Elmira Advertiser from Elmira, New York (2024)

ELMIRA ADVERTISER Wrtneidiy, Nev. tl, 1M1 klV CXL 1 Tops in Fashion Livestock BUFFALO UPI (NYSDA) American Stock Exchange NEW YORK (USDA) ELMIRA ADVIRTISIR Closing livestock 8 'West Elmira Sherman D. Butler Dies; Heights OKs DEATHS I WedMidiy, Nov. Tl, IHI SALABLE CATTLE steers Wholesale egg offerings light but adequate po fully ample on large; ample on mediums and short on Exchange heifers supply light; market The Theaters AT LAST SIR THE WONDER OF Market Dips In Day of Heavy Trading host active stocks Mm 59 600 Klion 10 up 50 500 Klein Dept Store 30 up 41 600 Sunset Intl Petr 8 up 38 100 Great Lakes Chem 4 off 35 300 Natl Bellas Hess 13 up 1 tg 1 Intersection smaller sizes. Demand only fair Monday.

steady. Standard 800-lb. steers 23.00; standard 800-lb. heifers 21.00. Dairy type slaughter cattle of Dragons." Shown at 1:30, 4:15, 7:05 and 9:55.

Quota tloni at tnuusettosa fnralsB4 Car! Loth, BhoadM mtm. hours: today 7 to 9 p.m. Eastern Star service Thursday at 7:30 a 1 there VriHav Chemung County Sherman D. Butler. 61.

of 716 Headed Jewelry Firm (Wholesale selling prices based Car Mishap Injures Two ben ol the Nw York Stock xoling; md orlaclDil xchns. 150 Bld.j on exchange ana otner volume Fern Dell Drive, Tuesday. Nov.iat CXOSXHO QUOTATIONS sales) 5 s. off Catalin Mansfield. 21, 1961.

He was president of Deister Butler and a member lOakwood Cemetery, Please omit flowers. New York spot quotations fol win Bt MOST ACTIVE STOCKS Volant 3R Tfnnnhlln nil Stn demand good, market steady. Heavy cutter and utility cows 14.50-15.00, top 15.50; light cutters 13.50-14.50; heavy canners 12.00-13.50; light canners 11.00-11.50 and some shelly kind below; yellow cows 10.00-12.00 low: oi Heddine Methodist Church Creole Petr Draper Gen Develop Gen Plywood Giannini Cont Hartfleld Strs Sherman Butler. 61. of 716 Fern Dell Drive, president of the Deister and Butler Jewelry con cern of Elmira, died Tuesday at Robert Packer Hospital.

Sayre. Mixed colors: extras (47 lbs. Two motorists were hurt about 5:30 p.m. Saturday in a two-car accident on Water St. at 90 000 San Diego Imp 22 up ltt 83 im Fnrem riDtr 1SU.

Funerals Elsewhere Survived by wife. Mrs. Bernice Butler: son. Robert of Elmira; mother, Mrs. Emmitt Butler of min.) 36-37; extras medium (40 lbs.

average) 29V4-30V4; smalls Heli Coil Mrs. Maxine L. Conn nf 121 F.Ju.nft.. a Elmira 'Comanche ros." Capitol Closed today. Color.

Adventure. Shown at 1:30, 3:25, 5 20, 7:15 and Thanksgiving Day Meal Colonial Blue Planned by Volunteers Color. Musical romance. Shown at' The Elmira Volunteers of 1:30, 3 25, 5:25, 7:25 and 9 25. jAmerica will serve a free Thanksgiving dinner Thursday Heights 'Guns of 11 a m.

and 3 p.m. at Color. Adventure Shown at 8 only.jVOA headquarters, 112 High St. iCapt. Robert N.

Coles said Regent "Most Dangerous Tuesday about 100 pounds of Man Alive." Shown at 2:55. 5:45 turkey is being prepared. The and 8:35. Second feature, "Valley I dinner is open to the public. He had been a patient there Standard rlairv heifers 18.00-19.00;; Kaiser Ind 69 700 Westlngh Elee 38 on 62 300 Staboard Fin 24H up 52 100 Martin Mar 30 up AR Kin Am Tfl X.

Tel 134V UP 3 (35 lbs. average) 25-26; since Nov. 13. NEW YORK The stock market worked irregularly lower In very heavy trading Tuesday as wide losses among blue chips outbalanced equally wide gains. The Dow Jones industrial average dropped a moderate .77 at 728.32.

The Associated Press average Lawrenceville: two William Bath. Body at Bond I 0ne of the drivers was charged Body at Smith Fudge Funeral Funeral Home. Bath. Funeral Sunday with a traffic violation commercial 16.00-17.00. Utility IgJKCbem Traffic Light Erection of a traffic signal at McCann's Blvd.

and Sheridan Ave. in Elmira Heights at a cost of $1,675 was approved by the Heights Village Board Monday night. The contract was awarded to Utilities Contractors Inc. of Elmira, which said it will complete the installation in about 10 weeks. Originally the board had estimated the installation of the three-stage light would cost between $2,000 and $2,500.

standards 34-35; checks 29- 44 800 Am Standard 16 up 30. Born in Lawrenceville, Mr. Butler had been associated with Home. LailinK nour. loudj tt1ere today at 2 D.m the Kev.

domino fmm 3nnthr sausage 20.00-20.50, top 21.uu;iL0UjSiana Land cutters 18.00-19.00; canners 16.00- Mead Johnson 44 400 Korvette I 37 44 100 Grayson Robin 28 up Whites: extras (47 lbs. min.) AT SCRANTON'S MOST BEAUTIFUL THEATRE 40 up 89 up 13 up 16 off 29 up 16 ur 34 9 53 off 31 off 76 off 167 up 30 off 50 up 35 up 16 oft 14 125 off 36 ur 31 off 9 off 43 up 10 up 80 up Thursday 7 to 9 P. m. Funeral James M. Armstrong II.

