ponchos Restaurant, 10 a.m. 12 noon ond 3 to 5, p.m.. Wanted.
Boss Player, Rock-n-Roll; serious only. 607-565-4547 after 6om. DISPATCH CLERK General commodities experience desired. Apply in person or send resume to: Mork Sermon, Sermon's Motor Express, PO Box 206. NY 14845.
739-5641. SALESPERSON Highly motivated salesperson with successful record. Challenging position requiring previous sales experiece. Salary plus commission. Excellent opportunity for advancement.
Send letter and resume, storing salary requirements to General Manager, WETM TV, Box 1011, Elmiro, NY 14902. WETM is on equol opportunity employer. SILL IIAII3 TOCLS Globmasler needs a manufacturer' repre-q tentative or ogent to cover Jamestown and Binghomton area coll- ing on retailer. Many existing account and opportunities to add mora. Coll National I Sale Dept.
toll free 1- 800-231-6684. Situations Wanted 121 Babysitting, my Southside home. days. References furnished. 732-4862.
Experienced Nurse's Aide will care for elderly in your home. 739-3148. I would will babysit in my 1 home anytime. References, Pre-Schoolers My home, references, Southside. Preschool programming, Interviewing for Fall.
733-7706, 734-5715. Young boy would like iow-nmowing lobs, $2 Southside only. Hardworking, dependable! Lonnie at 732-6571. Instruction Classes 141 a change for the better. We'll help you man a new career as a tractor trailer driver.
Cntts.isw let Gwdsnc Beet 4M BUCKLEY ROAD LIVERPOOL. N.V 130M RLXRUT1QNAL 161-167 Boots Marine Equip. HI Clean Used Sail or power boot wanted, fiber metal or good wood. 717-835-5222 or 5405. TRAIN Dlt.y OH ti i 1 traveling required; benefits.
Apply Stuart's, Arnot Mall. Experienced Salesperson required for Elmira-Corn-ing Watkins Glen orea. program plus automobile allowance healthy commission struc-1 'ture. Handling advertising; sales to top businesses fori 'regional magazine new to 'area. Excellent personal joppearence required.
Good autonobile required. Income potential plus. Telephone 607-272-7711 ifor Mr. Franklin to arrange appt. Experienced bartenders and waitresses, working conditions and salary excellent, send your aual-ifications to PO Box 1264, Corning, NY 14830.
FARMER minimum qualifications 3 years of farm experience or 1 year of farm experience plus com- I at inn ff kinh Vrr agricultural course or 1 year of agriculture educa- tion beyond high school. For more information call 734-3901 ext. 296. Eaual opportunity emplover. Inside Sales full time.
Inside sales postion in industrial tool sales office. Must be conscientious and have an opptitude for handling figures accurately. Knowledge of cutting tools preferred. Our employees know of this ad. Send resume to 918 Star-Gazette.
KIDS OUT OF SCHOOL? Sell Avon to leave the house, earn good Call 734-8929. L.P.N. Willard Psychiatric Center, Evenings or nights (flexible scheduling). Liberal N.Y. State government vacation, sick leave, holiday insurance benefits.
Qualifications: L.P.N. License. Call Sorah Jurewicz at 607-869-3111, Ext. 2302. We ore on affirmative actionequal opportunity employer.
MANUFACTURERS REP. Established OEM Rep agency seeks associate with partnership potential. Castings or metalworking exp. helpful. Exc.
commission arrangement. Foley Sales, P.O. Box 546, Ska-neateles, NY 13152. 315-685-6914. Mature, responsible male ond female counselors for part-time, live-in positions at NYS Division for Youth Group Home.
High School Diploma or quivalent, one year full-time, paid child care experience and pro gramming of youth and drivers license ore required. College degree or a parent with parenting skills preferred. Send resume ond letter of application with references to: Music Teaching Position, I Odessa Montour Central School. N.Y. State Certifico- 1 ANCED PERMANENT WAVING.
A Revolutionary Technique In Permanent Waving. This is the Diamond of all permenant waving techniques exclusive at the Ritz. Moke your next appointment for your Diamond Permanent Wave. 734-5186. PERMANENT WAVES customized tor you.
We formulate as many os four different solutions for one strand or one section of hair. We are permanent wave specialists for dam-oged hair, bleached or tinted and sickly hair. And we love to perm long long hair. Give us a call, Donold ot the Riti 734-5186. COUNSELOR CORNING COMMUNITY COLLEGE Applications are being occepted for the position of Counselor.
This is a 1 0 month ocodemk calendar position. This is a one year sabbatic replacement. Responsibilities include: Personal, vocational acodemic counseling. Applicant must be willing to work ot 0 correctional facility on a part-time basis. Must also be willing to teoch at least one study skills course.
