18 Hoiltfon Sfandard-Speaktr, Thursday, December 22, 1966 Michaels Appeal Award To Give Program Today At Green Street School For Sugarloaf Tract Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Michael Merry Christmas" First and Sec The Firsi and Second Grade First grade. Characters: Maryl Jackinthe-Box Thomas Sko- Locust Street School to Hold Christinas Programs pupils of the Green Street School, Ann Ilirko, Daniel Petruzzi, Debra kowskl.
will present the following Christ Pasternack, James Boyle, Hone, Toy Soldier-Scott Gordon of Conyngham Road, Hazleton RD 1, appealed to the Luzerne County mas program this afternoon, noon. lutz, josepn lonanowsiu, wenise Boyle, Charles Kinsinger, Philip court Tuesday from a board of ond Grides. First Grade teacher is Mrs. Gertrude O'Donnell. Second Grade teacher Is Mrs.
Genevieve Straw. Miss Cathy Lyman is the teacher of the 5th and 6th Grade carol singers. Ned Lee Dotter. Fred Daniel Jenkins. Ray Doll Patricia Ratchko.
French Doll Maire Luise Carel- Welcome song-First and Second nermnana, Konaia caccese. Playlet "A Christmas Lullaby" grades. Nancy Carolyn, Rosemary Ciampi, Jean DeLoremzo. The fifth and sixth grade glee club will sing five selections. Classes at Locust Street School will present their Christmas programs this afternoon and Friday morning.
Second Grade Girls. Characters 11. Marie Mumie, Megan Stevens, Cyn thia Sando, Molly Delahanty. view award of $4,500 plus 6 per cent detention damages from July 10, 1963, for a portion of their Sugar-loaf Township property condemned bythe state for highway construction. The couple contends the award, made Nov.
29 by R. Nelson Myers, Attorney James M. Reinert and The morning and afternoon kin Altos: Mary Catherine Cusatis, Play, "A Christmas Surprise for Mother Goose" First grade. Characters: Mother Goose Beth Ann Ger-stein. Mother Hubard Nancy Boxwell.
Playlet "Learning to Spell" Davis Begins Printing Training in Air Force Airman Robert L. Davla, a June graduate of West Hazleton High School, has been assigned to Mc-Chord Air Force Base, Washington, following completion of basic training. He will be trained on the Job as a printing specialist with the Air Defense Command. His father, Adrian E. Davis, resides at 40 Tamarack street, West Hazleton, and his mother, Mrs.
Ruth E. Jones, at 426 West Hemlock street. GOOD PRICE NEW DELHI, India (AP) -The people of New Delhi will get a New Year's gift In the form of a transistor radio selling for only 85 rupees $33 according to a government cooperative. Officials of the store said they had contracted with a Bombay company to supply sets a month. First Grade.
Characters: Mary dergarten classes will sing James Brennan, William Belinski, mas songs, "Rudolph the Red, Thomas Roy Allen, Michael Nosed Reindeer" and "Up on theMahalik Ruth warg0i Rosemary House Dalesandro, Lydia Molinaro, Van- Members of the morning class: essa Bclloticre. Peter Sharp, Den- Jack Horner Thomas Delehanty. James D. Hutchison, was not just compensation. Mark Beck, David Chickalese, jse Noea Janice Mitchell.
Donna Dominic D'Angelo, Carmen Arleen Cherko. Deborah EXCHANGE FOOD PARIS (AP) The Christmas season has led to an airborne exchange of fancy food between France and Africa. French Airlines said between now and the end of the year, they would take 270 tons of oysters, fole gras, poultry and fresh vegetables to Africa by air freight. On return trips they will carry 200 tons of pineapples, avocados, mangoes, lobsters and tropical plants. Clown Frank Gavio.
Cowboy Barry Getz. Weigher Raymond Maleski. Measurer Linda Matyas. Bunny Richard DeCosmo. Messenger James Wilkinson.
Classroom Children Susan De-Andrea, Margaret Conahan, Nancy Shershan, Donna Williams, Cynthia Sando, Marie Mumie, Molly Delahanty, Megan Stevens. Recitation "Merry Christmas Wishes" Nancy Shershan, Donna Williams. Christmas Carols sung by Fifth and Sixth Grades. Closing Song "We Wish You a President Judge Frank L. Pinola signed an order approving the filing and directed a jury trial of the issue.