Nondaga the jewelry business in Elmira UU. New Rnir Tel 36Vi-38H extras mediums (40 lbs. Cemetery, Bath DOW jqnt.s PLOSINO AVBBAOS8 accident in which he was reportedly involved shortly before that in which hp was hurt. 1 SALABLE CALVES Demand Zinc average) 31-32; top quality (47 there Friday at 11 a. the Rev.

Warren G. Odom. Woodlawn Cemetery. good, market steady. Prime 34.00- JESS? lbs.

min.) 46-50; mediums (41 30 Industrial 729 32 off 0 77 or 0 10 20 Rails 148 66 off 1 83 or 1 21 15 UUlitiea 134 79 off 1 11 or 081 65 Stock! 249 84 off 1 26 or 0 80 Aaron E. Baker of Osceola RD. min red wp Mnnrie of 60 stocks fell 120 to 267.80 with Industrials down 1.30, rails 35.00; choice 30.00-33.00; good sherwin Wmi lbs. average) 32-34; smalls 36 lbs. i 2 Body at Kenyon Funeral 33, of 284 Robert St and Elkland.

Calling hours: today 2 John AsneI. 41 of 307 Hendv down 1.40 and utilities down .60 average) 26 -27; peewees 21 22. MASONIC NOTICE Members of Ivy Lodge No. 39 25.00-29.00; medium 21.00-24.00; syntex bobs 16.00-21.00 according to weight and quality. Ivornado An estimated $1.7 muion was to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.

Funeral Ave since the early 1920s. The business that now bears his name was started at 320 E. Water St. in 1885 by John and Louis Bally. Mr.

Butler and his partner, Henry Deister, bought the business in 1922 and operated it on E. Water St. until it was moved to its present address, 119 N. Main in 1937. Browns: extras (47 lbs.

min.) will meet Thursday at 8 CXrOSXBfS QUOTATIONS fcOOJA Bendix Corp 62 rnrnin filann 189 there rnday at i p.m., the oppn was reported in fair 1 erased from the auoted value of stocks listed on the New York SALABLE HOGS Market 41V4-42V4; top quality (47 lbs. Klein Dept Stores 1 Frank Russell. Pleasant Valley condition Tuesday night St p. m. at Smith Fudge Funeral Home to conduct a memorial ser min.) 42-44; mediums (41 Village Atty.

J. Richard Benedict) said it is not necessary to adver-. Use for bids for the light, since; it can be considered a public! works project. Board members believe the light; General Electric 79 up Cemetery, Prospect. Joseph's Hospital with left shoul- Stock Exchange, based on the de cliie in the AP average.

WORTH A TRIP TO SCRANTON Hew Showing the only theatre in N.E and Central Pa. that will show CINERAMA! Read the Classified Ads vice for our late brother, Sherman FAMILY FISH FRY HOWARD I I joiinsorfj EsSEB IT and right elbow injuries and lbs. average) 32-34; smalls (36 lbs. average) 26 -27; peewees Ingersoll Rand Kl Koppers 43 Marino Midland 36 Mrs. Helen k.

tanneia Kmch hinu Achor i Matin 2:30 r.M. Wd. A S. Orckmra A log S1.50 Balcony 1,25 Molinen 330 P.M. Sunday Orchajt'O A log Balcony 1.50 fvaninoi 8:30 P.M.

Ma. Him fL Onhoitra A tog Si 75 Balcony 1,50 fvaninjt 8.30 P.M. Sal. A So. Orchtirs A lag SJ.00 Balcony 1.75 Volume rose to 4.89 million shares from 4.19 million Mon- 21-22.

Shepard Nile 22 A 23 of Decatur, Ind formerly of Cor- treated at the Arnot-Ogden Hos-L M4r Butleru named Wfth D. Butler. Signed DONALD L. GILE Master Sperry Rand 23 steady to 25 cents lower. Supply light.

U.S. No. 3 butchers weighing 180-230 lbs. 16.50-17.00; 240-280 lbs. 15.00-16.50 Sows weighing up to 600 lbs.

11.50-14.00; boars 10.00-11.00. SALABLE SHEEP LAMBS No arrivals, market nominally steady. Good to choice lambs 17.25-17.50; medium and good Free mstr z- Union Carbide 128 off Nov. 8 when 6.09 million shares TelePrompTer 14 mug dim ouuin vuiuuig. duuv otjpjtai tor a lett shoulder injury uummb uu.Hinr Phillips Funeral Home.