Storting date August 17, 1981. This it one year position only. Minimum Requirements: Master's Degree in counseling, or related field with counseling experience. Interested candidates should submit detailed resume to: Mr. Richard L.
Scott Director of Personnel CORNING COMMUNITY COLLEGE Coming, N.Y. 14830 BtALOIKI F0I SUINITT1N6 RESUME IS JULY 17, 1311. Minority applicants are encouraged to apply. Coming Community College it on Equal Opportunity Employer. Beginning sai.
June you i may pick peas daily 9-5 p.m, 25 cents per lb. bring cWainers. Bradlev Farms. 1551 Maple Av. Home Grown Toniqtoes, boccoll, seasonal, vegetables.
You pick peas. Excellent Winkles, River 'Nichols, N.Y. Closed 699-3379. Peas, beets, ohions, spinach. Janowski Gardens, Esty 734-4406.
Open 8-6. Sorry! Conditions Beyond our control have forced us out. o.f the strawberry-business. Bradley Farrflsri551 Maple Av. Strawberries, you to cool weather, ne.xt picking "Monday, June29th, 8 a.m.
For further -picking dates phone Fprm-erS Market, Old Pipe City Farm-Garden-Lawn 90 Moving out of arecf must go, 465 ew Holland Haybine, excellent condition; two 8 ton-metal Dakota hay wagons; New Holrond Baler; 3 bottom. Oliver 16 plow. Oliver 70, new rear tires, $800. 607-524-6365. Heavy Machinery' '1 John Deere Bijckhoe, model 310A, excellent condition 700 hours, $25,000.
Cah. Art Johnson qfter 6, 962 8061. CoaMJil-Wood 92 Seasoned hardwood, 'maple, beech, cherry, oak, 589-6025. Stock Up Now, firewood, $90 a full cord plus. deliver, will deliver up to 2 Mi full cords, Seeds-Plants 93 Bradley Farms Greenhouses are now open daily 9-5 p.m.
with on excellent selection of annuals. Bradley Farms, 1551-Mople Av. 1 Wdnted Merchandise, 95 i WE BUY DIAMONDS JEVEIRY 'SUVER No Diirr'xjt Joo Smell or Too loe "IniEllataStTJW tYJEWELDSS A. better Price for iujsat Hcpover Coin, 209T4rj S. Matri, Hhds.
M9W3I. H-ouJs: IZl Any Amount of old golddia-monOs, potketwatr.hMriay ccjsh'. 151 Lake St. Cftstt! We're buylniil'Soss nfS to $270. Other rirns to $lj)r more.
Any J3.5. or Canadian silver o'Jiold cs, top marker.nce. An Tocket watch, seeding siTveh dental gold. iwlry, etc? ve test gold ondlsjver free- No iiilco, 'W. Water 73446W.
Registered Ouaryter horse 1 Director's Office, NYS Divi-mare, 4 years old, olso Eng- sion of Youth, 612 Maple lish 8. Western Soddle. 732- Avenue, Elmira, NY 14904. 3559, 739-5406 Cl vear old Arab mare. color dapple, very gentle, full tack, 15 mo.
old Arab tion required. For details bay, registered gentle, cai Dr. Eugene Sensel, 607-must be seen to be appre- 1 594-3341. Equol Opportunity elated. 607-535-6543 Employer.
-'0o-m- NEW POROSITY BAL- HELP WANTED Whattiar you're experienced or in ex per tented, Croat American Food Store bunting with groat way to earn an excellent living. you kavo winning attitude ond onjoy helping people, make Groat American part of your sut-cas story. We're staffing up right now for: PART TIME CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERKS "METROTELLER" OPERATORS (IN-STORE BANK TELLERS) or seeking tesponsfct person, who ore good with figure ond in hondlg check and cosh troraactiont. Experience in use of office modiinet a plus. Application ore now being accepted at: GREAT AMERICAN FOOD STORE Diven Plaza Dmira, N.Y.
14903 or GREAT AMERICAN FOOD STORE 828 Erie St. Elmira, N.Y. 14904 No calls please! An Equal Opportunity Employer MF rmmgWiKjJ 1 Wnntorf TA BUV Horses and Ponies. Phone Corning 936-3404. Livestock Wanted 113 Dead Cows removed promptly.
Call Collect, Montour Falls Rendering, 607-535-7500. Help Wanted Affiliated Employment Agency. Administrative, Sales, Engineering, Data Processing, Clerical. 205 E. 14th 734 2052; MPIOTHENT I If' 120-121 120.