The appeal was filed by Attorney Henry A. Giuliani. Ann Hirko, Debra Pasternack, Ilcne Katz, David Roskouski, Robert Rupert, David Boran, Jerome Dancho, Philip Ferdinand. Christmas Carols sung by Fifth and Sixth Grades. Song and Drill "A Shopping We Will Grade.
Play "The Santa Claus Twins" Second Grade. Characters: Miss Jingle, the teacher Natalie Filler. Christmas Fairy Roanne Heis- Lese, Frank Greco, Mark Kranyak, Martin Martz, Robert Maue, Norman McNeal, William Molinaro, Leonard Satterfield, James Somers, Lombardo, Mary Sacco, Diane San-topoli, Romaine Greco, Thomas Horinko, David Barna, Keith Gal-ow, Pamela Cusatis, Terriannc La Red Riding Hood Jane Ann Mc Kenna. Boy Blue James North. Simple Simon Kenneth Wood-ring.
Bo-Peep Diane Kubereit. Miss Muffet Lisa Gordon. Jack David Schellhamer. Jill Paula Levin. Cross Patch Theresa Cusatis.
Queen of Hearts Molly Brennan Daniel Yannuzzi, Beth Cusatis, Lisa Cusatis, Donna Drost, Lisa Dura, Agnella Ecker, Sandra Heintzel-man, Judith Lolly, Denise Muck- tella, Debra Kay, Ralph Yanuzzi, Joseph Marsicano, Maurice Cusatis, Angela Lally, Paul Shostak. Sopranos: Charles Provanzo, Kathleen Snyder, Mary Ruth Licur- Italy's worst floods in nearly a thousand years have caused greater devastation to Florence than did World War II. low, Danielle Parrell, Cheryl Pe- Classified Ads Bring Results Playlet, "Ten Little Stockings" ner. "I'lZTltl c' go. Mary Ann Lally, Joseph Step OnarUU ailliautll, ucvciljr uiam, anitis, Loreen Palumbo, Robert Yanuzzi, James Burns, Nancy Drost, Allan Blumer, Velvett Markle, Beverly Kelly, Barbara Brez Ann Thomas, Susan Thomas, Nancy Traub, Mary Zambotti.
Members of the afternoon class: David Brown, Anthony Calvello, Carmen Feola, Calvin Fisher, Bernard Malloy, Angelo Marsicano, Ralph Meiss, James Portanova, Daniel Rusnock, Robert Trently, Pasquale Damico, Angela Alfieri, Corine Bussolon, Lisa Cabell, Mary Jo Matz, Cheryl Mundie, Melanie Scarcella, Judy Sedon, Corinne Snell, Tama Lee Tombasco, Cynthia Turcer, Melanie Yackanicz, Ann Yenchick. First Grade nak, John Gallucci, Michael Scav-nicky, Dennis Sabia, Kathleen Corrigan, Joseph Melnick, Jeffrey Kreiger, John Tombasco, Thomas Grohman, Cathy Franzosa, Ronald Gadola, Ann Marie Smulligan, Mary Jo Ciavarella, Angelo Molinaro, Stephen Hentosh, Doreen Deritis, David Sabol. Special numbers for the program include trumpet duets bv James Burns and James LaRegina, violin duets by Mary Ann Lally and Kathleen Snyder, accordion selections by Joseph Gronski, an instrumental trio composed of Beverly Kelly, Angela Lally and Pamela Cusatis, and the Chipmunk's Song, with Angela Yanuzzi as the leader, Frank LaBraica as Alvin, John Kozak as Simon and Randy Hoffman as Theodore. Roy Allen, John Bove and John Smulligan are announcers. Members of the stage crew are Frank Marsiat, Kenneth Beck, Thomas Frask, Robert Yanuzzi, John Hodg REGISTERED BONELESS WHOLE First grade pupils will present a play, "Christmas with Barry Capece, Joseph Chicalese, Chris Cusatis, David Horinko, Michael Kranyak, Kevin Krieger, Dominic LaRegina, David Molinaro, Richard Snyder, Robert Strachko, Robert Yanac, John Yurcho, Deborah DeAngelo, Linda Forte, Annette Frask, Cindy Jordan, Jeana LaPoint, Denise Lesko, Debra Mad-dock, Carol Meiss, Cathy Moore, Jo Ann Mumaw, Lynn Satterfield and Sheryl Washko.