Corning. released. rated in 1937 Mr Deister died Funeral there today at 11 a.m.! Wes, Elmira Patrolman Burial arrangements incomplete. vnirt reported both cars Mr- Butler was member of United Airlines 384 CROCHET changed hands. 26 38 off Thatcher Glaes Westinghouse Electric RALPH E.

FUDGE Secretary United Aircraft 44 off is necessary because ot traftiC accidents at the intersection and: because of the increased traffic i anticipated when the City of EM mira constructs a new street be-1 tween Eldridge Park and Grand! Central Ave. II Rubber 56r All You Can Eat iPortHino fatli4icf PhurAh 1T1. TECHNICOLOR SHERMAN D. BUTLER Steel 77 up 5892-N INDUSTRIAL fc M3SCEI.I.AWEOTJS Of 1,328 issues traded losers narrowly outnumbered gainers by 556 to 532. New highs for the pastnouna on w.

water m. Mrs. Mary Kinyon of Penn -4 npnrlv Av whpn thp Elks Lodge, a former trus Mrs. Marion C. Neal of 251 each Air Reduction 63 Alleghany Corp 11 Universal Oil Products 61 Western Union 40 White Motors 49 14th St Elmira Heights, Tues-iBody at Thayer Funeral Chapel, occurred itee of Ivv Lodge.

and a Savings and Loan Association, Ponn Van ITunoral tinea tnrlav i.1 t--r n.L.-i rr r. I tnomhcr nt it FoUfturorafi riiiVi'nnct nrocirlfint nf lha York 1 1,1 IIUlIiei UIlcUlLldl Hldlltl IHC I cull 12.00-15.00 according to quality. Slaughter ewes 3.00-6.00. Woolworth S31 up 7 at 2 p.m., the Rev Quentin T.jger of 605 Lovell Ave. reported and a member of Cashmere Retail Jewelers Association 11' day Nov.

21. 1961 She was a member of Oakwood Methodist Church. Elmira Heights. Survived SAXMtOABSl Ligntner. Lake view cemetery, his car.

eastbound on Rt STRAND THEATRE SPRUCE ST. DOWNTOWN SCRANTON, PA. Enclosed i $. lull tot th-. prfermnc on eheic.

3rd ehoic NAM HORSEHEADS CIRCLE PHONE RE 9-9800 Alleghany Ludlum fcteel 40 Allied Chemical ft Dye 54 off 2 Aluminum Co America 58 off American Airlines 20 American Can 47 American Cyanamld 46 American Hardware 34 American Mach ft Fdry 38 American Motors 17 Bulky-turban is quick and in Children 65c Eat-h the Lawless Fire Equipment Inc. Atchison 27 off Atlantic Coast Line 42 off Baltimore ft Ohio 25 off Penn Yan. He was a director of Elmira iHendy Ave. School Board. by husband.

Clinton Neal: daugh expensive to crochet! MaKe it It is estimated that two-thirds of Elmira for the village fire de 17E near the Hendy Hollow Road, was involved in a collision; DAWN DANCE BATTLE OF BANDS CLIF COLDIRON'S Country Pals vs FLOYD WOODHULL'S Old Tymo Masters THE OLD BARK Elmira Heights Thanksgiving Eve WED.r NOV. 22nd Continuous Dancing Round and Square 9:30 to 3 PUTSYOUINTHEPICTUREI year totaled 94 ana new lows iz, Nine of the 16 most active stocks advanced, three declined and four were unchanged. Prices were mixed on the American Stock Exchange, volume was 2.13 million snares, about the same as Monday's. Corporate bonds declined. U.S.

government bonds were generally higher. in your favorite color, and an Canadian Pacific 24 Chesapeake ft Ohio 58 up Chgo Rk Island Pac 26 oft Miss Jessie Harrington of Wells-with a vehicle he believes to be of the world's population live in under-developed areas. other in winter-white to wean American Radiator ft SS 16 partment. It also approved a $199 bid submitted by C. W.

Sykes Son of Elmira Heights for alteration with vnnr snnrtswear. Delaware Hudson 18 on 62 ters, Mrs. Harriette Fox of Pine City, Mrs. Barbara Schaar of Elmira, Mrs. Wilda Taylor of Syracuse; four grandchildren.

Body at Ballard Lindgren Funeral Home, Elmira Heights. Calling American Smelting burg RD 1, formerly of Athens! Green's. and Elmira. Body at Lowery Fu-j Green was charged Sunday by neral Home, Athens. Funeral jwhirt with leaving the scene of Brie Lack 4 off Great Northern 44 off Speaker Notes Differences In U.S., Europe Libraries raitern ino.

ooj-im nas stiicn illustrations; crocheting and finishing directions. SCRANTON HOME OF CINERAMA CtWTHEATRE 'SPRUCE ST. Dl 4-1268 CITY ZONE mere ioaay ai p.m., me ev. an accident and is to appear of the fire station which will be necessary before the dryer can be installed. hours: today 2 to 4 and 7 to Frederick Price Tioga Point tonight before Town of Elmira American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Armco Steel Atlantic Reflrdnf AVCO Corp Babco*ck ft Wilcox Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Brunswick Corp PLEASE ENCLOSE STAMPED.

SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE Peace Justice Henry Rebeck An alteration bid submitted by Most American hbrarv-iroers Mrs. Scott visited libraries in p.m., Thursday 7 to 9 p. m. Cemetery, Athens. Funeral there Friday at 1 the Rev Robert Delorme Com-! Daniel H.

Smith To order, send 25c in coins to: Anne Cabot Elmira Advertiser 1150 Ave. of Americas New York 36, N. Y. Bond Market Illinois Central 45 on Kansas City Southern 88 off Louisville Nashville 59 up New York Central 18 Nickel Plate 42 off Norfolk ft Western 106 off Northern Pacific 42 Pennsylvania 17 off Seaboard Airline 30 Southern Pacific 27 off Southern Railway 58 Union Pacific 36 up would have a difficult time findinel England. France.

Germanv. Swit-i Al's Repair Service of Elmira of Millerton. i was rejected, That bid a volume in a Eurooean library! zeriand and Italy as one of a Heights Thanksgiving Day MENU now jones exosmo averages mitta at Hector. Plan Probe even if they knew the language, group taking a course in compara-j totaled S225 Body at Shaw Robena Funeral Jllome, Mansfield. Funeral today at 2 p.m.

in Jackson Summit PAUL'S TAVERN Upper Grand Central Ave. "The Continentals" IN PERSON- Tonite 9pM according to an American librar-jtive library education at the State Funerals 40 Bonds in Higher Grade Rails 10 Second Grade Rails 10 Public Utilities 10 Industrials Income Rails I v. 84 52 off 0 03 Canada Dry 78 75 jCelanese Corp 8196 up 0 04jCerro Corp 85 70 off 0 03 Certain Teed 91 70 off 013, Chicago Pneumatie 58 22 up 0 01 Chrysler Motors Cities Service University College at Geneseo. lan recently returned from an 'Baptist Church. Rev.

Herman 104 up 70 51 Off 70 53 24 47 40 47 53 24 86 31 88 31 48 off 51 41 20 16 38 25 250 off 25 168 Off 61 23 24 111 Earl Westfall of 511 W. Sec: EL' "1 -FUll COURSE- UTILITIES ROME () The conference of slthe Food and Agriculture oreani American Electric Power 75 off American Telephone 134 up Cleveland Electric Ilium 70 oft overseas tour. Mrs. Katherine Scott told about 50 persons Tuesday night at Friends of Steele Memorial Lib- Home. Calling hours, today andr Crowell Collier U.

8. GOVERNMENTS dealers' markets Tuesday she described some of the more famous European libraries that, her group visited. These included the Vatican Library at Rome and the Bibliotheque National in Paris. bid and: Crucible Steel Asks Change At Dump Disposal of trash at the city Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m.j zation Tuesday approved a 196Z-63 budget of $31,185,000, biggest Columbia Gas 28 off sked fractions aad changes In 32ndi: Curtiss Wright Hike in State ROAST TURKEY SI OC Dressing, Cranburry I aUv Sauce BAKED VIRGINIA HAM $1 7C Champagne Sauce I I Augustus C.

Sager of Avoca Body at family home. Private Disney. Walt Bid Asked Notes Commonwealth Edison 48 off Consolidated Natural Gas 61 off Detroit Edison 66 off rary coffee hour that most libraries classify books by up 1 Funeral there Friday at 2 p. m. the Rev.

Lullus D. Bell. Wood lawn Cemetery. in the history of the U. N.

agency. It was an increase of prayer service there today at 1:30 i 1963 1963 1964 1964 99 13 99 15 103 103 4 102 30 103 2 103 22 103 26 WASHINGTON GNSi The 150 over the past two years. size instead of according to our system of numerical classification. 1 General Public Utilities 36 General Telephone 25 Houston Light ft Power 116'4 up International Telephone 66 Federal Power Commission an p.m funeral at 2 in Avoca Baptist Church, the Rev. Gordon D.

Coover. Highland Cemetery, Dresser Industries DuPont Eastern Airlines Eastman Kodak Fairchil Camera Flintkote Fruehauf Trailer Ford Motor ROAST LONG ISLAND DUCK- SI OC idump through the landfill process, instead of by burning, was LODGE NOTICE LING, Dressing "MJ Niagara Mohawk Power 46 off Officers and members of the NOW! Pacific Gas ft Electric 101 off 3 up 1 up 6 ts Feb 4s Nov 4 'is May 6s Aug Bonds 2'is Dec 2 'is Aug 2s. Feb 2S Mar 3s Aug 8a Nov 35 Nov 2s Sep 2'3s Dec 37s May 4s Oct nounced Tuesday it will conduct hearings beginning Feb. 19 on three increases in natural gas prices, totaling $8.1 million a year, proposed by the New York State Elmira Lodge of Elks will meetj Kalec Funeral Home at 8:30 Mr. ij.