Participating in a dialogue, "If You're will be John Da- HAM 29 ham S39 lb. $1 lb. THE WORLD'S MOST NEARLY PERFECT HAM HORMEL CURE son and Neil Palumbo. SERVE HOT OR COLD Fully Boneless 95 LeanFully Cooked Grosa, Cynthia Cobourn, Frank Ciampi, Barbara Schlauch, David BES Exams February 18 The Hazleton local office of the 18-20 lb. Size fancy crp YOUNG PLUMP TENDER Vii KEY (o) Pennsylvania State Employment Carlyon, Natalie Demko, Charles Stokes and Susan Shuliga.
An acrostic spelling M-e-r-r-y C-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s will consist of Daryl Shuliga, Michele Wood, Roger Yackincz, Rita Bresnak, Mark Scarcella, Betsy Baskin, Anthony Forte, Lorraine Melnick, Gordon Fisher, Jaculin Rabbitz, Mark Mar-tine, Anna Marie Jones, Anthony Kubitsky and Susan Shuliga. Second Grade The second grade program will be in two parts. The first is a play, "The Week Before with the following cast: Brian Beck, Edward Belinski, David Brennan, Patrick Capece, Rocco Chicalese, Peter D'Amato, Timothy Hynick, Paul Imbriaco, Edward Moore, Paul Moyer, Joseph Sebia, Jeffrey Wersinger, William Vajda, Mona Baron, Roxanne D'Amato, Service, 35 North Church street, has received an announcement of competitive examinations for Unemployment Claims Interviewer, Unemployment Claims Examiner I and II, and Employment Security Operations Examiners II, and III, it was announced by Joseph J. Garrity, manager. Unemployment Claims Interviewer and Examiners are employed in local employment offices of the Bureau of Employment Security.
Employment Security Operations Examiners are assigned to the central office in Harrisburg bnt travel throughout the state. The State Civil Service Commis AVERAGE 12-14 lb. WHOLE HAM OUR OWN DELICIOUS EAT-RITE FULLY COOKED d) LfWAUVU lb. WATCH WNEP-TV sion issued the announcement, and it will conduct the examination for these positions on February 18, 1967. The annual salary range for HORMEL SAUSAGE ROLLS HORMEL RED LABEL lb.
Debra Dura, Angelo Forte, Melissa Gronski, Susan Janosky, Roseanne Letchko, Diane Penkala, Michele Rusnock. The announcers are John Bove and John Smulligan. A program of Christmas songs will be presented by Nazzair Bianco, James Bissol, Joseph Breznak, Neil DeGrosa, Robert Leurs, Frank Motsuk, Robert Sagon, Peter Schott, John Shostak, Kenny Sheldon, Charles Warwick, Ann Marie Ciampi, Judy Ann Deritis, Carol THURSDAY EVENING AT 6:30 P. M. these positions are as follows: $4,773 to $6,390, Unemployment Claims Interviewer; $5,803 to Unemployment Claims Examiner $6,716 to $9,011, Unemployment Claims Examiner II; $6,390 to FOR THE Ecker, Margaret Gallagher, Robin Graaf.
Joy Lyn Markle, Diane BAG ON HORMEL BROWN SERVE SAUSAG LUCKY LABEL CONTEST 0 $8,500, Employment Security Oper-aions Examiner $7,407 to $9,923, Employment Security Operations Examiner II; and $9,011 to $12,075, Employment Security Operations Examiner III. Unemployment Claims Interviewers perform interviewing and clercial work in processing claim-ante for unemployment compensation and veterans' benefits. Unemployment Claims Examiners perform responsible technical and supervisory work in the processing HOME MADE KIELBASA ALSO AVAILABLE AT ECONOMY STORE 1ST PRIZE: 23" COLOR TV SET 10 2ND PRIZES: 9" PORTABLE TVs Mucklow, Linda Shuliga. Announcers are Paul DeLorenzo, Randy Jacoby, Florence Lolly, Andrea Tarselli. Third Grade Third graders will present a play and a pageant.