27 General Dynamics BARBECUED HALF SPRING CA CHICKEN, Crabapple Jelly I IU 99 9 98 27 97 4 89 20 97 6 97 8 98 26 86 22 99 11 98 29 97 8 89 28 97 10 97 12 98 30 86 30 10 Area Men Enlist in Navy Reserve 1959-62 1963 1965 196S-70 1966 1966 1967 1967-72 1967-72 1968 1969 Body at. Vickery F'uneral Home, Panhandle Pipe Line 57 up 1 Peoples Gas 51 off Philadelphia Electric 35 up Public Service 67 off 1 So Carolina Elec ft Gas 57 Southern Calif Edison 98 off 2 Southern Co 60 suggested at Monday night's City Council meeting by Fourth District Councilman J. William O'Brien. O'Brien said this may be the only way to solve the problems of smoke annoyance being experienced by those living in the ROAST PRIME RIBS OP BEEF Natural Gas Corp. 2.50 Consequently few of the Europ-I ean institutions have open-stack libraries where patrons can find a volume in a hurry.

Mrs. Scott said. And consequently most European libraries require trained librarians to find books wanted. Mrs. Scott, a member of the Steele staff, said that many of the European libraries reflect the literature and interests of their im-i mediate localities.

86 30 86 22 Troy, runeral there today at 2 p.m.. the Rev. Ralph Reed. Glen-Wood Cemetery. Troy.

Eleven wholesale customers in 99 2S 100 jfCn Old New Orleans tonight to conduct a memorial service for our late brother, Earl L. Westfall. Signed: JOHN A. DAVIS Exalted Ruler WILLIAM C. PETZKE Secretary New York State are among the 20 which could get refunds if the M.80 8a Nov 1974 Au Jus BROILED WHOLE BROOK TROUT, Lemon, Butter BROILED TENDERLOIN STEAK Buttered Gaetano Fortuna of 55 Oak ihiaher rates are disapproved.

101 4 101 12 98 20 98 24 102 26 103 2 88 26 89 2 100 10 100 18 93 20 93 28 4a May 1975-85 S' Jun 1978-83 4s Feb 1980 Ss Nov 1980 many a story ended with a game of cards, a hurled accusation, a duel at mD f. (dump area or going by on Rt. Ten area men joined the Na-! 11fe7e Surce, division 3- 0n suggestion City 62M Monday night at the Horse- Mana wmi Branagan heads Training Cerfter, upper said ne wu, seek information LaKe KOaa. rf uAnuu norneii. uoay at lamny nome.i une increaseabout a Prayer service there today at 9 year-went into effect June 1, a.

Requiem High Mass at! 1959. The others, totaline about 8 Feb 1990 90 6 90 14 up 10 up 6 up 4 went, into effect $2,402,000 yearly, BROILED SIRLOIN STEAK s3.00 $3.40 $2.25 Report- Mishap 9:30 in St, Ann's Church, Horpell. St. Ann's Cemetery. c.

1 i i -1 i Dec. 1, 1959. All increases are subject to re- Feb 1995 85 30 86 6 88 Nov 1998 89 2 89 10 World Bank Bonds 1968 97 16 98 16 8s 1972 88 16 89 16 4'is 1979 97 16 98 16 Bs 1985 106 107 Mrs. Katherine A. Haynes of 212 Sullivan St.

Prayer service was held at Hughes Funeral Home Tuesday at 9:15 a.m Requiem High Mass at 10 in St. M.rVn Z.H i 11; ment on landfi" operations. McCall. commanding Rnth traeh anH Foarhaoc Both trash and garbage Victim Improves are George P. Elsenheimer of 80': fund, FPC said.

LOBSTER TAILS fhis one begins that were: PasirfMflE this mann.er at Steuben Hornell. Body at Rob- FPC ordered New York Natur- David Panosian, 6, who was David A jonn tne Baptist cnurcn, tne Kev. iertson Funeral Home, badly hurt in an accident Oct's, Josenh C. Dietrick of 321 E. ln.e: Hornell.

al to serve its prepared testimony services and exhibits for its case-in-chief John J. teary. Pallbearers: Her- Funeral and committa bert H. Hall. John J.

Pirozzolo, there torlav at 2 11. was reported in somewhat Thurston Edward M. Holty imnrovpd rnnri tion Tupsriav nipht 4-ni i. ol Horseheads and Elmira the on all parties on or before Jan. Vi i i i -r 1 iijuifiiun 01., i aniv i rnariest, koss.

James r. sterner. G. Schell. Rural Cemetery, roKnnco nf Wotlrinc Hlon of Watkins Glen 31.

at St. Joseph's Hospital R. Moorehouse 1 General Foods 102H off General Motors 53 up Goodrich 76 Goodyear 46 Gulf Oil 40 International Bus Maeh 588 International Harvester 51 off International Nickel 76. off International Paper 35 up Johns Manville 58 off Jones Lnughlin Steel 68 Joy Mfg 38 Kenneeott Copper 85 Linr Temco 27 Lockhee Aircraft 47 Montgomery Ward 32 Morrell 30 National Dairy 75 National Distillers' 25 National Gypsum 59 North American Aviation 54 Ohio Oil 38 Olin Mathieson 41 Owens Corning Glass 90 Owens Illinois Glass 91 up Penn Dixie Cement 27 Pepsi Cola 58 Phillips Petroleum 57 Polaroid 227 Procter ft Gamble 99 up Radio Corp 56 Republic Steel 58 Reynolds Tobacco 82 Royal Dutch Petroleum 32 Sears Roebuck 87 off Shamrock Oil 43 Sinclair Oil 36 Smith Corona 20 Socony Mobil 47 Standard Financial 17 Standard Kollsman 36 Standard Oil Calif 82 off Standard Oil Ind 51 Standard Oil 46 Stanley Warner 36 Studebaker Packard 10 Sunrav Oil 27 Swift ft Co 40 Texas Co 53 off 1 Texas Instrument 112 IThiokol Chemical 40 Transitron 19 imp Kev. vviinain neeu conuuciea Hornell.

Dressed Meats NEW YORK (i (State Dept. of Agr. Mkts.) Country dressed calves: Offerings light. Demand fair. Market steady.

Per few choice 52-53 cents, good State Among the New York The boy's condition, previously RD 2. Donald F. Borrowcliff of Sayre. committal at St. Peter and Paul Find Former Flats Mani wholesale customers are: listed as critical, was reported as Fresh Oysters A Clams at AU Times if Special Children's Menu GERBER'S GRILL 336 E.

WATER ST. RE 2-9188 KELLY McGURGAN. Props. Dinners from 11:30 A.M. it is the story Cemetery.

Robert B. Wilkinson of 12 Main, Niagara Mohawk Power fair Tuesday Edward D. Brotzman of Wa- i li aui towvMiH i ttraKMg.mita SCESARE DANOVA SEAN McCLORY-JOAN STALEY David, son of Mr. anrf Mrs verlv William rnnihauot. nf weaa rieor V-v vv nam of Paul Regret, Canisteo.

Body at Crandall Empire Gas and Fuel Co. and Crandal) Funeral Home, Canisteo. 'Producers Gas both taking 43-44, commercial 38-40, utility 70 AND Funeral there today at 2 p. from New York State Natural Manuel Panosian of 518Vi Penn-i Ulster, and Roger Robert T. Cole.

41, of Roches-sylvania was injured when Bruce L. Scherer and Garey and formerly of Big Flats, hit by a truck at S. Main St. of Geneva. jwas found dead in his car Tues- lbs.

and up 31-32, culls 65 lbs and under 25-29. Live rabbits: Receipts and trad the Rev. Earl R. Burdick. Hill- in Allegany County; Fillmore Gas hot-blooded hot-head of Creole society.

side Cemetery, Canisteo. -v Pennsylvania Ave. Mrs. Jennie B. Harrington, formerly of N.

Main St. Funeral was held Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at Smith Fudge Funeral Home. Pallbearers: David E.

Billings, Peter and Thomas D'An-gelo, Alvan L. Adams, George W. Wick, Eugene Garlick Wood-lawn Cemetery. lng moderate. Market steady.

Per 34-35, selected 36-37, poor and A mutual fund imitating in "frrrwW stocks. Send for free booklet-prospectus by mailing this ad to CALVIN BULLOCK, LTD. Established 1894 ONE WALL NEW YORK EL heavy 30-33. Center officials also announced dav morning behind the Corning that Seaman Recruit Thomas R. Glass Works plant in Big Flats.

Schaeffler of 593 Westinghouse Dr. M. Eugene Pittman, a Che-Road, Horseheads, will leavejmung County coroner, issued a Saturday for 14 days of active verdict of death by suicide be-duty at the Great Lakes Naval cause of temporary insanity. Mr. Training Clntinn 1 1 LiA .1 Am) mm Johnson in Glee Club At Service Academy Hothouse lambs: No Receipts.

and Iroquois Gas receiving gas in Wyoming County; Pavilion Gas Rochester Gas and Electric and Republic Light, Heat and Power in Genesee County; and Woodhull Municipal Gas, Southern Tier Gas Corp. and Corning Natural Gas Corp. in Steuben County. Market nominally steady. Per lb.

if Pilar, whom Robert W. Johnson, son of Mr. fancy small 75-80, medium 65-70, Mrs. Edith Davison of a Valley Road. Almond RD Body at Dagon Funeral Home, Hornell.

Funeral there today at 2 p. the Rev. G. Gilmour. Woodlawn Cemetery, Almond.

Mrs. Grace Andrews Darrow of Millerton. Funeral was held in Millerton Methodist Church A COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE heavy 50-55. ...,.7. Ul UJ1 ill iPoisoning, Dr.

Pittman said. Addra falU on Charles B. Chapman of 1175 S. Main Horseheads Body at Van Buskirk-Lynch Funeral Home, Horseheads. Funeral there today at 2 p.m..

the Rev. Raymond M. Brien. Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads. of the earth's Snow never than one-third surface.

you'll meet on a Mississippi a woman who could make any man get up a NOW! NOW! Thanksgiving Masses Slated luesday at 2 p.m.. the Rev. C. Philip Torrance, the Rev' Herbert Fway, the Rev Robert Homer and the Rev. David Scud-der.

Active pallbearers: Wendell E. Market a cadet at the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, has been selected to sing with academy's glee club. Johnson is to receive the bachelor of science degree from the academy in July. He will also be licensed by the Coast Guard for duty in the Merchant Marine, and be commissioned as an ensign in the United States Naval Reserve. Thanksgiving Day at the real head of steam sbHe1? Wat Anthony F.

Vitturino of 917 Sheeley St. Body at Mclnerny Funeral Home. Prayer service there today at 9:30 a.m., Solemn High Requiem Mass at 10 in St. Mary's Church. St.

Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Garrison, Wayne, Vincent, Mer- win and John A. A J. I 1 Wayne Harrison: honorary pall- bearers: the Rev Russell Carpen-j ter, the Rev. Horace Pittmanj cf ih Rntid Ph.i.

nmn ot. John the Baptist Church Thanksgiving Eve Dance! The HAY LOFT Pine City, New York Special TWO ORCHESTRAS for your Round and Square Dancing Featuring Brownie and The Star Dusters Plus Jimmie Avents and His Country Cousins Continuous Music From 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. I ml KT AT 'I has scheduled three special Warrpn Ofinm 1,18 -cuuicu mice I a Dr Uillnrtnn i 11 nwn tnuiIWAr wairen Odom. Millerton Thanksgiving Day Masses at 10 The Rev.

Lee Klaer, assistant rHBaron Steuben J- Tl iienkimf Tun Cemetery lut most of all and 12:10 and 5:15 p.m. 'pastor and director of vouth ac-1 Thursday. tivities at First Presbyterian The Rev. John J. Leary, pas- Church, will sDeak to the Horse- Steven Pulaski ol 459 Roe Ave.

Body at Kalec Funeral Home. Prayer service there today at 8:15 am. Requiem High Mass at 9 in St. Casimir's Church. St.

Peter end Paul's Cemetery, it is the story of Start Heights Decoration Bk Jake tor. announced Tuesday that the heads Rotarv Club at The Halt's sermon at each of the Low Mass- i restaurant tonight at 6:30. es will be preached by the Rev. mr r-- WW IB. BSSB1 sometime rancher, sometime Chilled Tomato Juice King Crabmat co*cktail Ravigote Cheese Tartelet Ramkin Fresh FrUit Cup E.

Leo McMannus. professor of English at St. Bernard's Semin Cream of Chicken Soup Consomme Royal Elmira Heights firemen hope ary in Rochester and diocesan but always a Shrimp co*cktail Supreme .50 lit ENJOY THANKSGIVING DINNER $3.25 Mrs. Louella 0. Hamilton of Elmira Rf) 2 Body at Olthof Funeral Home.

Funeral there today at 2 p.m., the Rev. George Evans. Jackson Center Cemetery. Francis W. Patterson of Erin.

Body at Barber Funeral Home, Horseheads. Funeral there today at 2 p.m., the Rev. Clyde Rose-k rans. Scotchtown Cemetery, Erin. at to complete hanging Christmas rector of the National Council of decorations on 14th St.

and Oak-j Catholic Women, wood Ave. by Dec. 2. The Pius Singers directed Fire station personnel began: by Elizabeth Byrne Bacon will electrical wiring work Monday sing at the 10 a.m, Mass with night. Police Patrolman Donald Mrs.

Marlene White as organ ac-Hurd, chairman of the light com- COmpMlSt mittee, said the lights should be I Tne Notre Dame High School turned on about Dec. 4. The lights Alumni Choir will sing at the '''l. iv sil' ROAST YOUNG MARYLAND TURKEY, Chestnut Dressing Giblet Gravy, Cranberry Sauce BAKED SUGAR CURED HAM GLACE, Champagne Sauce GRILLED FRESH SILVER LAKE SALMON STEAK, Maitre Hotel ROAST TOP SIRLOIN OF BEEF, Natural Gravy i CO) '1 1 FILMED IN CINEMASCOPE AND COLOR BY DELUXE mm -fl i nf upper orazos, the wild country where a nation was and of the Comancheros! noon Mass under the direction of Joseph C. C'rupi, with accompani ment by Miss Suzanne Raniewicz.

MASIA'S RESTAURANT PINE CITY ROAD COMPLETE TURKEY DINNER Mi Also complete menu to choose from Phone RE 2-3738 lot Reservation All Legal Beverages will be strung on 14th St from Grand Central Ave to Oakwood Ave. Mrs. Margaret H. Slow of 11514 High St Funeral was held Tues- $4.00 ROAST PRIME RIBS OF BEEF, au Jus, Yorkshire Pudding BREAST OF CORNISH GAME HEN, a la Kiev, Wild Rice 2a day at 11 a.m at Kalec Funeralj To defray costs of the decora- This is the third year St John's Home, the Rev, Latta Thomas, jtions, members of the fire offered special Thanksgiving Pallbearers. William Fitch, Don-jpartment will solicit funds from 'Day Masses.

aid Brooks, John Campbell. WU- Heights merchants. Uam Bennett, James in past years the Elmira O'CONNOR CITED George Williams. Woodlawn Cem- Heik'hls Chamber of Commerce Francis C. O'Connor, salesman Ride the crest of the wave onto the most beautiful place on earth join ElYJS PRESLEY IN A PARADISE OF SONG I $4.25 JOHN! HE TheCOMANCHEROS tery.

made the solicitation and gave for Lyman Gridliy has the nrocMdi in imp rfpnartmimt named to the "100 BROILED SPRING LAMB CHOPS, French Cut, Mint Jelly PRIME NEW YORK SIRLOIN STEAK, French Fried Onion Rings a group ol outstanding salesmen Deaths Elsewhere Horse Sfeps on Bomb, in the dealership of Lincoln-Mer cury automobiles. O'Connor has also been recognized by the Lincoln Mercury Sales Council. AS CROW Stuart Vincent arpenU-r H3, of f(Jy laca, Monday, Nov. 21), 1961 ami Ithaca, Monday VITERUO. Italy ti A horse was a member of St Paul's Mttho- Baked Idaho Potato Butternut Squash Glaced Yams in Syrup Green Beans with Mushrooms Cream Whipped Potatoes Tossed Green Salad Vegetable Aspic Salad French, Roquefort, Thousand Island, Chef Dressing World War II i 1 Church.