In the play, "Santa's Christmas Cake," are Donald Traub, Ronald Yanuzzzi, Nancy Patrichko, Mary Lu Yenchick, Joan Corrigan, Brian Graaf, Karen Ciampi, Rocco Ciavarella, Henry Mariano, George Rudowski, Andrew Chismar, Richard Hovanetz, Daniel Zola, Cinthia Greco, Mary Lynn Alden, Mauro Molinaro, Kathy Koval, John Monsorno, Ber nard Sweeney. In the Christmas pageant, "Song of the Tree" are Cathy Rusinko, Laura Parise, Diane Christopher, Marlene Mumaw, William Cusatis, Daniel Drost, Sarah LaRegina, Mauro DeAngelo, Kathleen Brill, Anthony Parreca, Robert Parreca, SHURFINE KOSHER PICKLES EAT-RITE STUFFED OLIVES SHURFINE FRUIT co*ckTAIL No.2l2can SHURFINE CORN Whole Kernel 2 41' DIAMOND LARGE WALNUTS Mb. bag 51 1 of claims for unemployment compensation. Employment Security Operations Examiners perform technical work andor supervisory work in examining a variety of records and documents to determine compliance with unemployment compensation and related regulations. The last day to file and application for the written examination for the above listed positions is January 25, 1967.
Applications may be obtained at the reception desk of the Hazleton office of the Pennsyl- Robert Demshock, Lisa Fellin, An thony Gentle, Rosemary Provanzo, vania State Employment Service i 39 2 cM 41 46 oi. ctn 33 tin 33 12x75 roll Q9 24-oi. bottlt 55 S-lb. b.g 49 2 45 Margaret Yanuzzi, David Kutch BORDEN'S "on such MINCE MEAT HILLS BROS. COFFEE JELLO ALL flavors LISBY'S PUMPKIN VIKING WAX PAPER SHURFINE CRANBERRY SAUCE SHURFINE MARASCHINO CHERRIES 28 5) Mb.
ctn 2 21 2 No. 2 ens 43 2 100-ft. rolls 39 2 cam 45 4., 27' SHURFINE SWEET POTATOES SHURFINE TOMATO JUICE STAR-KIST CHUNK LIGHT TUNA ALCOA ALUMINUM WRAP SHURFINE COOKING OIL SHURFINE FLOUR SHURFINE SUCCOTASH marick, Carol Sabo, Deborah Kelly, Lynn Spieshock, David Palermo, Michael Polumbo. Grades 4-5-6 Grades 4, 5 and 6 will present a play, "Hand-Me-Down Hildy," with Mary Catherine Cusatis, Cathy Franzosa, Terrianne Latella, Patricia Monsorno, Linda Moore, Vanessa Belletiere, Maria Auriegem- MORE GAME BIRDS PRAGUE (AP) Large-scale breeding stations will be set up in Central Bohemia, to increase the numbers of partridges and pheasants, the news agency C.T.K. reported recently.
C.T.K. said hunting not only produces annually 5,000 tons of game meat but is also a source of hard FHOXEIY FOOD CHRISTMAS STOCKING FILLERS GRAPES ma, Cathy Molinaro, Deborah Kov currency when foreigners pay for al, Linda Gadola, Jo Ann Rabbitz, i hunting privileges. DEL. APPLES'tIPC Shurfine FANCY EMPEROR EX. FANCY WESTERN D'ANJOU OR BOSC Vista Seamless Mesh DESERT SAND 2-69' NYLONS i tor Mc PEARS lb- PEAS ioo.
CUT CORN BROCCOLI SQUASH 'Jo' pk 6 G9 -Waj)f)ij fafaxj Idea i i Shurfine A 16-oz. "Ai SLICED STRAWBERRY I J)' GEM MANICURE SET PRO TOOTHBRUSH AQUA VELVA SHAVE CREAM Shurfine ORANGE JUICE 2 601 QQ cans jJJJ 39 Reg. 69c FRESH CRANBERRIES 29' POTATOES 29c cr RADISHES 2 15 YOUNG onions 2 i5c crr RUTABAGA 8C ft C3 Reg. or Menthol 20-oz. RrXJ.
69c 6 Vi -oz When you serve Dr Pepper hot, you're serving a refreshment that's devilishly different. Simply heat Dr Pepper in a saucepan until it steams. Pour into a glass or cup over a thin slice of lemon and serve. Pick up several cartons of Dr Pepper today. Hot or cold, you'll say: "It's different, I like it!" 12-ox.
Shurfine MINCE PIES Birds Eye CANDIED YAMS MORTON CREAM PIES BIRDS EYE MIXED FRUIT SUPREME 35' 29' 35 45' TOOTSI ROLLS box of 24-5c 14-oz. mi CYPRUS GARDEN TOOTSI POPS -JP Dr Pppr Com piny, Dtllai, Texts, 1963 DR PEPPER BOTTLING CO. 36 West Walnut St. Phone 455-1501.