Ithaca, and Fidel.lv stumbled on a dist dist PRICES MATINEE Survived by Wl)lv fwmb the dirt beneath a Gypsy TONIGHT, STARTING THANKSGIVING WEEKEND RUSTIC GARDENS PRESENTS "THE UPSETTERS" Fri. Sat. Playing from 9 1 Fine Food, Legal Beverages PLAN NEW EMPLOYE SYSTEM TAIPEI, Formosa The Mrs Dnrn hv I)av I arripntpi itoh uiuci.ru on a 1 I daughters Mrs, Vclma Kissock injured eight per-i Chinese Nationalist government OPENS TODAY i ElMlii Relish Tray ADULT .65 CHILD .35 EVES. SUNDAY snd HOLIDAYS ADULT LOGE CHILD .85 1.00 .35 Cottage Cheese and Chives Red Pepper Chow-Chow Ithaca, Mrs Jean Edsell ol tsavs mU VPar a "ton, Ohio, Mrs Leona Knapp ol be explosion tore crater 2fM) new personnel system for govern- Yucaipa Calif Mrs Maty Ellen circumference ment workers patterned after the iood of Ovid; Mrs Helen Wend (lyPsv were U. Civil Sen; ice system.

Job lano of Vestal sons Earl and1 wrecked, and several horses and classification will replace the Karl of Ithaca; "sister. 'Mrs. Leona m'r killed. present system of appointments Enjoy THANKSGIVING DINNER at the STATE RESTAURANT Roast Long Island Duckling Roast Young Turkey Baked Virginia Ham Roast Chicken Fried Deep Sea Scallops Fresh Florida Red Snapper Delightful Course Expertly Prepared, Efficiently Served STATE RESTAURANT And Lounge 133 135 E. WATER ST.

Nest to Chemung Canal Trust Company The Home of Good Food and HoapitslltT Phone RF HISS I smi sBtj js UUSiCAl- English Plum Pudding Brandy Sauce Strawberry Sundae Hot Mince Meat Pie Hard Sauce Fresh Pumpkin Pie Whipped Cream Deep Dish Apple Pie Ice Cream Lemon Sherbet Creme De Menthe HMD in HAWMS FABIAOUS HltSUft AIM i us TECHNICOLOR PMMSI0H SCHOOLS OUT, RIGHT? FRIDAY Weather Around U.S. Cage of Freeulle. N. 19 grandchildren Body at Wagner Funeral Home. Ithaca.

Funeral Friday at 2 p. m. in St Paul's Church, the Rev Henry Budd Mints DOORS OPEN 9:30 SHOW AT Children under 12 years less Served from Noon 'til 8:00 P.M. CHILD .35 ADULTS 65 1 Thraa Stooges Comedy 1 Littlo Rascalt 2 Novelty Featurtttes 10 Cartoons GIAHT KIDDIE SHOW 15 Cartoonsl Comedies DAWN DANCE THANKSGIVIH8 EVE, NOV. 22nd BROOKSIDE HALL, TIOGA, PA.

2 BANDS BATTLE OF MUSIC SPARKY BILLON HIS SADDLE PALS WHITE and tin RHYTHM 4 10 P. M. 'til 306 Monloursville, formerly of Mansfield. Monday, 20, 1961. She was a member of Mansfield Methodist Church.

Survived by husband, Earl Crut-' tpnripn nn Edward nf Williams- NEW YORK Low and high Los Angeles 4fl 0 temperatures and weather in 22 Miami Beach 67 77 PC cities in the United States Tues-lNew Orleans 47 65 PC day were. (New York City 36 44 Low High Wea. Philadelphia 29 44 Albany 32 .17 CI Phoenix 50 61 Atlanta 2H 53 'Pittsburgh 32 42 City 39 47 Portland, Me. 32 35 8 Boston 33 3D 1st. Louii 36 45 CI Chicago 32 40 CI Seattle 33 42 C) I Denver 21 33 Tamps 56 74 Detroit 27 41 Washington 37 40 iDuluth 2fl 31 Kev to symbols clear: CI, Fort Worth 45 60 cloudy; PC partly cloudy; rain, Kansas City 39 48 snow.

5 15 TOTAL port daughter, Mrs Richard Noveltias mlWU BIAPKUhU. AMP A lAklQRIIQV. HMlfiVMnm CisilSSrwOiW Barron of Linden RD sisters, Mrs Lena 1 1 Mrs vvrtif iwwmmem tviVLLn uunjuuni imwi nnuW ftmm Edith Benson and Mrs Grace Cornweli of Mansfield: ill grand.

Elmira Advertiser from Elmira, New York (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.